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Edge retires :(


Though I suppose that's the price you pay for the bumps he took earlier in his career (in the TLC matches etc)



Now WWE needs to elevate mid carders more than ever. But as I mentioned before WM, they buried them in meaningless 8 man tag matches or celebrity involvements in order to put over nostalgic acts like Austin and The Rock. Now, we are supposed to take the fact that R-Truth has a WWE title match at Extreme Rules seriously when he had nothing to do with WM whatsoever.



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1st anyone see last weeks Smackdown where they had the rematch of the mania 8 man tag and it actually lasted a decent amount of time :heh: Wonder if that was due to complaints of the mania match.


Anyway, more importantly, just watched last nights Raw and Edge announced his retirement. That was surprising and sad :cry: Apparently he's been having pains and numbness in his arms and after a recent MRI (i guess in the last week) was advised by doctors to stop. His Wiki page says he was diagnoised with "Spinal Stenosis".


Sad to see him go, he was one hell of a great heel... though I guess it's also good that this happened at a time when he was a face so he would go out like that.


Also a shame that they had already set him to defend his title at Extreme Rules. Guess they'll prolly have Christian face Del Rio for the vacant title now. I was also looking forward to see Edge face Christian at some point which they seemed to be building towards. Guess it won't be now though. Hope they give Christian both the chance and the title at Extreme Rules.



haha Dog Amoto must have posted as I was typing :heh:

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Just watched Raw this morning and it was one of the most entertaining 2 hours of WWE in a long time. When Morrison came out and said "Orton and Cena for the title, been there done that its time for a change" it really hit home how true it was. I want to see some difference in the WWE now, its time for a change.


Edge has gone now, one of the greatest the WWE has ever had. His title will be vacant, so do something with it WWE. Lets have a 3 week qualifying tournament with the final played at Extreme rules, something like King of the Ring but with actual meaning.


Lawler v Cole is getting boring now, lets hope that cole gets the kicking he deserves and that be the end of it.

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Lawler v Cole is getting boring now, lets hope that cole gets the kicking he deserves and that be the end of it.


Tell me about it, and the amount of time and attention the WWE are giving to it is bloody annoying when hey could be doing so much more elsewhere.


And the match for Extreme Rules turned into a tag team match. Lawler & JR vs Cole & Swagger. Frakking hell is JR gonna do in the ring :heh:

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There was talk last year of Edge retiring "within the next two or three years" so it wasn't too surprising. However, as Mokong was saying, it must have been within the last week he had the MRI as they'd already set up the ladder match at Extreme Rules (Money in the Bank style match to replace it anyone? Del Rio, Christian, McIntyre, Rhodes, Kingston, Barrett, Gabriel) But this is not an angle, it's legit, so Edge is really gone :(




Sorry for the popups on this site - it's great for news, but a pain in the arse for popups (I only use the app they have on itunes nowadays) so here's what it says. And I quote:


WWE News: Details on Edge's condition that led to his retirement, WWE says they could never clear Edge to wrestle again


Apr 12, 2011 - 12:18:50 AM


By James Caldwell, Torch assistant editor



WWE issued a release on Monday night following Edge's retirement announcement with their version of medical details that led to Edge's sudden retirement.


-- Edge had been suffering "numbness and uncontrollable trembling" in his arms and hands. It was determined Edge was suffering from nueropraxia, which is a common condition for pro athletes who suffer a severe injury affecting their nervous system.


-- When Edge returned to the ring following spinal fusion surgery in 2003, the continued wear and tear of wrestling narrowed his spinal column above the fused discs.


As a result, there was "less and less" vital fluid in Edge's system protecting the spinal cord. Edge mentioned on Raw he could have ended up in a wheelchair if he continued to wrestle. WWE noted: "Medical professionals cannot clear Edge to compete ever again in WWE since doing so could result in paralysis or even death."


-- The MRI that Edge mentioned during his retirement speech on Raw was administered at Atlanta Midtown Diagnostic Imaging last Monday, April 4, the day after his now-final match against Alberto Del Rio at WrestleMania 27 in Atlanta.


-- WWE's chief medical director, Dr. Joseph Maroon, reviewed the MRI and determined that Edge "would never be cleared to compete again," forcing Edge to retire from the ring.


I agree with Lawler/Cole getting a bit boring - why would Lawler pick a tag match when he could have had Cole all to himself. I did like the alienation of Swagger with the Cole Slap but would have liked them to stay on the same page for a bit longer.


Sin Cara has been ho-hum thus far. Sure - he's flashy in the ring, but we've seen it all before with Rey Mysterio and the Cruiserweight Division they had a few years back. Is he going to talk on the mic and have a meaningful feud with someone? And he should really lose the trampoline entrance. He cocked it up two times out of three. And he also botched the first attempt at his finishing move on Primo.


Awesome Kong should be debuting soon with the doll vignette being shown last night. Though unless she's going to compete against men like Chyna did, I can't see her adding much to the Women's Division as she will just steamroller them all.


Frakking hell is JR gonna do in the ring :heh:




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Sin Cara has been ho-hum thus far. Sure - he's flashy in the ring, but we've seen it all before with Rey Mysterio and the Cruiserweight Division they had a few years back. Is he going to talk on the mic and have a meaningful feud with someone? And he should really lose the trampoline entrance. He cocked it up two times out of three. And he also botched the first attempt at his finishing move on Primo.


Speaking of Sin Cara, where the hell was Sheamus this week? I was expecting him to come out and get some payback on Sin Cara from last week... I find "Sin Cara"'s name funny too as "Cara" is Irish for "Friend", so to me his name kind sounds like he is a "Sinful Friend" :heh:


Awesome Kong should be debuting soon with the doll vignette being shown last night. Though unless she's going to compete against men like Chyna did, I can't see her adding much to the Women's Division as she will just steamroller them all.


Is it Awesome Kong? I was thinking that when I saw the clip but was hoping it might be someone else, didn't know she had left TNA. I couldn't see Awesome Kong fitting into the WWE's style of diva as of late. The closest they've come to really "big/muscle" women are Natalya and Beth Phenoix... and either of those should have steamrolled everyone else instead they had them near constantly losing to Lay Cool :heh:

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Haha, forgot about that... though he was younger and somewhat "thinner" back then. Forgot about that rivallry, completely... hopefully that means I'll also forget about this Lawler vs Cole one when it is over and Cole might vanish like Coachman did.

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Didn't see RAW, but it is a damn shame Edge is retiring. He is/was one of the greatest to grace a WWE ring, and was a great heel back in the day. At least he retires as World Champ, how many people can say that?. And, it is 100% certain that Edge won't have another match and won't "cross the line" as many other wrestlers. WWE should give him a back-stage role in the future, and he's near enough certain for the HOF one day.


This should be the opportunity for WWE to push Christian as a replacement for Edge on Smackdown, they need a babyface to challenge for the WHC now. They do need to push new stars now, since the veterans are slowly retiring from the ring.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's the WWE Draft tonight. Wonder how they'll shake things up after Edge's retirement. They seriously need some decent singles wrestlers on SmackDown.


On an unrelated matter. Fans of my age will remember this guy(the one in my avatar dancing with Phil Collins - yes that did happen!). Came across this video which is great! - they don't make promos like this any more! Christian does a great impression near the end!


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Warrior was, and still is a nutter




WWE Draft Results (so far)


(Spoilers Ahoy)



John Cena - Smackdown

Mark Henry - Smackdown

Sin Cara - Smackdown

Randy Orton - Smackdown


Rey Mysterio - RAW

Alberto Del Rio - RAW

Big Show - RAW

John Cena - RAW


Yeah, you read the list right. Cena was double-drafted. Which means Smackdown is down 1 pick, they got 3 whilst RAW got 4



Supplemental Draft coming later today 12pm ET (around 4pm in the UK)


Edit (again)


Supplemental Draft Results



Daniel Bryan - Smackdown

Jack Swagger - RAW

Great Khali + Ranji Singh - Smackdown

Jimmy Uso - Smackdown

Kelly Kelly - RAW


Alicia Fox - Smackdown

William Regal - Smackdown

Yoshi Tatsu - Smackdown

Drew McIntyre - RAW

Natalya - Smackdown

Curt Hawkins - RAW

Chris Masters - RAW

Jey Uso - Smackdown

Kofi Kingston - RAW

Ted DiBiase - Smackdown

Tyson Kidd - Smackdown

Tamina - Smackdown

Tyler Reks - RAW

Alex Riley - Smackdown

Beth Phoenix - RAW

Sheamus - Smackdown




Overall, Smackdown got the better draft i think. Great talent coming over to the blue side.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

More on the Rock/Cena feud.



I wish they'd just shut up and get on with it already. WM28 is too long to wait to keep things hot and interesting.


In other news, I'm really looking forward to see what happens at Money in the Bank this Sunday. CM Punk vs Cena with Punk saying he will take the WWE title with him when his contract expires the same day. Been some great promos from Punk recently including this one which was a worked "shoot"



Plus the MITB Ladder matches themselves, I'm actually quite looking forward to this PPV which is a rare thing for me recently in the post Wrestlemania season.

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If Punk wins the title, he'll lose it that night. I can see that occuring, if WWE go down that road. Kane did it last year against Mysterio, this year the RAW winner will do it to Punk. Either that, or Cena will "overcome the odds" again, like always. Which is boring.

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In other news, I'm really looking forward to see what happens at Money in the Bank this Sunday. CM Punk vs Cena with Punk saying he will take the WWE title with him when his contract expires the same day. Been some great promos from Punk recently including this one which was a worked "shoot"


Indeed, tremendous promos from Punk! Can't remember the last time WWE programming has given me such a sense of awe... :D The audience basically eating from his hand, and what tension with Vince...this man is a friggin' legend! And the Freddie Mercury moustache, even more brilliant! Like you, this is one PPV I'd actually like to see, just for what happens in regards to this angle! Like finally WWE has found something edgy and interesting, totally face-meltingly awesome, but I'm just worried that all this comes to an end next Sunday...Well, there's still R-Truth, but come one, this Punk stuff has been like an atom bomb of refreshment compared to everything else. Dismissing that kind of potential would be just friggin' idiotic, and totally lame...


Smackdown? Ah, so boring...Christian's gone heel so that's good, but he needs to go more overboard to get things rolling. Not sure if he'll win the title even on Sunday....


TNA / Impact Wrestling? Sting's gone totally nuts, which is awesome! Really digging how at this stage of his career, he still managed to pull off something completely new and make it work! Friggin' hilarious stuff, making Hulk Hogan eat vitamins in the middle of the ring! xD


Also, the X Division qualifier matches were darn sweet, really showing you how different the WWE and IW really are...I knew Kaval / Low Ki was awesome, but Jimmy Yang (Wang) was kicking total ass as well! Talk about wasted talent in the WWE...

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Is TNA still high on the nonsensical angles and storylines, where titles, alignments and rules change every week? Or hour? That pretty much turned me off from what I liked about TNA: good wrestling, straightforward angles and respect for the performers.


Meanwhile, in WWE... CM Punk might as well convince me to start watching RAW again, if he stays after MitB. I can't remember the last time I was so excited for a non-royal rumble PPV.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to watch it in the following week (bad timing for holidays...).

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I've always wanted to know ; what is the difference between Raw/Smackdown/etc?


Raw is WWE's flagship show. Started in the early 90s and is broadcast (mostly) live every Monday night. SmackDown started in the late 90's on Thursday nights and was a response to WCW at the time having two weekly shows (Nitro and Thunder)


Around 2001, Vince McMahon bought WCW and signed a few of their stars along with it. As the roster was quite extensive, they did an invasion storyline where Shane (Vince's son "bought" WCW from under his father's nose and used their wrestlers to invade the WWF. After it was over they decided to split the brands into two separate rosters - Raw and SmackDown so wrestlers only usually appear on one show. Every year or so, they do a draft where they trade a few around. At the moment, the Undertaker is on SmackDown and John Cena is on Raw. They also have two world titles, one for each brand.


It's really a load of bollocks as they are trying to do it like a serious sports brand split (like the AFL and NFL) but in reality they just make it up as they go along. Recently they've been doing a PPV called Bragging Rights where it's a 7 vs 7 elimination tag match between the brands and we are supposed to cheer for one brand over the other, as if they were in heated competition for the other times of the year, but no-one really cares about it.

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Wow, I had no idea it was that retarded. Sounds ridiculous.


For the record, while the history with WCW caused the system to become like this, that part is unimportant. They're just two different shows, where wrestlers are exclusive to one over the other (because they have a large roster)


This would be fine, if they ever stuck to the rules they set, instead we have wrestlers changing shows when they feel like it, random inter-brand matches when the company feels like it, and so on. They used to be better about this kind of stuff, but now...

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Agree 100% with Jonnas.


Anyway, ideal scenario for Money in the Bank - Punk beats Cena with help from Vince McMahon who wanted to fire Cena all along and they have secretly formed an alliance to get rid of him. However, this wouldn't make any sense as Cena is in the main event of WM28 so what will actually happen is Punk will join the long long list of wrestlers who have been buried by SuperCena such as Wade Barrett, The Miz, R Truth etc and then WWE will wonder why there are not enough main eventers in the company yet again.


I actually hate Cena with a passion. It's nothing to do with his character or his gimmick, but the fact that he is holding down up and coming stars. Even if he loses to someone, it'll be by interference or cheating and you just know that he will eventually get his own back. It's so predictable and boring. He is a modern day Hulk Hogan. At least in the Attitude Era, the top stars like HBK, Austin, Foley, Undertaker and Rock actually took clean losses from time to time to elevate newer talent.

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