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The Wrasslin' thread


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haha anyone watching this now?

we got ourselves a 21 second match :D.. I won't spoil anything though :)


Indeed we do, i laughed.


Very happy with the results, a few un-predictable ones as usual. And a few memorable "Wrestlemania" moments.

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I agree it wasn't great. HHH vs. Orton was awful. Some nice moves in there, but it ended too quickly. There was no, OMG what's going to happen next feeling. It just... happened.


The triple threat was tame too, even though the ending was pretty cool. Alot of people were booing Cena too which sucks.


Best match was Taker vs. HBK. Thats what all the matches should have been like. Top quality, edge of your seat stuff. I was cheering and screaming and all sorts during that one!


Matt vs. Jeff had some good parts. I enjoyed it but, didn't think it was back and forth enough.


Money In The Bank was good but again, it felt too short. Not enough cool stuff happened. Shame Shelton messed up one of the moves too.


All in all it was a good watch, but i confess myself disappointed. HBK vs. Taker was amazing, and this mania will be remembered for that match alone. The other two main events wern't shocking enough for me, and didn't keep me guessing. That's a number one fail right there. If it doesn go back and forth and make you excited, then its just not good enough.


Ah well. 7/10 for the Hardy match and 9.5/10 for the Taker match. 6/10 overall though.

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it;s just that if the orton and HHH one wasn't going to be a wrestling match then they should have made it no DQ..


I mean wouln't it have been cool if the mcmahons got involved in the match.. A bit of attitude era excitment..


Main events have really gone downhill since there became 2 world titles..

I haven't seen a main event that bad since wrestlemania 13 taker and psycho sid and that's saying a lot.

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best mania? 17.. by far.. 10/10

Indeed (that was Rock v Stone Cold yeah??)


Undertaker vs Shawn was the obvious highlight, that being said the rest wasn't too bad. maybe there could have been some actual wrestling in the 2 main events?? but it was still entertaining.

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Indeed (that was Rock v Stone Cold yeah??)


maybe there could have been some actual wrestling in the 2 main events?? but it was still entertaining.


It's ridiculous isn't it? Just hearing you say that reminds me that they really didn't wrestle at all in thos events, at Wrestlemania. For shame.


Should hopefully watch Raw tonight, hoping they can take the results in a good direction. I think the redraft is next week so that might be good, though lately both shows have sort have merged anyway =/

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It's ridiculous isn't it? Just hearing you say that reminds me that they really didn't wrestle at all in thos events, at Wrestlemania. For shame.


Should hopefully watch Raw tonight, hoping they can take the results in a good direction. I think the redraft is next week so that might be good, though lately both shows have sort have merged anyway =/


Yeah, i don't see the point continuing with a Brand split no-more. I mean, we have all three brands appearing on all three shows together, and before Mania we had Vickie as both GM's of Smackdown and RAW.

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You guys are insane, Wrestlemania was incredible! We had a Wrestlemania party at my friends house. No women allowed, tonnes of alcohol and a delicious Wrestlemania cake (complete with edible HBK and Undertaker).




There were a few dull matches and a little too much Kid Rock but it was worth it for the 8-Way Ladder match and The Undertaker vs HBK alone.

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That was awesome! Better than Mania? haha. I was totally suprised by Batista as i didn't read anything. Great stuff.


The 8-man all-star match was brill too. Lots of good action. Oh and the tag match was good as well. Even Santina had me entertained! Quality Raw. Glad to see they can still deliver.

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Only HHH or Randy can walk out of the match Champion though. I think its quite a good twist. No doubt people will think Randy wont deserve it if he wins, but still, HHH has the better team so it will be interesting.


Maybe Batista will win it for him and demand he get a title shot as a result?


In other news, did you hear Cole announce that wwe.com got 100 million hits + on monday after Mania?! It's a world record i think he said. That shit is insane!

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Only HHH or Randy can walk out of the match Champion though. I think its quite a good twist. No doubt people will think Randy wont deserve it if he wins, but still, HHH has the better team so it will be interesting.


Maybe Batista will win it for him and demand he get a title shot as a result?


In other news, did you hear Cole announce that wwe.com got 100 million hits + on monday after Mania?! It's a world record i think he said. That shit is insane!


It's a good twist to the match i agree, but its still a bit lame having a 6 man tag for the WWE title.


100 million + hits, thats got to be a record in my eyes.

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