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Weight Loss 2009


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Been at weightwatchers today! 3lbs off! :D


which is 7 + 4 + 3 = 14, exactly a stone!




Whoooo! :D That's awesome. Well done. :)


Congrats again Raining! :D you're doing really well. :)




Fliiiiinkeh! what's your secret? I've known that I'm underweight for quite a while now and I know that I need to do something about eet, got any tips on how I could increase my weight so that it's more in line with my height? last time I checked my BMI it said that I was about a stone underweight... :/


What I always used to find was that I just didn't have an appetite. Everyone around me would always eat more than me, but I just wasn't all that bothered about food.


I was at University, and didn't go home for the summer holidays the one time. Instead, I stayed in Brighton and worked. Again, I didn't care about food, because I was too busy doing other things. I'd have a sandwich for break, and maybe something small when I got home, but I never felt hungry. I think I treated my body pretty badly to be honest.


Then, I went home for Christmas. And, suddenly, I gained an appetite, I wanted to eat food. At uni, because I didn't have access to halal meat, I didn't usually buy any. Due to being skint, I didn't buy much fruit and veg. Really, I bought low cost food, never made good meals for myself or anything. Coupled with that, I was depressed because of personal goings-on in my life, and that just made me feel less bothered about things. Food was one of those things, I didn't see it as anything other than some energy to keep you through the day.


At Christmas, I just decided I wanted to treat my body better. I started eating more meat, more fish, more fruit and more veg. Most of all, I was feeling happier about myself. I didn't notice the pounds going on, but I started to look a lot better. When I went back to uni, and when I met friends over Christmas, they knew I looked better and happier, but they didn't know exactly why.


I'm not sure if there's any tips you can take from that. But, the one thing I would say is that willpower and determination are important. Look at Raining_Again. If you're happy doing what you're doing, then it makes things a lot easier. As you probably know, if you're totally against doing something, it makes actually doing it a million times harder. If I had to lose a stone now, I wouldn't feel happy doing that, so it would make the process a lot harder.


Look at what you're doing and what you're eating. I think things are quite weird in my family, as we have three main meals a day: Breakfast, Dinner and Tea. A lot of the time, we have two hot meals, so we're always getting the energy into our bodies. It works for us, I think.

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Thanks Flinky :) tbh I think I may have been mistreating my body a bit too, when I'm at home I'm usually quite good as I'll at least have something for breakfast in the morning around 8am or 9am which'll be either cereal or toast and a cuppa, which isn't a huge amount but it's better than eating nothing I guess, then at around 10am or 11am I'll have some fruit - if we have any that's edible - and a glass of water, this sometimes doesn't happen, depends what the fruit situation is like, today was good though had a banana and a peach.


For lunch I'll often have either a sandwich or cheese on toast or something but it can vary, then a cuppa with a biscuit or something after and then usually it's time for work and that might be where my problems occur.


I work in a restaurant within a supermarket so no matter how many people are in there eating or not there's always something to do, I barely seem to stop :/ I do try and take a break before closing down, usually this happens at 7pm often I'll just have some chips but depending on what I've cooked that night I might buy a portion of w/e it is to go with it, sometimes I just don't take a break though and I think I need to stop doing that.


When I get home there will usually be w/e everyone else had for dinner in the fridge, so it's not as if I'm not eating I guess... maybe I just need to eat more of the stuff that you mentioned, meat, fish, fresh fruit 'n veg etc I think that might be the first step.


Another thing I think I should do is maybe certain exercises... because surely there will be certain exercises that could help me to increase my weight, will need to start getting back into Wii-fit I think lol plus that'll help so I can check my weight daily.


I'm definitely serious about this though, just as we have a lot of people here who are motivated to lose weight - which I really do think is fantastic, you're all making good progress and it's inspiring :) - I want to become motivated to gain weight, so I'm gonna start properly trying to gain the extra stone that I need so that I will hopefully be underweight no more.

Edited by S.C.G
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Good luck SCG, you can do it! Just eat properly during the day, three main meals and some snacks (preferably fruit) in between and you should be able to reach your goal. =)


Also well done Raining on losing the weight! =D



I think I'm gonna start watching my food again, starting today. I always say this but now I really mean it. =P

Our scale told me my fat percentage is way too high (in the overweight area), so I want to work on that. Bit difficult now since I can't exercise, but I'm going to try and eat less fat food heh. See if that helps. =)

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A lot of the focus nowadays is on people trying to lose weight, but I think gaining weight can be hard for many people. It can be equally as troublesome as well. It was quite a big problem for me when I was younger, and it's only really starting to work in my favour now.


Definitely try to vary what you eat. Cooking can be a fun task, as you know (hehe) so look at making fun things to eat involving that food we talked about.


I'm into exercising more regularly now, and I go to the gym about 3-5 times a week, then do some exercises at home. To, trying to turn this moooosh into muscles [/Arnie], and the main thing is just to keep determined about it. Keep focused, and work towards your goal, and you'll achieve it.

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Thanks Flinkeh and Eenuh! I'm determined to gain that extra weight that I need, will realistically properly start in a day or two hopefully but until then I'll do what I can to prepare - gotta tidy up a bit to make room for the Wii-fit board again for a start heh... >.>


Good luck to the two of you in achieving your goals as well, plus good luck to anyone else who is currently trying to lose / gain weight :) we have an awesome community here on the forums, it's so nice that we are all suportive of each others efforts. ^^

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That reminds me I really should get my Wiifit on the go. Bummer :P


I've decided to join the gym when I, get a car (sooooon hopefully) and get below 16 stone. I don't think that going to the gym now with my horrendous weight will be massively good for my joints. Even walking is very difficult for me at the mo. But I'm really trying.


I had a lesson today and met my sister in town for a very late lunch (had chips) but I think I've more than worked it off walking around the town. I'm shattered, you would honestly think I had run a mile :D


I suffer a lot from "fatigue" (medical terminology!) and i can walk about perfectly well but it hits me like a ton of bricks when I stop. Kinda like a delayed reaction.


So I'm getting there. I just gotta be more careful with it than most people because my body is SUCH a shambles, and i'm very overweight. But I'm doing my damnest to get there! ^___^

Edited by Raining_again
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That reminds me I really should get my Wiifit on the go. Bummer :P


I've decided to join the gym when I, get a car (sooooon hopefully) and get below 16 stone. I don't think that going to the gym now with my horrendous weight will be massively good for my joints. Even walking is very difficult for me at the mo. But I'm really trying.


I had a lesson today and met my sister in town for a very late lunch (had chips) but I think I've more than worked it off walking around the town. I'm shattered, you would honestly think I had run a mile :D


I suffer a lot from "fatigue" (medical terminology!) and i can walk about perfectly well but it hits me like a ton of bricks when I stop. Kinda like a delayed reaction.


So I'm getting there. I just gotta be more careful with it than most people because my body is SUCH a shambles, and i'm very overweight. But I'm doing my damnest to get there! ^___^


I love your determination despite your circumstances and I wish you the best of luck, we all know you can do it :)


I feel like I cheated slightly, I used to be really overweight but then I lost it all because I made myself ill. I'm not proud of it all or anything, but I wasn't in the right state of mind to realise the crazy amounts of exercise and not eating I was doing was actually horrendously difficult. It still stalks me from the shadows though, and apparently it'll never go away, woopy...

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I love your determination despite your circumstances and I wish you the best of luck, we all know you can do it :)


I feel like I cheated slightly, I used to be really overweight but then I lost it all because I made myself ill. I'm not proud of it all or anything, but I wasn't in the right state of mind to realise the crazy amounts of exercise and not eating I was doing was actually horrendously difficult. It still stalks me from the shadows though, and apparently it'll never go away, woopy...


I've done it too. Destructive eating both too much and not enough.


At the end of the day there is very little you can do to change the past (or I wouldn't be in this situation now :heh:)


Just keep at it, come back here and post if you need support. I find this place to be a brilliant network of support, and I hope this thread stays active all year (and not just for new years resolutions!)


I also love my weightwatchers class. The girls (and fellas!) are ALL in the same situation, and we all have the same problem with food. Its really nice getting to talk to people in my position.


People are here to help, you just gotta reach out. :smile:

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I've done it too. Destructive eating both too much and not enough.


At the end of the day there is very little you can do to change the past (or I wouldn't be in this situation now :heh:)


Just keep at it, come back here and post if you need support. I find this place to be a brilliant network of support, and I hope this thread stays active all year (and not just for new years resolutions!)


I also love my weightwatchers class. The girls (and fellas!) are ALL in the same situation, and we all have the same problem with food. Its really nice getting to talk to people in my position.


People are here to help, you just gotta reach out. :smile:


Oh I know that I have help around me so it's not so worrying, it's just sometimes I still get a feeling in my stomach when I walk past a mirror or something and see something different to what's actually there.


I think the main reason it happened in the first place was because I was at school away from home, and very unhappy. Boredom plus the unhappiness just set it off really. I'm living at home again now and I've got a lot of other stuff to worry about nor the time to devote to something quite so reckless any more, so here's hoping it'll never happen again!


Thanks though :)

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I'm starting to properly work towards my goal as of today, though I've been preparing for it for a few days beforehand, been eating more regularly and making a banana milkshake from scratch each day which I have inbetween breakfast and lunch, I figure this should help because I don't have much milk in my tea so making sure I drink one of these nearly every day it should give me a good dose of calcium and potassium which will help I guess.


Fired up Wii-Fit earlier - just before breakfast - seems it has been 60 days since I last switched it on >.> so obviously I didn;t reach my last goal, though what I was slightly surprised to find is that in the time between the last time I used it I have actually gained a very small amount of weight :) it's not a lot but it's a start, I'm still quite a bit under 9 stone though and I need to be at least just over 9 stone to be considered a healthy weight for my height according to my BMI.


So I set myself a target weight of almost double what I need to achieve and this time I have given myself a month to achieve it, the target for me is to gain 5lb in a month, I'm not sure how doable it's gonna be but I only need to actually gain about 2lb or 3lb to achieve my correct weight so if I only achieve half of that 5lb target I'll be happy but I'm still gonna try my best to go for eet :) we shall see though...

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Not sure yet. Hes not been on it to weigh himself. If it gets rediculously close il just work out the percentage lost.


the percent would be a lot fairer tbh. Someone my weight (18ish stone) can EASILY lose 4lbs in one week (maybe not every week), whereas someone like you, closer to their healthy range, could probably only maintain a 1-2lbs loss.




I had a REALLY bad week this week, weekend was really bad. Was my birthday weekend though. I've been good today and tomorrow is the "face the music" day. Oh well.


Back to it I suppose. ^___^

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I have recently developed a craze for weight loss. The big reason is I am getting married in a matter of few months, so obviously I want to be in my best shape.


I have a waist size of 34inch which I want to reduce to 32 or less. My height is 5ft 6inch. So in order to achieve my objective I have started learning karate for the last 1 month. I have also reduced my intake of oil, ensuring atleast 1 boiled meal once in a day.


Though I have reduced weight from 70kg to 67kg, my waist is not reducing at all which is worrying me a lot!!


But I m trying my level best and patient, lets see..........

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Well I've decided to kick start the exercise and weight loss regime, and finally work on shifting all that weight I put on over Christmas, probably only to end up losing it in time to put it on all over again this Christmas.


Been trying alot of running, and got addicted to that one hundred push up exercise programme someone posted. Tried joining the gym near me but its only a little box room, seriously no bigger than 6 square meters tops. I'd had to see what a busy day in there is like.

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Ok todays weigh in was annoying. I stayed the same which i expected because its only been a day. My brother on the other hand lost 4 lbs haha. He started at 14st 2lbs and now 13st 12lbs -.-.


Total Lost


Me: 0


Brother -4

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Lost another 6 pound this month so thats about 2 and a half stone down. It may not be coming off as fast as it was but it's still steady so I'm more than happy :)


The slower that you loose it means less chance youll put weight back on =)


Hoping to be around 8st by the time uni starts (thats around mid september) so hopefully 9 pounds in 2 months is ok :P... startin to do push ups (ick) and wii fit exercises in order to tone up my arms...

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meh :(


I put on 1lb. Well I did eat nearly half a birthday cake xD I actually nearly fell off the scales in shock (in a good way!) :)


Tuesday night is my take-out night, straight after weightwatchers I always have chinese/chips/pizza or just something not counted by the points. I've ate way too much and I feel sick. My poor stomach has been accustomed to very little food..


Maybe next week i'll restrain myself a bit more.


Before you guys tut at my take out regime, i've been doing this for months on end before and i've lost large amounts of weight on those weeks :P Can totally recover - its straight after the weigh in so i'll have the whole week to be good.

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meh :(


I put on 1lb. Well I did eat nearly half a birthday cake xD I actually nearly fell off the scales in shock (in a good way!) :)


Tuesday night is my take-out night, straight after weightwatchers I always have chinese/chips/pizza or just something not counted by the points. I've ate way too much and I feel sick. My poor stomach has been accustomed to very little food..


Maybe next week i'll restrain myself a bit more.


Before you guys tut at my take out regime, i've been doing this for months on end before and i've lost large amounts of weight on those weeks :P Can totally recover - its straight after the weigh in so i'll have the whole week to be good.


It sounds like you're in control of stuff, and putting on 1lb after birthday-cake-fest is not bad at all. Well donnnne. :D


I've been hitting the gym a lot lately, and I feel pretty good. Altogether, I think I've been going for about 5 weeks. After 2 weeks, I went to WestMidlands Safari Park with my friends, and I saw them again last week and was surprised to hear from them that they could see a difference. My chest is looking a lot better, I think. So, the upper body work is going well. Could be doing a bit more, but it's going steady which I think is the main thing.


My cardio work is going pretty well, though. When I first joined up, I was struggling with the pace of running or rowing, but these are coming along nicely. Rowed for 3000 metres yesterday, although it's the first time I've done that in a while. I usually only go for 2000 metres, but I decided it was time to up things. Now just gonna concentrate on getting fitter and beating times and stuff.


Today and the day before, I spent some time on the treadmill. I don't use an iPod or listen to music, because I prefer to hear the sounds around me. There's music played from overhead on the radio and I quite like listening to the sounds of the other machines. I ran for 18 mins the day before yesterday, and for 15 minutes today, and that's not bad for me considering I find it strange running in the gym, but I'm quite enjoying it at the moment. I only ever used to run when I needed to, during sports or running for bus, haha. I've been burning off calories around the 250 mark during these runs, so the pace is decent but maybe it's time to up it. I guess its more of a jog than a run, heh.

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