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Weight Loss 2009


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Does your arthritis come and go, or is pretty much constant now? It's a shame you can't go back to the gym and be excellent.


My stomach fat is refusing to leave, heh.


It does come and go, but its more the repetitive movement that trashes my joints. I mean like a lot of the time i'm in considerable pain after walking. I walked home once, it was about 2 miles (a good few years ago maybe about 5 years) and my hips were in agony. This was basically the first time that I worked out there was something VERY wrong.


Now its more like 5 minutes of doing anything to push myself at all will trash my body. Hopefully a little less weight will ease it, and ill try and build it up slowly.


Need to get shouting at my rhematologist to get some meds for it =)

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Woooo! nice one Raining :) *high fives*


You were right about porridge btw, since starting eating it the other day I don't want to eat anything else for breakfast now :heh: it's filling and I feel much better for eating eet so thanks for recommending it. :D


Will post the results of my weight tomorrow, but last time I checked - Monday - I was starting to put on weight again so I'm steadily approaching what Wii Fit reckons is the 'ideal' part of the scales for me, I know I've still got quite a way to go though before I'm a truely healthy weight but I really feel like I'm on the right track now. :smile:

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Porridge is pretty damn awesome - especially great to have before going for a morning gym sesh, the amount of energy you get from it is quite incredible.


I think I've lost a tiny bit of flub lately - not too fussed about losing weight - I'm around the 13 and a half stone mark and it's a good weight to be, but losing a little bit of stomach flub would be nice. I've by no means got a belly, just a bit of unwanted stock that needs shifting.


Otherwise gym is going well, hopefully I'll be back up to max strength in no time!

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Porridge is pretty damn awesome - especially great to have before going for a morning gym sesh, the amount of energy you get from it is quite incredible.


I think I've lost a tiny bit of flub lately - not too fussed about losing weight - I'm around the 13 and a half stone mark and it's a good weight to be, but losing a little bit of stomach flub would be nice. I've by no means got a belly, just a bit of unwanted stock that needs shifting.


Otherwise gym is going well, hopefully I'll be back up to max strength in no time!


I'm thinking of having some of this Porridge lark. I haven't had any for yeeeears. Although, my brother used to eat it every morning, and he seemed like he was on drugs or something. Seriously full of energy. The Crazy.


As for the tummy fat: I don't know whether I've lost any or not, haha. It differs day to day. Some days I look down and think...oh, that's better than yesterday. Other days, I look down and think shiiiit, go the other way!


I need third party advice. We shall see in 2 weeks time when I see the female. She'll know, I think.

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I'm thinking of having some of this Porridge lark. I haven't had any for yeeeears. Although, my brother used to eat it every morning, and he seemed like he was on drugs or something. Seriously full of energy. The Crazy.


Go for eeeet! Raining recommended Oats So Simple, I tried it a few days ago and I love it :) so much so that I want it to be breakfast time now... :/

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Go for eeeet! Raining recommended Oats So Simple, I tried it a few days ago and I love it :) so much so that I want it to be breakfast time now... :/


Ooo, ok. I shall give it a try soon.


One thing that is confusing me at the moment is that my weight seems to be standing still, yet I think my shoulders and upper body are in better shape now than they were before. Also, I do think that I have lost a bit of fat from my stomach. Maybe I've lost some weight there, but gained more on my upper body? I don't know. Heh.

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Well I think muscles actually weigh more than fat. So you might be loosing lots of fat, but because you're also working on your muscles at the same time you'll be gaining weight from that too. Don't focus on the number on the scale too much really, as long as you feel good about the progress you're making it's all fine. =)


I'm thinking that maybe in a week or two I'll try WiiFit again, see if my leg can handle the pressure from those games (I loved the step up one!). I really want to start getting some exercise again, even though I guess it might be a bit too early for that still. I only gained about 1 kilo since my surgery though, so I guess that's not too bad. =)

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Well I think muscles actually weigh more than fat. So you might be loosing lots of fat, but because you're also working on your muscles at the same time you'll be gaining weight from that too. Don't focus on the number on the scale too much really, as long as you feel good about the progress you're making it's all fine. =)


I'm thinking that maybe in a week or two I'll try WiiFit again, see if my leg can handle the pressure from those games (I loved the step up one!). I really want to start getting some exercise again, even though I guess it might be a bit too early for that still. I only gained about 1 kilo since my surgery though, so I guess that's not too bad. =)


I do feel a lot better in general. I feel a bit healthier and alert, so I think it's going well. I wish I had taken before and after pictures though to see how things were going, but I'm about 2 months into this now, so dunno if its worth it. Bah!


We could go for walks and stuff, and that'll be some good exercise voor jou. Only gaining a kilo in all that time is pretty impressive, I think. Well done. :)

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Wow, I remember this... Cam't actually believe that I just obtained a level 2 fitness Instructor certificate.


Holy Tip of weight loss: JOG!!


I'm telling you, just recently discovered how fracking amazing it is. Since it is 100% bodyweight, it is better than any cycle, cross trainer etc. Jogging speed is also the best intensity for optimized fat loss (at 20min +). I now jog twice a week for 4 miles (from start location and back) and it feels so good. If you buy a pair of dumbells, paired with jogging, you won't need the gym.

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My weight loss has pretty much come to a standstill. Mainly just laziness on my part. On the up side, I don't seem to be putting any back on, despite eating like a pig. I ate 4 blueberry muffins and 2 bags of Harribo in the space of 24 hrs the other day. No weight put on! WIN!

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Lost a little bit today but won't give up, just means I've gotta try a bit harder tomorrow.


Why are you weighing yourself everyday? It's already been said that doesn't work, your body goes up and down all the time you have to look at it over the space of at least a week...


If you didn't have as big of a crap as yesterday you will weigh more, same as a wee...you can't keep track of your weight the way your doing it.

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Why are you weighing yourself everyday? It's already been said that doesn't work, your body goes up and down all the time you have to look at it over the space of at least a week...


If you didn't have as big of a crap as yesterday you will weigh more, same as a wee...you can't keep track of your weight the way your doing it.


Exactly the suggested is every week, maybe a monday to start you off for the rest of the week.

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Just tried out Shaun T's Insanity work out ( Got it through teh interwebs :indeed: )


I haven't sweat like that for a long time, pretty knackered. I wouldn't buy it as I don't think workout programmes should cost this much but I think it makes a good accompaniment to a weight based workout.


Propaganda is thrown in the spoiler.



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Just tried out Shaun T's Insanity work out ( Got it through teh interwebs :indeed: )


I haven't sweat like that for a long time, pretty knackered. I wouldn't buy it as I don't think workout programmes should cost this much but I think it makes a good accompaniment to a weight based workout.


Propaganda is thrown in the spoiler.



Have you tried out the "300" workout. That is quite simply, the most ridiculous thing I've ever done. I managed it but with a few minor tweaks and I didn't do it in nearly enough time. I might get back into doing it....was good fun! Youtube it sometime.

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Am almost down to 9st. It's so hard, such insignificant things just destroy my weight the next day and just a couple of days ago I was almost at 9 and a half again...I hate being paranoid about this lol

I know this is your problem, but I can't help feeling incredibly large compared to you, if your striving to be 9st, then it makes me feel as though I should be striving for lower too.


I hate how people can have such an affect on how you should see your body, for instance I know Serebii has no intention of making anybody feel fat, but because of the way the mind works I suddenly do feel the next to start exercising.


I hope this kinda crap goes away soon tbh.


As it is I've been using ea sports active, it was actually more for a laugh than as serious exercise to lose weight, but I've realised its incredibly hard! Like using an actual trainer at a gym, I'd go as far as to say that using the cardio on ea sports active that I'm getting a better workout than the gym!


Its actually really surprising. I've been eating less..alot less than I used to as well, drinking more instead which helps.


My issues I have aren't weight loss, but I find I'm incredibly upset with my teeth, I do the same as everybody else, I drink fizzy pop, I drink alcohol, I drink tea, all which are very staining, I brush my teeth 2/3 a day, I drink water, etc. But I just see a decay rather than healthy balance, bleh. :sad:

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Yeaaaah. I'm the awesome-food-trend starter. :awesome:


Damn right you are! :D


Why are you weighing yourself everyday?


I'm not... just every few days now, like twice a week, have been away at a festival this weekend so it'll be interesting to see if my weight has changed for better or worse. :)

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