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Mass Effect 2


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Anyone know if you can change class at the beginning of the second game? Although...that seems kinda impossible since it would require you to reassign all your skill points. FEH!


From what I understand, you will be able to switch your class. The only things that carry through from the original game are the decisions that you made.


As Cube stated, you will be able to get some sort of bonus for whatever level you achieved previously, but all characters will start again at Level 1.

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Ah, brilliant. That seems like a fairly logical thing to do actually. Otherwise they'd need to utilise some kind of rubber-band enemy AI toughness to compensate for the disparity between player levels on starting the game.


I succumbing to the latent geek within me when the first game came out and really getting into the lore, but for the life of me, I can't really remember anything outside the main sticking points of the story. Might have to wiki it.


Also: What kinda bonuses?

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Also: What kinda bonuses?[/color]


I've tried to avoid reading too much about the game so I'm not entirely sure what to expect, but I would assume (and hope) that the bonuses aren't anything too excessive, otherwise there could be potential balancing issues as you described above.


As for character/decision importation, I already have a couple of characters with slightly differing decisions in each playthrough so deciding which one to go with for my first run through on this could be a slight problem.

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Also: What kinda bonuses?

Your character starts at a slightly higher level — not by much, a level 60 will start at level 5 — and you begin with a cash and resource injection to give you a head start with the new research system. More a sign of recognition as opposed to anything that will unbalance the game, I think.

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Sweet :D This game is out so soon... I just had a quick look at my alts on ME1, I don't know which one I'll use! I had a Ruthless FemShep Infiltrator at 49, a ManShep (?) Paragon Vanguard at 51 and another FemShep, a level 60 Adept. I can't remember which I liked best, although logic would suggest that I liked the Adept since I went through the game multiple times with that build. I don't know which save will affect the next game... probably the first one you did with each character?

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Sweet :D This game is out so soon... I just had a quick look at my alts on ME1, I don't know which one I'll use! I had a Ruthless FemShep Infiltrator at 49, a ManShep (?) Paragon Vanguard at 51 and another FemShep, a level 60 Adept. I can't remember which I liked best, although logic would suggest that I liked the Adept since I went through the game multiple times with that build. I don't know which save will affect the next game... probably the first one you did with each character?


More than likely you'll get to choose which character you want to import I think. Had to choose between Mass Effect 2 gaming day and the mrs today...That'll be Saturday now then lol.

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Yeah I figured I'd get to choose which character, but the thing is I have multiple saves with each character from where I started a New Game+. So I may have made certain actions on one playthrough with my Adept but then made a different decision *cough*Ashley*cough* the second time through.

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Yeah I figured I'd get to choose which character, but the thing is I have multiple saves with each character from where I started a New Game+. So I may have made certain actions on one playthrough with my Adept but then made a different decision *cough*Ashley*cough* the second time through.


Ah I see what you mean. Maybe it'll either take the highest ranking save or allow you to select every save you have. Bring on the weekend!

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He said he struggles to walk not that he can't at all. He has Brittle Bone Disease.

Game have shipped my copy :)
Actually shipped? Aw dayum, I'm jealous. I know that GAME move their orders to a "ready for dispatch" stage sometimes as much as 24 hours before they actually ship them out though. I read on the shopto forum that someone phoned up and was told they were shipping today.


If that's the case I may not come back to this thread from now until I have finished the game!

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I have to admit I had a vague interest in the first one but still held out hope it would make it to PS3, but now thats looking like it will never happen have to admit the coverage of this game makes me sorely tempted to crack and get an xbox.

I would be very surprised if you don't see Mass Effect 2 come to the PS3 — the first one's more of a grey area as it would require more work. EA own the rights to the series, it's running on UE3, there's around 30 million PS3s out there... it just makes good business sense. That said you might be waiting until 2011; at a guess I'd say that Microsoft are helping co-market the game in exchange for a period of exclusivity.


I get the feeling my Amazon order won't arrive until next Monday which is a bit of a pain. Unfortunately I can't really afford to switch to someone prompter but more expensive, though.

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I would be very surprised if you don't see Mass Effect 2 come to the PS3 — the first one's more of a grey area as it would require more work. EA own the rights to the series, it's running on UE3, there's around 30 million PS3s out there... it just makes good business sense. That said you might be waiting until 2011; at a guess I'd say that Microsoft are helping co-market the game in exchange for a period of exclusivity.


I get the feeling my Amazon order won't arrive until next Monday which is a bit of a pain. Unfortunately I can't really afford to switch to someone prompter but more expensive, though.


See thats what I thought would be the case with ME1 but as time went on it became obvious that it wasnt and I fear the same will happen with ME2.

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Anyone know if there is a "Previously On" built into the game. I can't remember what choices I made.


Hopefully this will be the game the first one should have been.


When you import your game I think it shows all of the important decisions you made, just confirming that it's your game.


And I think if you did multiple play-throughs with a character, you get different ending saves each time, so you can choose which one you want.

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Thats what I don't like about things which come in series....I played Mass Effect ages ago but I've slept since then. I know the game is full of self references but I worry I won't appreciate them because I can't remember the bloomin story! I'm so sad I'm tempted to read up on it somewhere so I know where I am

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