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Who Would You Beeee From KNEEEEE


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I have no idea how this came about, but I thought it'd be a laugh, so here goes it.


We've just had teh KN-EE forum awards of 2008, and it was quite funny seeing all the different nominations, and seeing who people think is funny, most respected, best sigs, etc.


So, if you had to live for a day as another KNEEr, who would it be, why, and what would you do?


Post eeet.

Post eeet naaaaaaaw!

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I'd like to be the Grunch. Or maybe just his brain. He's got an amazing amount of knowledge.


I'd also want to be ReZ's brain. I want to see the entangled web of equal amounts of weirdness, crazyness, funnyness, and awesomeness that make up the inside of ReZ's cranium.


Also, I'd want to be any one of the females in here. Then I could see myself nekkid in the mirror. Just ignore this.

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I could take a holiday from myself for the day? Sold.


I'd probably be Arab_freak just because he lives about a million million miles away where they have this strange weather phenomenon call 'sun'.


The temptation to test drive Rez, chair or Paj's mind is strong though. :heh:


Too many choices really...

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I could take a holiday from myself for the day? Sold.


I'd probably be Arab_freak just because he live about a million miles away where they have this strange weather phenomenon call 'sun'.


The temptation to test drive Rez, chair or Paj's mind is strong though. :heh:


Too many choices...


Funny enough, he's my choice as well.


The poor sucker fool gets slated a lot, for very little at all. So, I'd like to see what life is like through his eyes, and see how things are in his part of the world.


Plus, the hair...THE HAIR!

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I could take a holiday from myself for the day? Sold.


I'd probably be Arab_freak just because he lives about a million million miles away where they have this strange weather phenomenon call 'sun'.


The temptation to test drive Rez, chair or Paj's mind is strong though. :heh:


Too many choices really...


Don't worry, me and Paj are lovely.

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Hmmm, awesome thread Flinky...


Now. I would say women (Specifically "It's raining_again - hallelulia it's raining_again. Every specimen!") - just for the awesome-mirror opportunities. But that's a given so.....Maybe REZ? But I think I'd shit myself from the sheer hilarity I'd have to evoke (and provoke) all day. Tough times keeping that up. Unless it's...dareIsayit...Natural? ;) But then, it wouldn't be natural to me because I'd be in his body but then again I'd be him and...ahh fook it. I'm confused.


Sod it:

I'd be the guy here who seems to have every Wii game ever (swears they are all A+ too :p) and has his own play called "plastic wallets" Sorry - "laminated". THAT is incredible in my eyes. I'd write all his music (lines such as "you can laminate me deeper" and "seal the deal" would have to be in every song.)

I also think the guys a legend...DAZZYBEE! :)


But then again, there are so many awesome people here. Especially Tellyn!

(yum, yum, he's a hotty.

B+ wanna take his botty!)


I'm off the wine from now on...:(

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