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Michael Jackson contracts MRSA-type superbug


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Michael Jackson has contracted an MRSA-type skin infection during plastic surgery to reconstruct his nose, it has emerged.


The 50-year-old singer is allegedly receiving medical treatment at a top Beverly Hills clinic to try and beat the superbug, which is said to have spread throughout his body.


The claim is the latest health scare surrounding Jackson, who denied reports in December that he was suffering from a potentially fatal lung disease.


Speculation grew after the frail star was seen being pushed in a wheelchair.


Jackson was recently pictured on his way to the clinic for treatment wearing his usual dark sunglasses and surgical mask.

Michael Jackson


Witnesses said the skin on his hands and face appeared ‘visibly inflamed’ with red and purple blotches and he was said to have a badly swollen cheek.


According to The Sun, experts warned the severe ‘staph’ infection could develop into a flesh-eating disorder that could eat away at Jackson’s skin and leave him in need of major surgery.


‘The disease is an MRSA-style infection because it is resistant to conventional antibiotics, so he has been visiting a clinic to get antibiotics via an IV drip,’ a source told the newspaper.


‘The infection has spread throughout his face and body and is being aggressively treated by doctors.


‘There’s a chance it could turn into a flesh-eating disorder where it begins to kill off his skin so he’s being very carefully monitored,’ the source added.


US plastic surgeon Dr Anthony Youn, who has not treated Jackson, is quoted saying the possible infection could have been contracted during his nasal reconstruction surgery.


Jackson’s spokesman was unavailable for comment last night.


In December, biographer Ian Halperin claimed that Jackson was dying from a rare lung disease, but the story was dismissed by the star’s publicist as ‘total fabrication.’



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Man, why does this stuff has to happen to the greatest? I feel so sorry for MJ, Freddie Mercury, Micheal J Fox and people equally talented that get treated like shit by life.


Yeah, they have lives that many couldn't even dream of and then die.


How tragic.


These things effect 'normal' people as well.

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Yeah, they have lives that many couldn't even dream of and then die.


How tragic.


These things effect 'normal' people as well.


Too bad they didn't influence whole generations.


It's the letter M... IT'S CURSED.


FUUUU, you're right! If I ever have a kid, I'll be sure that "M" isn't in his name and that he has Ronaldo as one of his names.

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What do you mean, specifically?

Well, for once he had a lot of surgical operations, many seemingly for vanity's sake. I'm not exactly against beautification surgery (is that a term?), but if anyone ever overdid it, it's MJ.


He has done a lot of weird things (nothing wrong with that), but some of them have been stupid, e.g. the balcony-baby incident. There are of course also all the child abuse claims, but as we can't be certain about those, I won't judge him for that.

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Skin infections suck. I've had one in my foot for a few days now but it's responding to the anti biotics I got yesterday and is almost gone now, despite being half way up my leg yesterday morning. I feel sorry for anybody who has MRSA and can't get rid of it so easily.

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Red and purple blotches on his hands? Sounds like me any time between September and April. Slightest hint of cold gives me an icy touch.


Hmm well there's a chance it could start eating his flesh, and knowing his luck it probably will, but that sounds all a bit typically over dramatic and I wouldn't count on it myself.

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I've been listening to Michael Jackson for as long as I can remember, he's always been a legend in my eyes. Yes it can be agreed that sometimes the surgical procedures he undergoes are obsessive, but it's not really HIS fault that he contracted it through surgery. Poor guy :(

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