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Aliens vs. Predator


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Just a quick question: Does the game still stay fluid when the Aliens are running fast, and stuffsss?


There were quite a few games of AVP2 that I played in the past (online) where the Aliens would be on one side of the screen, jump or run and would be on the other side, halfway up the wall. I could never tell if this was a problem purely down to slight lag or delay, or if the animation just wasn't...overly amazing.


I know the Aliens are meant to be supremely fast, but I don't think 2 had the balance quite right. It would be good to know if this balanced has been sorted for 3.


So are you getting a threesixteeeee Jim :p

Edited by ViPeR
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I wasn't playing as an Alien, but when I was looking at the guys screen next to me who was, it seemed as if the Alien could jump about 15 feet.


It did seem fluid, about 30fps with no lag (although it was obviously LAN).


I'm not sure if that answers your question, but it did seem pretty balanced with the amount of kills I was getting as a Marine, and being killed by an Alien.


Basically, if an Alien could creep up on you, you were dead, if you saw it first, it was dead.

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For AVP3, no way in hell.


For Aliens: Colonial Marines, I would be tempted. But, to be honest, I suck at keeping up with one system already plus the DS. Having 2 will be suicide.


Sell the Wii, problem solved. Seriously though I think it may have been a lag issue. Not so much of a problem these days even with huge games with lots going on. I don't think I can bring myself to be an Alien, I just wanna be Hicks laying the shit on everything.

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I wasn't playing as an Alien, but when I was looking at the guys screen next to me who was, it seemed as if the Alien could jump about 15 feet.


It did seem fluid, about 30fps with no lag (although it was obviously LAN).


I'm not sure if that answers your question, but it did seem pretty balanced with the amount of kills I was getting as a Marine, and being killed by an Alien.


Basically, if an Alien could creep up on you, you were dead, if you saw it first, it was dead.


That last bit sounds about right. Also, if there was more than one Alien doubling up on the humans, then that would also cause an Alien victory. I think the only way for the Marines to not win is if the humans controlling them just suck at shooting or if there are simply too many Aliens.


Sell the Wii, problem solved. Seriously though I think it may have been a lag issue. Not so much of a problem these days even with huge games with lots going on. I don't think I can bring myself to be an Alien, I just wanna be Hicks laying the shit on everything.


Screw you, Bitchfuck. I love my Wii. Probably got just as many Wii games as I have Cube games. But, there is more I need to, too. For Both.

Its more fun being a Marine if you're working with other people. Same with Aliens, too. But, if you're going solo, then being a Predator is probably the most fun. However, the speed of the Aliens is just unreal. Especially that Alien3 type Alien in AVP2, The Runner.

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Have to say when we watched it was 3 marines vs 1 predator who in the right hands looked stupidly overpowered but then perhaps the guys playing was just really good...


Later on saw some aliens and the movement seems spot on, you could scurry up walls etc...and the camera sort of had this shuffling/bobbling effect to reflect this movement...


I'm onto Resurrection tonight in my Alien-Predator viewing experience.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
There's some new footage doing the rounds at the moment. First up you have the official Killmoves trailer, which obviously doesn't make great viewing if you're at work:



There's also 5 minutes of PS3 Alien gameplay — complete with Polish voice over — and a couple of minutes of the PC version that shows a bit of each race's campaign.


as an aside: I know the guy who did the audio on that video.

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Why don't you just leave it set up?


I dont like all my stuff being cluttered especially when it comes to wires. It seemed pointless leaving it out for 3-4 months just gathering dust, thought I may aswell keep it in its box where it will stay all shiny and new. :D I usually do this when I have all 3 consoles at once, only the 360 has survived the boxing process.

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  • 2 weeks later...

anyone else got a feeling this is gonna be shite? I dunno, the videos havent convinced me at all. A few of me mates are well hyped for it, but i think Bioshock takes Febuary for me, and then bad company in March, no AvP for me, unless its shit hot :P


Are we getting a demo?

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My worry is that, like MW2, we could get a really restrictive campaign experience. If there's no room for improvisation or proper exploration then it could end up being really stale. If that's the case, then the MP would have to be off the hook for me to purchase it. I'm guessing it wont be.


Probably worth a rent, mind. I'm sure that playing the marine levels on my own, in the dark, with headphones on will be as sphincter dialatingly traumatic as it was in 1999 so it'll definitely be worth a punt at least once.

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I think the demo is out beginning of Feb. Yeah I agree the campaign won't be anything special, infact I doubt it'll be much of an evolution from the 1999 original; more of the same with a new coat of paint.


The multiplayer looks 'fun' but nothing that I could seriously get into (like CoD, Halo, Battlefield), on the other hand the 'horde' mode looks great.

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That Predator campaign looks great. The Marine one looked pretty terrifying, with the minimal light and the occassional bleep on the motion tracker. The 10 minute Alien vid seemed strange to me. Is that really the start of the campaign? If so, I'm a little disappointed that it doesn't start in a similar way to AVP2, where you start off as a face-hugger, then a chest-burster, then you grow into a drone. Also, where did that face-hugger come from in that video?! The Alien pushes that human to the floor and the face-hugger just appears out of nowhere. Are there eggs around there or something? The other disappointing thing is that it's a short video, yet there was a fair bit of repeated dialogue. "It's HERE!"


I'm thinking that the Predator campaign may be the one to watch for. It looked really fun. Also, if you do play it, you need to play with the "true" Predator's vision. Heat-signatures me do. :)

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