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You don't always need the most powerful hardware to be able to push the limits of your talent. Here is my analogy: Give a drummer a huge drum set, with a set of, I dunno, 6 tom-toms, two floor toms, different cymbals ranging from different sized crash cymbals, to a splash, and a cowbell and ask them to come up with something.

Now, give the same drummer a regular five-piece drum set, with a snare, two tom-toms, a floor tom, two crashes and a ride and ask them to come up with something.


Both provide different sets of challenges. Sure, with a bigger drum-set, you have access to more available sounds, so there's more you can do. However, it is also a challenge to use all of these drums and cymbals - quite often you may only need a regular five piece. Some of the best songs ever created were accomplished with a five-piece drum set.


So, yeah, having access to loads of different tools is great. But, there is also the challenging aspect in using technically inferior hardware. With the 360, we know that the system can produce wonderful things. With the Wii, it's much more challenging to produce something really high quality (in terms of the technical things, graphics, etc) when compared to its rivals. But, if you push the system, you can get marvelous things from it. In my opinion, I would be more impressed with pulling off something like Super Mario Galaxy than I would Halo3.


I hope this makes sense, and I hope it makes you see things in a different way.


The problem for me is that music is completely subjective, musical complexity (Or how big a drum kit the band has) doesn't make the music and better or worse, because everyone has different tastes and whatever.


Whereas, how realistic a game looks is objective. How much it pulls off technically is just numbers and figures. I understand you can get subjectivity with art styles and whatnot but even then, the programmers and artists would probably rather make the best looking cel-shaded game then a good looking cel-shaded game. Companies should be going for a less realistic look with their games though (Albeit they best not go in the direction of that majestic march game lol).


It really comes down to the studio in hand on what they want to (And what they financially can do). The reason most people go into games developement is because they enjoy games, and so for most of them (And the ones I've spoken to) they want to go down the PS360 route of developement, as that's what they grew up with.

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Whereas, how realistic a game looks is objective. How much it pulls off technically is just numbers and figures. I understand you can get subjectivity with art styles and whatnot but even then, the programmers and artists would probably rather make the best looking cel-shaded game then a good looking cel-shaded game. Companies should be going for a less realistic look with their games though (Albeit they best not go in the direction of that majestic march game lol).


It's still highly subjective. What is more appealing, a colourful landscape, or a barren-looking one? What fits the game the most? What is more enjoyable?

And what if the style we're looking for isn't that expensive, or hard to accomplish?


For an example, take EBA/Ouendan's story scenes (done in comic book style). Could the PSP (or any machine more powerful than the DS) improve them? Would brighter colours make them prettier or does it work better with slightly darker tones? Would it make any difference, considering you're paying more attention to the story/quirkyness than to colour shades?

Also, how would a more powerful system somehow produce "a better cel-shading" than what Wind Waker has?


You have a point, though. How realistic graphics can be made comes down to how powerful a system is (and moreso, how developers use what they have). But you know what is also objective? How much a digital sound actually sounds like a real instrument.

And I think that's the point Flinky was trying to make. Realistic sounds need (somewhat) powerful machines, but making an enjoyable tune out of bleeps and blops isn't necessarily "worse" than making them with an orchestration behind it. Some prefer the bleeps and blops.


But I have a feeling the discussion was going somewhere else, so I'll shut up, now.

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In my Metroidy defense... I completed Prime 1, you slags. Didn't end up getting all the scans, but I did get a lot. I'm not averse to "checking" stuff in games so scanning was no different. I even started a new file in Prime with the Fusion Suit- yes I also completed Fusion on the GBA. Tis my favourite of the 'troid series. Though obviously the best of poor bunch. :hehe:


You're an awesome gamer then! I completed Fusion (doesn't have difficulty levels) and Zero Mission on "Hard" mode. I hope that gets me some kind of mettle!


Mind you, what are you doing completing games you don't enjoy? (Looks at personal copy of Dragon Quest IV...) ;)


I understand you can get subjectivity with art styles and whatnot but even then, the programmers and artists would probably rather make the best looking cel-shaded game then a good looking cel-shaded game.


Yes, I completely agree. Whilst, to me, Wind Waker is perfect, if you were setting out to make a cartoony game now, the 360/PS3 would allow you have more polygons, a more complex overworld and generally more going on at once.

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um this is not really wii related, but did i dream it or did someone say they are working on a new zelda for wii AND one DS? or was it just a wii zelda?


I've never heard anything about another DS one. I think Emasher said some of the main Zelda team were being utilised on Phantom Hourglass until its release, so the full Zelda team has only been available since late 2007.

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i'd like some amazing DS link up though- items selected on the fly with the touch screen, and the map on the top. Clean that HUD up.


Yes, I enjoyed drawing on the map in Phantom Hourglass (and aiming the bow/cannon). I regret that I didn't have a GBA when I bought Wind Waker (a game I completely loved), so didn't use the link-up features. I guess so many more people have a DS than had a GBA.


Alternatively, turn Tingle in to an exploding disembodied head. Everyones a winner.


Argh, he's my favourite character!

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Argh, he's my favourite character!


Thats a reference to the Link-up stuff in Wind Waker. When you linked the Cube and GBA, you'd be greated with a map of your location and a Tingle icon on the GBA screen, and on the Cube a 2D tingle head floating around, controlled via the GBA. A simple button press would cause this Tingle Head Icon to explode.


It was really, really underwhelming.

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This guy is amazing!

his deviantart gallery.


Truly amazing!


I think those shots prove that you can stick to 2D gameplay and still be absolutely cutting edge. I can't think of a single game that actually looks as good as those, and yet presumably they'd be possible.


It was really, really underwhelming.


Ah, OK, thanks. I don't feel bad about missing it now, although I think you could get an extra sculpture. Incidentally, I had a GBA original and Four Swords with the cable, but not at the same time! I also still love my GB Micro.

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I've had those screens as my screensavers for a few weeks now (the sonic one is sublime).


I'd love to see a return to the classic 2D format for more titles. I thought the success of NSMB would have spurred more retro love-ins and then with Megaman 9...But, devs are still all about 3D. (Even though, arguably many developers truly haven't mastered it.)


More 2D for the future please :D

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Capcom Wants More Wii Resident Evil


With the hype train well and truly kicking into top gear for Resident Evil 5, Wii fans are still wondering what they will receive next. Japan may have had Wii ports of the GameCube's Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil's remake, with both selling between 50,000 and 100,000 units so far at their budget price, but the last title the West was treated to was The Umbrella Chronicles, with only an old rumour from last year stating the shooter spin-off would be given the sequel treatment at some point due to it crossing the million sales mark worldwide.


Now, though, one of Resident Evil 5's Producers, Masachika Kawata, has confirmed that the company does indeed want more Wii Resident Evil. In a video interview...




he is quoted as saying, "Personally, I would like to create something on Wii in the Resident Evil family." Due to him and his team being tied up on the fifth main entry for PS3 and Xbox 360, though, he has no idea what could be coming next, yet ended by saying "watch this space."

I really don't want another light gun entry over a proper story entry!


Capcom know Resi 4 sold extremely well on both GC and Wii and must be aware of everyone saying just how awesome Resi 4's controls are on Wii [espceially compared to the 'backwards step' taken in Resi 5].


They were willing to take a chance on Nintendo for Resi 4 and it payed off, so I hope they are willing to do the same on Wii!

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^ I reckon they already are, just that they'll wait until RE 5 is out of the door before saying anything. The sales figures for RE 4 on the Wii are too large for them to ignore and the fact that everyone who has played it on the Wii and has played RE 5 has stated that the controls in RE 4 are much better makes it pretty hard to ignore. Like I said, I'm sure they've got something undergoing, perhaps not being made yet (in concept stage) or perhaps they have something running. We'll just have to wait and see.

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Yamauchi (the man with the time-machine)


Sunday, September 28, 2003:


Specifically, Yamauchi explained why he chose Satoru Iwata as his successor. "Within our industry there are those who believe that they will succeed simply because of their successes in other ventures or their wealth, but that doesn't guarantee success," said Yamauchi, "Looking at their experiences since entering the gaming world, it's apparent that our competitors have yielded far more failures than successes. It's been said that Sony is the current winner in the gaming world. However, when considering their "victory," you should remember that their success is only a very recent development. Though Sony is widely held to be the strongest in the market, their fortunes may change. Tomorrow, they could lose that strength, as reversals of fortune are part of this business. Taking into account the things I've encountered in my experiences as Nintendo president, I have come to the conclusion that it requires a special talent to manage a company in this industry. I selected Iwata-san based on that criteria. Over the long-term I don't know whether Iwata-san will maintain Nintendo's position or lead the company to even greater heights of success. At the very least, I believe him to be the best person for the job."


February 13, 2004


The former NCL president dismissed the quick arrival of a next-generation console. "Nintendo has no plans to release a so-called 'next-generation' videogame console at the next year's Electronic Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas. We will rather make a new proposal that uses the GameCube at its core," he said. "Only people who do not know the videogame business would advocate the release of next-generation machines when people are not interested in cutting-edge technologies." Yamauchi added that Nintendo's leadership shares his view of the business.


The last quote was number 1 on IGN's Wildest Statements Made by Industry Veterans at March 14, 2006. :laughing:

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Sora + Nintendo = Project Sora


Sora and Nintendo have announced that they create a new team named Project Sora that will work on a secret game. And when you ask Masahiro Sakurai about the project itself he answers that Satoru Iwata has planned to make a new game to give player something he has never experienced before. Let's wait and see.

Sora are Kingdom Hearts right? have they done anything else?

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Sora don't have anything to do with Kingdom Hearts.


The companies head lead guy made Kirby and Smash Bros.


Yeah, Sora is a character in KH so its easy enough to get mixed up.


Sora/ Sakurai were the ones who Nintendo got to make Brawl. Dunno if they made Kirby did they? Thats an interesting factoid. For some reason I thought it was someone like Iwata who was behind the Kirb seeing as he used to work at Hal!

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Sora are Kingdom Hearts right? have they done anything else?


Sora is a character






Sora Ltd. is the company that made SSBB. The one lead by Sakurai.


EDIT: By the way, Sora Ltd. is recent. SSBB is the only game they made. Sakurai was responsible for creating Kirby, but Kirby is in HAL's hands, now.

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