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George Best's last hours


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It is about time, he had had chance after chance, given care that no one else would get and he has still abused it. Good riddance I say.


I was goin to say something like that, but then changed my mind. some poor sod died, gave their liver, when it could have been given to someone that would have used it better really. youd think if you got a second chance youd really make the most of it.

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on the liver topic, the NHS is planning to introduce psychologists to assess the risk of people failing to stay off the juice after a transplant.



you cant really shit on the guy though, for all his behavior you have to remember that being an alcoholic must be living hell, especially when it drove best to the lenghths it did. i do pity him though, he was obviously incredibly talented and its a great shame.

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It's a real shame. He was a great footballer, he doesn't deserve to die like this. He also doesn't deserve to have people who don't even know him shit on him, so lay off guys.


Hear Hear.


Best was a legend, and how many of you are perfect?


Anyone more shitty comments I'll delete him. I dont care if you think im being a fucking Nazi becuase of it either. He was and is a legend.




I can't believe some of the replies in this thread. He may not have been perfect, but the man's dying. Calling him 'scum' and saying 'good riddance' is well out of order. :mad:


Even a Scouser, a Manc's rival, appreciates Best.

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It's a real shame. He was a great footballer, he doesn't deserve to die like this. He also doesn't deserve to have people who don't even know him shit on him, so lay off guys.


Actually, i would beg to differ


My uncle is an alcoholic, who has destroyed his liver. I would say the same thing about him as well, but he is even more of a dick than best is/


On the other hand, my auntie suffered liver failure - she was a very healthy person, who i loved very dearly, she needed a new liver - but never got one. So to see someone like best just destroy the second chance he got, it really pisses me off.

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Actually, i would beg to differ


My uncle is an alcoholic, who has destroyed his liver. I would say the same thing about him as well, but he is even more of a dick than best is/


On the other hand, my auntie suffered liver failure - she was a very healthy person, who i loved very dearly, she needed a new liver - but never got one. So to see someone like best just destroy the second chance he got, it really pisses me off.


Its not actually his second liver that is causing him to die. Its caused by a lung infected, causing interal bleeding, as a result of immune supressing drugs, for any of you that bothered to read the article...


He died becuase of his first chance. If your auntie got the liver transplant she eeded she would have been vunerable to infection, like Best was. Would you like it if everystarted started saying she had another chance but ruined it. Don't think so.

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He died becuase of his first chance. If your auntie got the liver transplant she eeded she would have been vunerable to infection, like Best was. Would you like it if everystarted started saying she had another chance but ruined it. Don't think so.



I dont care how he is dying, the point is, he has still ruined the liver that could have been given to someone else. He also had the rules bent for him in order to recieve the liver, would you or I have had that? i highely doubt it.

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Anyone more shitty comments I'll delete him. I dont care if you think im being a fucking Nazi becuase of it either.


Scary huh? Nazi Bastard


All of you guys werent old enough to know George Best for what he was in his younger years and so what he enjoyed a drink or two. Im sure if you all werent internerds that you might be too. Thing is, he was the best player to grace this game, in my opinion better than pele, and although i wasnt around at the time to know him for who he really was too, alot of people i know who were are quite upset as he was a genuine guy who talked to the fans and wasnt a complete arsehole cause he had alot of money and however much he drank, doesnt deserve a) this death b) you dudes being motherfuckers and chatting shit about him on an internet forum.


Respect Bestie, Fuck you dicks

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you cant say good hes dyin. He was a fans favourite and still is, and for that it must not only be for his football skills but something else too


My dad and relatives of that age all tell me how great a football player George Best was and they tell me he was the best they've seen after Pele, i wished i got to see him play.

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Ruined a perfectly good liver that he got through a donation, and then started drinking again. When someone else who will of appreciated it more coold of got it. Imagine how the family of the person who donated it feel, the person if buried without his/her organs and george best goes and wastes it like he wastes his life.

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