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Valkyria Chronicles


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Feels ages ago since I finished this and rewarded it a 9.

Good to see people enjoying it though ^_^ It's brillliiiaaaannnt


Yep it is. Amazing game. Definitely the most interesting strategy or SRPG i have played in a long time.


I urge anyone to check it out its very accessible.


Cant find it cheap anywhere though :p But its worth every penny. SEGA at their rare best.

Edited by Choze
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Yep it is. Amazing game. Definitely the most interesting strategy or SRPG i have played in a long time.


I urge anyone to check it out its very accessible.


Cant find it cheap anywhere though :p But its worth every penny. SEGA at their rare best.


Amazon have it for £20


EDIT: Scratch that, was £20 yesterday but now its £27. LBP was £7 yesterday but now its £10, must have been some form of Bank Holiday offer or something.

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A couple amusing parts, I liked this bit about why it's not quite turn-based strategy:

'Enemies should not be able to shoot you when it's not their fucking turn. It's like an opponent at chess flicking elastic bands at your pawns while you're trying to think.'


I remember another analogy he made about LBP and creating levels: 'it's like gobbing into a river'. He's a funny guy/nerd.

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I never really thought of the main character as being all that androgynous and whiny. If Yhatzee really thinks that's how all the main characters of JRPGs are though, he needs to go back and play games pre-FFVII, you know, before androgynous and whiny was in.

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I never though about how the main guy got to be a commander because he bought his own tank. Genius.

Yeah, as someone said - not only was he going to University, his father was some sith lord in the army. And as we all know, in the past your position was often determined by status, which Welkin certainly had - thanks to his father.



A couple amusing parts, I liked this bit about why it's not quite turn-based strategy:

'Enemies should not be able to shoot you when it's not their fucking turn. It's like an opponent at chess flicking elastic bands at your pawns while you're trying to think.'


This is just proof of how silly Yahtzee can be in order to try and make funny points. If the enemy wasn't allow to shoot at you while you controlled your units you could clear the whole fucking map with a scout with absolutely no problems. It's funny how he literally has no quality control for his thoughts before putting them into his reviews.


I mean, sure, he's trying to be funny. Often he is. But sometimes his gripes just need a little thinking over.

Edited by Sheikah
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Well I find that I have enjoyed all of the games I have had despite him slating them, there are very few games he seems to actually enjoy, so he's probably in the wrong job. More likely he only reviews games he doesn't like as much.


To be fair prior to that point he mentioned how the scouts were always picked on first so you probably couldn't snipe that much to start with, and it is valid because you have to advance in order to shoot and it's fair for both teams. Admittedly I haven't played it but still it was a funny comment. There is the occasional point he makes that is wrong but sometimes they are more than valid and one's that may be in the back of your mind when playing a game.

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Well I find that I have enjoyed all of the games I have had despite him slating them, there are very few games he seems to actually enjoy, so he's probably in the wrong job. More likely he only reviews games he doesn't like as much.


yeah, as much as i love his reiviews, ive loved alot of games he cirticised. i mean, he had a major go at dead space for being unorigional, but the fact is, alot of people consider it the alternative game of the year 08 (it actualy one of my favorite ps3 games right now).


i guess he seems to pick at flaws without considering why it was implimented. for example, the resi 5 "eggs are as big as assault riffles" argument. if you had a case like in resi 4, it would be to big to select things ont he move, or thye game would pause every time you or your partner decided to have a rearange.



He said snipers get picked on not scouts. He also said they missed most of the time.....well if they were missing that's just him sucking since aiming is a player action not automatic.


i think i had the same snipper hes on about on my team, he was actualy one of my most effect units, but in certain circumstances, the aiming reticule became huge, thus lowering his accuracy. that was annoying.






back on the subject of valkiria, who were your fave units? jaun was one of mine. i absolutly loved the big gay bastard, as well as alex, vyse and aika, and i think i had a female mechanic most of the time.

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Oh I thought scouts and snipers were the same thing. Just remembered scouts are the people that can move more but not do a whole lot.

Scouts are easily the best class in the whole game. :p


They can quite easily get rid of personnel and tanks, provided you use orders well and get them strong with good weapons. And they can cover nearly the whole map in a turn or two.


But yeah, most Strategy RPGs get round the 'firing at you while moving' thing by making enemies impossible to pass through. This is easy because enemies generally take up huge amounts of the map (as tiles) since the landscape and characters are not drawn to scale (think disgaea or FFT). If they couldn't fire back at you in Valkyria you would have one easy game since there's plenty of space to get round people.


In a sequel I'd hope there'd be many more classes, since five is quite few. But then this game is a lot more in-depth mechanically (a lot of factors to think of when you go 3D) so it may not be so easy.

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Scouts are easily the best class in the whole game. :p


They can quite easily get rid of personnel and tanks, provided you use orders well and get them strong with good weapons. And they can cover nearly the whole map in a turn or two.

I was gonna say the same.

Using orders you can clear the desert level (the one where you go through a sandstorm) with just the Edelweiss, Alicia and an engineer to keep the tank in check.

A friend of mine did it with these people in about 3 or 4 moves.

The whole attacking when you're moving only makes it fair. If they didn't then the example I gave above could be done without even using orders at all.

Then you get the royal weaponry which makes them pretty damn awesome. 3/4 headshots to kill a shocktrooper from quite a distance away and you nail them all. Pretty damn good considering after that you could probably go on and then capture a point halfway across the map.

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