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The Toy Mafia


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Here is the first show ever i think




And he is defiantly talking to the ppl because they understand him


And the new show



He is talking to the guy next door and stuff


Ah ok you're right. Sorry for the distraction. But with the info that he's a hand pupet then it becomes pretty obvious actually. I haven't been listening carefully enough :indeed:


Tellyn seems to be diggin himself a hole here or the mafia is out to get him badly.

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Ellmeister said

Are you paddington bear Beggilax?

"shakes head"


Ellmeister said

Are you being mind controlled?

"shakes head"


Dyson said

I still think Tellyn is crazy suspicious personally.



vote: Tellyn


Jayseven said

Beggilax is Sooty, then, and he is saying that it's him that soaked other people, I think?


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Mundi, if your gonna be gunning for tellyn, what two people have said he is good?


But one said he was evil,


I'm just confused. But who presented the dump vicar cop theory? Tellyn, could be true, could not be true.


Vicar said he was good but it is apparent that he is a dumb cop which usually means he gets opposite results.

Lazyboy also said he was good but by means of a one use lie detector but I say he´s covering for him

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Who is this Sooty? TO YOUTUBE................. O______________O This got to be the most weirdest thing i have seen for a long time but


Vote: Tellyn



A) He looks fishy

B) If he is bad then lazyboy where covering for him

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Beggilax is a hand puppet so paddington does not fit.


I only just noticed this - he's Sooty!




He can't talk (only squeak and nod/shake his head) and he's a hand puppet!


EDIT: I really need to refresh pages more often, I got beaten too it...

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A) He looks fishy


Oi, bitch! :indeed:


Back on topic, I'm still really quite undecided. Tellyn is suspicious, but not enough so, in my mind, to justify lynching him. We pretty much know that Lazyboy is a role blocker, so if we can't agree on who else to lynch, he might be the best bet. Still, that's a last resort.

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If you were being roleblocked two nights in a row you wouldn´t be inquiring people in the write up but the fact that soaking does not roleblock makes me think your lying to throw dirt on people.


This and the fact that Vicar could be a dumb cop invesigated you and said your good makes me want to try the theory that Vicar just gets opposite results like every other dumb cop in the mafia games here and Lazyboy is covering for you.


Vote: Tellyn


I believe I was soaked when I tried to inquire about them, it never actually got to that stage. And no, I'm not trying to throw dirt on people.


And please look into my other points, none of you seem to understand what the hell a dumb cop is.


I'm just confused. But who presented the dump vicar cop theory? Tellyn, could be true, could not be true.


Yes, it was me. Again, the character is more than just a simple role-reversal.


I still think Tellyn is crazy suspicious personally. Since we don't seem to have any other leads I'm going to stick with my hunch.


Vote: Tellyn


And this is why the town loses as often as they do. Trigger happy son of a bitch.


Ah ok you're right. Sorry for the distraction. But with the info that he's a hand pupet then it becomes pretty obvious actually. I haven't been listening carefully enough :indeed:


Tellyn seems to be diggin himself a hole here or the mafia is out to get him badly.


Go for the latter, I've been roleblocked for two nights in a row now. I can prove my power to you, actually, once the person who I used it on in the first night logs on.


Vicar said he was good but it is apparent that he is a dumb cop which usually means he gets opposite results.

Lazyboy also said he was good but by means of a one use lie detector but I say he´s covering for him


Thanks for reading my posts, guys! I just said that dumb cops sometimes get the right results; there's no point in making them a dumb cop if they just get a simple reversal of the truth, otherwise we could use that to our advantage and just reverse it and find the mafia easily enough. The point is that he's supposed to be unpredictable. In this case he is telling the truth, I am good.


Vote: Tellyn



A) He looks fishy

B) If he is bad then lazyboy where covering for him


"He looks fishy" is all you've said the past two times you've voted for me. Can you elaborate and just stop jumping on this bandwagon?

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Oi, bitch! :indeed:


Back on topic, I'm still really quite undecided. Tellyn is suspicious, but not enough so, in my mind, to justify lynching him. We pretty much know that Lazyboy is a role blocker, so if we can't agree on who else to lynch, he might be the best bet. Still, that's a last resort.


How is lazyboy a role blocker? Besides, i seem to remember jonnas saying tellyn was good too...


Personally, i see it as we don't know if anyone is good, we can't rely on one person being the judge of whose good when that judge is in question.

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Go for the latter, I've been roleblocked for two nights in a row now. I can prove my power to you, actually, once the person who I used it on in the first night logs on.


Logs on? Well we'll see I guess. Tbh, if this situation was reversed, you would point out that saying stuff like that just sounds like you're stalling for time but I'm not making any judgements yet. I need a bit more time to read over things.

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Logs on? Well we'll see I guess. Tbh, if this situation was reversed, you would point out that saying stuff like that just sounds like you're stalling for time but I'm not making any judgements yet. I need a bit more time to read over things.


Hardly stalling for time, they're simply not online yet.

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I believe I was soaked when I tried to inquire about them, it never actually got to that stage. And no, I'm not trying to throw dirt on people.


Thanks for not reading the past write ups! (see I can be a cock too) I was soaked before inquiring the man and went on to say that the soaked dog (me) inquired the man meaning that I was first soaked and then I inquired the man and got my info

If the soaking would have roleblocked the write up would have hinted so.


And please look into my other points, none of you seem to understand what the hell a dumb cop is.

In every past mafia game a dumb cop has been a cop that gets opposite results.

When the the mafia games started Chair linked to a flash site that explained how this all worked and there it said a dumb cop gets opposite results.


And this is why the town loses as often as they do. Trigger happy son of a bitch.


the town loses so often because their reluctant to do anything the only way to get someone lynched is if he is inactive (which is near always the case) and that no one wants to vote someone that has not been investigated and shown evil and even now people seem to be reluctant to vote.


How is lazyboy a role blocker? Besides, i seem to remember jonnas saying tellyn was good too...


Personally, i see it as we don't know if anyone is good, we can't rely on one person being the judge of whose good when that judge is in question.


Jonnas said that Maase is good.

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Hardly stalling for time, they're simply not online yet.


You claim to be the dog that was soaked while inquiring and inquiring would suggest that you are investigating and the people you investigate know you investigated them?

That´s strange :blank:

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In every past mafia game a dumb cop has been a cop that gets opposite results.

When the the mafia games started Chair linked to a flash site that explained how this all worked and there it said a dumb cop gets opposite results.




the town loses so often because their reluctant to do anything the only way to get someone lynched is if he is inactive (which is near always the case) and that no one wants to vote someone that has not been investigated and shown evil and even now people seem to be reluctant to vote.


Have to disagree with both of these points. Time is on the Town's side really as they are more in number. Every night brings new information whether someone dies or not and adding a potential lynch of an innocent is not going to swing the game in their favour.


And I would expect a dumb cop to work as Tellyn has suggested. At the end of the day we just don't know and that's the point. We are meant to be suspicious of his information. Have we even narrowed down the chance that he might have had his target changed?

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I also expect a Dumb Cop to work as Tellyn said.

It wouldn't be of use if the Dumb Cop was able to get all the roles in oppposite, otherwise, it would be pretty simple, you would just have to see the contrary of what Vicar said.

Nop, it has to be more complicated than that.


Still, Tellyn is being very Fishy.

Revoke Vote


I still don't believe he's from Mafia, though.

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1. Thanks for not reading the past write ups! (see I can be a cock too) I was soaked before inquiring the man and went on to say that the soaked dog (me) inquired the man meaning that I was first soaked and then I inquired the man and got my info

If the soaking would have roleblocked the write up would have hinted so.


2. In every past mafia game a dumb cop has been a cop that gets opposite results.

When the the mafia games started Chair linked to a flash site that explained how this all worked and there it said a dumb cop gets opposite results.


3. the town loses so often because their reluctant to do anything the only way to get someone lynched is if he is inactive (which is near always the case) and that no one wants to vote someone that has not been investigated and shown evil and even now people seem to be reluctant to vote.


1. No need for insults. Here are the write ups in which I believe I appear.


A mouse followed a dog while the dog followed a turtle. Another dog talked to a bear


I'm either one of those dogs.


A train was stuffed into a bucked filled with dinosaurs while a cat chased a puppy child. Some flowerpots got a few people confused and a fox nicked a hose of a fireman and a car kept a dog busy.


The usual folk roamed round in the night. Some asking questions. A bear soaked a dog, who inquired about a man. A confused dog and a mouse soon joined in on quizzing this man.


I'm assuming the last one is me since, if you haven't gathered, I'm an investigator. I've been roleblocked for two nights in a row now and I was pretty sure that was me. (Here we go, enter another voting frenzy spearheaded by the accusation that I'm backtracking.)


2. My dumb cop theory is a theory, we don't know anything about Vicar since he could just be making his results up, or his result that Maase is evil could have been manipulated and he's really just a regular investigator. Or he could be a dumb cop who just gets mixed up results. Given how easy it is to deduce who is a dumb cop and then how easy it would be to just reverse their results to find the mafia, there would be no point to the character if there wasn't a twist like making them unpredictable (like I've already said).


3. Here's the thing - I haven't been found to be evil. Vicar investigated me and found me to be good, you lot decided to start a witch hunt and declare me evil. LazyBoy used his lie detector and found out that I was good again, and you're still gunning for me.

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