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It just makes me feel really insignificant. It makes me think 'nothing I can ever do will ever make a difference', a defeating thought.

I think a better way to look at it is, "My problems are so small in the grand scheme of things, so why worry?" Things are only as important as you make them out to be, and whilst I can't speak on behalf of the entire universe, I know the world would be a better place if people weren't so serious all the time.


It's highly unlikely that you're going to play a major part on the galactic stage, but who cares? You can still change lives, those of others and your own, and that is a truly awesome power; Antares' size may be beyond comprehension, but no one has ever cared enough to throw it a birthday party.

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I love.


In the first picture, you can imagine a demigod toying with the balls, loving the fact that Earth is the biggest.


Then you try and get Betelgeuse of one of his 11 clicks, all with impervious, but you only have 1 damage with perplex.

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It's highly unlikely that you're going to play a major part on the galactic stage, but who cares? You can still change lives, those of others and your own, and that is a truly awesome power; Antares' size may be beyond comprehension, but no one has ever cared enough to throw it a birthday party.


And you know that how?



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*wakes up again*


Sure, on galaxy level, we mean nothing. But on galaxy level, nothing really means anything, does it? What I'm trying to say is that our reality is here, on Earth, in our countries, in our cities, in our lives. What is important for you isn't important for your neighbour or for the future fate of the galaxy, but that doesn't make it any less significant to you.

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*wakes up again*


Sure, on galaxy level, we mean nothing. But on galaxy level, nothing really means anything, does it? What I'm trying to say is that our reality is here, on Earth, in our countries, in our cities, in our lives. What is important for you isn't important for your neighbour or for the future fate of the galaxy, but that doesn't make it any less significant to you.




The world revolves me.


And your world, around you.


and so on.

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The world revolves me.


And your world, around you.


and so on.

That's a more egotistical way to look at it than intended, though I agree it can be read that way. What I meant to highlight was the fact that we should care about the things that actually matter to us, like the well-being of others - not only ourselves. On galaxy level, who cares? On Earth level - many do. And that's my point.

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That's a more egotistical way to look at it than intended, though I agree it can be read that way. What I meant to highlight was the fact that we should care about the things that actually matter to us, like the well-being of others - not only ourselves. On galaxy level, who cares? On Earth level - many do. And that's my point.


It soundw egotistical, but I know that I'm a thoughtful person (compared to a lot of people I know) and very caring and kind. However, I'm not equal to the person I just sat and chatted to a minute ago, as I have no idea what is in their heads. To me as the single being in the universe (which I am, according to my brain), everyone are beings within the universe that I don't know are anything the same as me.


There is nothing but me and my thoughts, to me as a human machine. That's one of the reasons I have no idea how to cope with the concept of my own death.


Of course, that all sounds teribly selfish, as if I were an unfeeling robot. These thoughts don't colour me as a person, and I don't think any less of people just because I can't prove to myself I'm not alone in the world. I envy those who don't worry about the pointless crap I do.

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What gets me is the quantum mechanics of it all - if you took all the space out of a man and squished all the particles together, he would be a barely-visable speck of dust. There are particles that go backwards in time! The universe is one big oxymoron of massive energy. We might just be one note in a smorgastic symphony of the universe... but we're, like all connected doooood. Reality isn't this blue-skied, black-shadow thing we're used to - that's just our perception. And stuff. Etc. shh.


I don't really care if I'm not special to the universe. It kind of means I don't have to be some sort fo role model for anyone. It means my life is mine to do as I please.

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What gets me is the quantum mechanics of it all - if you took all the space out of a man and squished all the particles together, he would be a barely-visable speck of dust. There are particles that go backwards in time! The universe is one big oxymoron of massive energy. We might just be one note in a smorgastic symphony of the universe... but we're, like all connected doooood. Reality isn't this blue-skied, black-shadow thing we're used to - that's just our perception. And stuff. Etc. shh.

Exactly this is also endlessly fascinating to me.

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Truly amazing.

It's too bad it'll take a few thousand years for us to even reach another galaxy physically.

If Earth survives until then.


Our science teacher showed us these pictures but because the scale is so big it begins to mean nothing sooner or later.

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Insignificant? Screw that, when do we start conquering?


The way I think, look at all that matter scattered through out the universe and so far we are the only matter organized in such way as to be able to comprehend all other matter. Until we see another intelligent life form, and even then, we're pretty unique as far as universe goes. The whole, is largely greater than the sum of our parts.

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I have a gif of those images somewhere, but it continues a lot longer - there are things much bigger than Antares ._.


Like ReZ's mum, amirite?


Sad to see this whole thread without a single mother related quip, had to get that out. Anyway, this doesn't make me feel any more insignificant, cos like...well, we were always that small in the grand scheme of things, and these massive entities are something I don't really directly experience(bar ReZ's mum...nightly, LOL). I do find it slightly amazing and fascinating though, but not very surprising. Also, think how apparently insignificant we are sizewise, and then think about the tiniest things we have! The electrons, the protons, neutrons, atoms, all that tiny malarky, they make up our entire world and science, and they're like us compared to anterest, but them compared to us, which is amazing! So yeah, I may be small in comparison to some things, but I'm also huge in comparison to other things.

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Like ReZ's mum, amirite?


Sad to see this whole thread without a single mother related quip, had to get that out. Anyway, this doesn't make me feel any more insignificant, cos like...well, we were always that small in the grand scheme of things, and these massive entities are something I don't really directly experience(bar ReZ's mum...nightly, LOL). I do find it slightly amazing and fascinating though, but not very surprising. Also, think how apparently insignificant we are sizewise, and then think about the tiniest things we have! The electrons, the protons, neutrons, atoms, all that tiny malarky, they make up our entire world and science, and they're like us compared to anterest, but them compared to us, which is amazing! So yeah, I may be small in comparison to some things, but I'm also huge in comparison to other things.


*ReZ thinks about his penis*



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When I start to think about all this my head starts to implode!!! >____<


Looking at all these pictures and videos is fascinating. I didn't actually know a lot about the size of the Universe and the different Suns and all that.. just... WOW! :grin:


It is really incredible! I got this kind of feeling when in lake Garda up a mountain when their is nothing but vast hills all around you. I felt extremely small but in a good way. :) It is very awe inspiring!

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*ReZ thinks about his penis*




Haha, I actually was going to throw a penis one in there too, but felt I was being overly harsh to ReZ with that post(nothing against ReZ or his mother, he's awesome, I thought he'd take it best as my jokes needed subject matter), so I left a small penis joke for his retort, but excellently played good Moogle! :D


Can anyone actually tell me what is as big to us, as we are to an electron? Or to an atom? It's all good knowing that this really big thing is this much bigger than really big thing, but I wanna try and put it into some sort of relative perspectives!

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