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Starting to melt here in bournemouth :(


Was a nice suprise this morning though, even if it did screw up all the busses. I looked out the window and literally yelled "Snow!!!", woke up my g/f and she too was excited, if just for a second before going back to sleep. Was nice though :p

It does keep trying to restart...tohugh it wont settle

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It snowed for 30 minutess at about 9 where I am but didn't settle. Just looked out the window after playing Star Wars: FU for a few hours and its coming down quite heavily, and starting to settle!


The last time we had snow that settled here was about 5 years ago, just hope the snow doesn't stop!

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It was fun having a snow ball fight at uni. Most people looked very serious and boring. But we just giggled along, so it's all good.

Yes, fun it was.


I threw a snowball and it narrowly missed a girl. She turned round looking pissed, then I said sorry, then she laughed/smiled. That was a very strange moment.

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Despite my intial grumblings about the snow I have to say I rather loved it.


Snowballing, human pyramids, and we made a little igloo that actually worked properly! Here is me becoming completely closed in by it.




There's also a video of me jumping out of it though the walls, which i rather love, but I don't think you can embed facebook videos...


Anyway, then had lotsa people round for hot chocolate and pancakes, then played some wii. Textbook snowday :)


Might post more photos soonish. And I need proper gloves next time...

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