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Red Dead Redemption

Guest Jordan

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Excellent game, just go wandering is great, running into people, them asking for a lift back into town and then they nick your horse, bullet in the back for you, sir!!


I also tried to rescue a guy who was getting hanged, i tried to shoot the rope but he wouldn't drop, git.


It's also pretty grim, I understand it was most possibly like that, but kids going missing and get eating by cannibals!!

Same happened to me, died in the end. I bet you needed to use red eye.

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Same happened to me, died in the end. I bet you needed to use red eye.


Yeah your probably right, Just unlocked dead eye now, its absolutley crazy, very funny using it to shoot at horses feet making them drop.

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Soooooo am I the only who lassos people, ties them up, puts them on the horse and then takes them to the nearest railway track and lays them down and wait for the train to arrive. :D


If you do that with a woman, you get an achievement.



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I'm loving it - any PS3 owners wanna try some online later tonight?


Mind if I add you? Need more guys who play the game on the PS3 :p


Probably won't play this game today since the weather is fucking ace.


The online is really great. I have only played one or two matches in competitive mode. Free roam is fun as hell. Just playing with a bunch of people and conquering gang hideouts is more satisfying than most of what I've played this year.

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This game is just pure fun, I will happily just ride my horse around the land, hoping for some random thing to happen.


This game is gradually becoming the best game I have played on this current HD console, this or bayonetta, either way this year has been too good for me xD For once the end of the year might be the relaxing time of the year :heh:

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Grabbing my copy tomorrow. Weather has been too good to be gaming the past few days, but I'm back at work 2moz so chilling out with a copy of Read Dead when I get home seems like a sweet idea. Looking forward to it, I hear ace things! :D

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This game has pretty much slipped right past me. I just saw some of its review scores and my jaw dropped. Is this a must-have?


Yes! I knew nothing about it until Wednesday or so then looked into and it thought it looked incredible.


I think its far better than GTA IV. Definitely worth a purchase. And worth noting that Argos are selling it for £35 which is the cheapest brick 'n' mortar retailer price.

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Amazing thing happened just now:


I rode aimlessly on a street and another guy on a horse advances to me. He stopped, dismounted, went to the nearest cactus and took a leak.

After he had finished, I finished him.


Love those random events. :laughing:


There's always something going on. A thief running away from the crime scene and you have to stop him, someone getting shot, someone trying to steal your horse. The world is so lively it's incredible.

But there's something "bad" about this: I only have done a few story missions (maybe 7?) because everything else is distracting me.



I just googled and tried to find out whether there was a casino in Red Dead Redemption, but it seems that there isn't. :( Well well, you can't have everything, can you? :p

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Amazing thing happened just now:


I rode aimlessly on a street and another guy on a horse advances to me. He stopped, dismounted, went to the nearest cactus and took a leak.

After he had finished, I finished him.


Love those random events. :laughing:


There's always something going on. A thief running away from the crime scene and you have to stop him, someone getting shot, someone trying to steal your horse. The world is so lively it's incredible.

But there's something "bad" about this: I only have done a few story missions (maybe 7?) because everything else is distracting me.



I just googled and tried to find out whether there was a casino in Red Dead Redemption, but it seems that there isn't. :( Well well, you can't have everything, can you? :p


There is one bar that has liar dice(?) blackjack and texas hold 'em, so thats about as good as a casino :p liar dice is really good fun. great game.


Everyone else wondering if the should buy it, please just do it, you wont regret it and much much better than GTAIV. You dont skip to other parts of the map like you do in GTAIV, you just happily go riding on your horse, hunting and shooting and waiting for random things happening.

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I play Poker way more than the actual game it's quite bad. I do really like the atmosphere but what's with the treasure maps. How incredibly vague could they be. I have one with a picture of a mountain with (II) by it and in the same picture a rock and a tree labelled (I) in the foreground with an X by a stone. What the hell...I must say the multiplayer is all over the place at the moment. I connect to a game, get disconnected, back to free roam and more often than not it disconnects me from that free roam and tries to connect me to another! Only thing is it never does and gets stuck on the loading screen. Until this is patched I probably won't play much more of that side.


Haven't really spent much time mission wise, I prefer just roaming around and exploring.

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I only have one treasure map, too. You're right, ViPeR, the maps seem to be veeeeery vague. Maybe I'll stumble upon the treasure by coincidence.


I think the online is great. Yeah, there are some issues here and there (e.g. I mostly get into Free Roam sessions where I'm the only player), but when you have some people with you it's fun.


@Cookyman: Mind if I add you?


Edit: Just found out that you are able to listen to your own music with the PS3 version. Makes poker much more enjoyable :D

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Had a fairly good play of this last night, really liking it. Does anyone know how to avoid getting grilled for doing anything slightly against the law? I wanted to lasso someone and put them on the train tracks, but as soon as I had lasso'd someone while on my horse I was wanted and you can't go that fast while on the horse. So everyone shot at me.


Also ended up playing poker a bit too much. It was annoying in the end as the last guy I was playing with would fold at even the slightest raise...

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@Sheikah: Do you play this on the PS3?


Just had a look at some of the online trophies...


Go Team! - Be on the winning team for four consecutive victories in any team based game in public matches.


The Quick and Everyone Else... - Be the top scoring player in any three consecutive FFA games in public matches.


These are going to be frustrating.

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Had a fairly good play of this last night, really liking it. Does anyone know how to avoid getting grilled for doing anything slightly against the law?

I think if your honor is at max it helps out, I am not entirely sure to be honest, I have only been wanted three times, one on a mission and I had to be in the wanted, and the other one was a random occurrence where I saw two guys shooting at a man so I right away thought that those 2 guys were the bad ones, shot them only to realise they were officers :heh: and the other time I was about to shoot a man about to kill a woman but some guy was going fast with his horse and took the blow by accident.



I wanted to lasso someone and put them on the train tracks, but as soon as I had lasso'd someone while on my horse I was wanted and you can't go that fast while on the horse. So everyone shot at me.


I usually laso someone and put them on the train track when I got tricked into a random encounter, serves em right for treating me like shit :heh:



These are going to be frustrating.

Reminds me of the joy of getting online achievement of GTAIV :indeed:

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