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Nintendo have confirmed the delays. But they're not as bad as we previously though. Sin and Punishment has been delayed a month, while Metroid Other M was moved to the end of august. Probably to keep the release date away from that of Mario Galaxy 2. Its still too early to be their big Q4 game though, there's still a chance Zelda will be this year.

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Knowing Nintendo, they could well have been banking on Zelda and Vitality Sensor to be enough for Q3+4. If Zelda has been delayed to 2011, they may be pushing Metroid back to make the holiday season seem less bare with just Vitality. Let's face it, with Vitality Sensor, and a new Christmas push for Galaxy 2, they'd still be the most profitable company over the period without Zelda.

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It was pretty damn obvious that Zelda was never going to make 2010, Nintendo should never have gotten people's hopes up.


When the release dates for Mario and Metroid were first revealed, it seemed almost certain that Zelda would be 2010. Its obvious that at least at that point they thought they could get Zelda out this year.


Its still not 100% certain that this is because zelda is getting delayed though. They may just be trying to spread releases out a bit more as Mario and Metroid were clumped together. Although, I'm not going to get my hopes up.

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See what I've posted in the Metroid: Other M thread. Other M is being pushed back until August, which, according to Nintendo is for two reasons:

1) To actually finish it (it's taking longer than expected)

2) To keep it away from Sin and Punishment and Super Mario Galaxy 2.




I honestly doubt this is because of Zelda, as August is way to early for a Christmas release.

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doesn anyone know iw its possible to add more usb ports to the wii? basically i have the usb internet connector in my wii as my wifi is poor and in the other slot i have wii speak?


can you get usb expanders? or any other way to get a keyboard working? cheers


Get a USB 2.0 Hub. It will work fine.

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Cheap Sega!



You know they're Saturn games port with added Wii features like online leaderboards for worldwide ranking and Wii Remote rumble complete the experience.


Did you moan about House of The Dead 2 & 3 returns?



Also: :o







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