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If Maase is good we aint got a lot to fo on with


Change Vote: No Lynch

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Maase (5): MoogleViper, Zell, Raining_again, Gizmo, LazyBoy


No Lynch (3): Dannyboy-the-Dane, Tellyn, Mundi


13 is a majority.

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Today in Greendale a badger was tricked into throwing mash at some kid, who stuffed the next person he came across - a fox, to be precise - into his bucket. A puppy-like creature then came across the bucket while looking for someone and had to give up his search.


A kid with a bucket (no idea who this is)

A fox - most likely Bazil Brush (oh dear god...)

Puppy-like creature (seriously wtf?)


The kid seems to silence ppl or at least stop them from doing whatever. Find it interesting that the puppy could reach his target.


A mouse followed a dog while the dog followed a turtle. Another dog talked to a bear while another mouse checked out some large machine, an odd creature went to broadcast a show but seemed to oversleep and a cat chased a grown man but the man got away.


Mouse 1 - likely to be Pinky/Brain, Mickey, Jerry or Itchy/Scratchy (whichever is which... i dunno)

Dog 1 - Too many cartoon dogs to mention really.

Turtle - Ninjaz? Not many other turtles are there in kids TV shows

Dog 2

Bear - Yogi? Big Ben?

Mouse 2 - Looking more like PntB (pretty obvious it's Vicar now)

Machine - Likely to be Thomas (Maase) now.

Odd creature - again wtf?

Cat - again, with the fucking cartoon cats and mice. Could be TC i suppose.

Grown man - Any ideas? Dave from the Chipmunks perhaps?


A blob and a man got on a train.

The blob and the man got off again.

As a result no one could see.

Which one was which, oh what could they be?


We know plenty about this now.

Dunno what the Blob could be, the man is just as mysterious.


A man sat at his desk. "What is this? A badger that throws mash?" said he, "Well, no one wants to watch that so off you go".


Probably the big evil.




So I'm thinking that Vicar is Pinky. Pinky's shit... fucks up everything he does. Makes for a bad investigator if you ask me.

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A fox - most likely Bazil Brush (oh dear god...)


Hopefully it's the Farthing Wood fox, who is infinitely less annoying. Judging by what I remember/Wikipedia, if he is around, there'll be badger (but not Bodger's Badger...lol) around, I guess.


EDIT: Reading the Wikipedia entry bring back memories... :smile:

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It´s good to see you ppl made some progress while i where working but if i where a dumb cop would i know by the character or he PM i got from Cube?


And BTW me and Maase need protection tonight somehow i think no one will ;________;


Will check on the thread later today.

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Yeah Vicar, you probably can't be 100% sure until someone you investigated dies.


And Vote: No lynch


@Jamba: "Blob" is probably the closest you could call me, but I'm not too sure myself on what it's supposed to be. :heh:

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You know what, I think for once Maase might be telling the truth.


Change Vote: No Lynch

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Since these last 6 pages have gotten no where, why don't we just lynch someone who barely ever plays so we can narrow down the list instead of no lynching it.

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I believe both Maase and Vicar to be good.


Change Vote: No lynch


I'm against voting off someone random, chances are it'll be a townie. Wait a few days, and then we can make better judgements on who can be randomly lynched.

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Hmm, I guess. Thinking about it we can wait a few more days to see if there's folk still not playing and see from there.


Vote: No Lynch

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I'm sorry to say this about myself, but its better to Lynch me than No Lynch.


Seriously, with "No Lynch", Mafia is in complete advantage, AT LEAST ONE GUY WE WILL HAVE TO LYNCH TONIGHT.


Seriously, if no one has got information and you believe i'm good, then let's kill a random guy, being himself good or bad doesn't matter, as he won't participate anyways.

If he is in fact participating but hasn't told us, he will tell us when we try to lynch.


Its a Win-Win situation.


Vote: Beggilax

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Maase (3): MoogleViper, Raining_again, LazyBoy


Beggilax (1): Maase


No Lynch (7): Dannyboy-the-Dane, Tellyn, Mundi, Jonnas, Gizmo, Zell, ShadowV7



13 is a majority.

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We have actually found out quite a lot already from Maase and Vicar but no one seems prepared to speculate as to what any of the characters could be or what their goals are.




Day time is the only time we get to talk. Surely we should go over what we have properly before we leave another townie to die in mafia hands.

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To be honest, what was said in Day 1 will only be useful when either i, Vicar, Jonnas or Dyson die, so there's really nothing good coming if we speculate :S

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Well an investigator can inspect Maase or Vicar to see which one is right during the night.

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I'm sorry to say this about myself, but its better to Lynch me than No Lynch.


Seriously, with "No Lynch", Mafia is in complete advantage, AT LEAST ONE GUY WE WILL HAVE TO LYNCH TONIGHT.


Seriously, if no one has got information and you believe i'm good, then let's kill a random guy, being himself good or bad doesn't matter, as he won't participate anyways.

If he is in fact participating but hasn't told us, he will tell us when we try to lynch.


Its a Win-Win situation.


Vote: Beggilax


I disagree with this. Why has everyone got it into their heads it's better to kill randomly than not at all? The odds of hitting a townie are far greater than a mafiaso, so why are we so insistant on gambling like that? What benefit does it give us?


We have actually found out quite a lot already from Maase and Vicar but no one seems prepared to speculate as to what any of the characters could be or what their goals are.




Day time is the only time we get to talk. Surely we should go over what we have properly before we leave another townie to die in mafia hands.


Agree with this to an extent, but it's all really speculation and doesn't, at this stage, help us much.

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Puppy-like creature (seriously wtf?)


The kid seems to silence ppl or at least stop them from doing whatever. Find it interesting that the puppy could reach his target.


Scrappy Doo?






I'm sorry to say this about myself, but its better to Lynch me than No Lynch.


Seriously, with "No Lynch", Mafia is in complete advantage, AT LEAST ONE GUY WE WILL HAVE TO LYNCH TONIGHT.


Seriously, if no one has got information and you believe i'm good, then let's kill a random guy, being himself good or bad doesn't matter, as he won't participate anyways.

If he is in fact participating but hasn't told us, he will tell us when we try to lynch.


Its a Win-Win situation.


Vote: Beggilax


No. Why do you think I tried to save you yesterday? The odds that Beggilax is a townie are too great, and we're still on day 2 for Christ's sake. Is Beggilax real life friends with Mundi? If so, he can tell him to start playing.

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Okay then...


The names are:


ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *Dies from heart attack*









Just kidding, the names are the following:




I know that Dyson can hide behind things. Suspicious? Didn't really seem that relevant on its own basis.


I stand corrected, Maase.

Change vote: No lynch

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Vicar being Pinky - a Stupid Cop - makes sense. Killing off randomly isn't a good idea, but if too many days progress like this, the townies will be killed off in no time. I'm not too fond of it, but I guess the best option right now is not to lynch anyone.

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I know that Dyson can hide behind things. Suspicious? Didn't really seem that relevant on its own basis.


Wait...that info is about me, then? :heh:

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Well an investigator can inspect Maase or Vicar to see which one is right during the night.


Isn't it fairly obvious now that these 2 aren't mafia? Would be better to investigate someone else imo.

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Yes, that info is about Jonnas if you targetted Dyson. We don't know what it means, we just know Jonnas is something similar to a blob who also likes to hide...

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Yes, that info is about Jonnas if you targetted Dyson. We don't know what it means, we just know Jonnas is something similar to a blob who also likes to hide...


I got a curtain, hiding behind a curtain. That's all I saw.

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