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There's a very good chance that I'm going to be selling my Wii soon (not going to get into why here) but I did have a brief question which I hope someone can answer.


If I decide to format the system memory and unlink the shop/NoE account, as recommended, what would happen to the 19 or so VC games that I had downloaded? The are already backed up on an SD card, so if I included the SD card would the new owner still be able to play them, considering the aforementioned formatting and unlinking.


I would assume so, but wanted to make sure before I get around to listing the thing.


Still probably going to sell your wii?


As great as the conference was I'm still disappointed with upcomming third party Wii support. Goldeneye is the only interesting new title announced and even that feels a bit soulless and uninspiring.


After not having a Wii since a few days before Mario Galaxy, this conference has made my wanting a Wii and I'll have it by this time next week.


Which means that on top of all the new and upcoming games, I also have Brawl, two Mario Galaxy games and a few others to look forward too.


On top of this, there are also quite a few titles that aren't the big Nintendo ones that I need to play. LoveFilm will be great for this - I just need some suggestions. What Wii games do I need to play?

After not having a Wii since a few days before Mario Galaxy, this conference has made my wanting a Wii and I'll have it by this time next week.


Which means that on top of all the new and upcoming games, I also have Brawl, two Mario Galaxy games and a few others to look forward too.


On top of this, there are also quite a few titles that aren't the big Nintendo ones that I need to play. LoveFilm will be great for this - I just need some suggestions. What Wii games do I need to play?

Zack & Wiki, No More Heroes, No More Heroes 2, De Blob, HotD: Overkill, Dead Space Extraction, Sin & Punishment 2, Silent Hill, PunchOut, New Super Mario Bros...


These would all make fantastic rentals.


Also Little Kings Story, but that would make a better full purchase, because it can be found really cheap and has 40+ hours of gameplay.

After not having a Wii since a few days before Mario Galaxy, this conference has made my wanting a Wii and I'll have it by this time next week.


Which means that on top of all the new and upcoming games, I also have Brawl, two Mario Galaxy games and a few others to look forward too.


On top of this, there are also quite a few titles that aren't the big Nintendo ones that I need to play. LoveFilm will be great for this - I just need some suggestions. What Wii games do I need to play?


Mario Kart Wii, Monster Hunter Tri, Tatsunoko, Boom Blox Bash Party, House of the dead overkill, a boy and his blob, Disaster, De Blob, Little Kings Story, Mad World, Muramasa, NSMB, Punch Out, Wii Sports Resort, Red Steel 2, Wario Land....


I mean nothing, the wii doesn't have any good games....

Mario Kart Wii, Monster Hunter Tri, Tatsunoko, Boom Blox Bash Party, House of the dead overkill, a boy and his blob, Disaster, De Blob, Little Kings Story, Mad World, Muramasa, NSMB, Punch Out, Wii Sports Resort, Red Steel 2, Wario Land....


I mean nothing, the wii doesn't have any good games....


Truth be told, from everything I have seen now, it seals the deal that the Wii is the best system (for me) this generation, congrats Nin, you have my money :heh:


Another random question: How likely would it be for Nintendo to activate my VC purchases on my new Wii? I would guess that the chances are very slim.


They said that if I can get the police record of the theft and the old Wii Console number (which I have), then I they'll sort it. So it all depends on if I can get the record from the police.

They said that if I can get the police record of the theft and the old Wii Console number (which I have), then I they'll sort it. So it all depends on if I can get the record from the police.


Or hope Nintendo aren't too thorough with checking and make one up.

Or hope Nintendo aren't too thorough with checking and make one up.


I phoned up but lost signal (I should probably try on a home phone). The process seems to be:


- Get records number from police

- Send a written letter to some address asking for the report

- Wait

- Scan and email report to Nintendo with required details.


Wii System Menu 4.3 is available:


Changes include:

* Deletes the Homebrew Channel and DVDX, title IDs HAXX, DVDX, JODI, DISC, and DISK.

* Now uses IOS80.

* IOS254 stubbed BootMii is deleted.

* Fixed Bannerbomb less stupidly this time.

* Added IOS58 (For "YourShape" USB Camera)

* Overwrite cIOS's.

* Removed ability to use Riivolution.


Nothing exciting. :(

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