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Lost Series 5


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So they introduce an important character in the last episode of the second last season...

I thought it would have been Widmore in the box. But now Jacob's nemisis has transposed himself into Locke's body and gets Ben to kill Jacob, and Locke has really been dead all along. Quite stupid really. Started off good, then went to shit.


Edited by Chuck
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What if the "incident" was actually the detonation of the hydrogen bomb? So by detonating it they think they are changing the future, but in actual fact are simply doing what was always supposed to have happened?


Who called it?


I called it.


Also, when did Med School teach high precision firing at long distance with an old fashioned pistol? Cause Jack aced that class.

Edited by Gizmo
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I think that so long as it's not the last ever episode, I almost prefer it when they just give us more and more questions.


My earlier prediction for s06 was for our losties to be trying to arrange the oceanic flight (215, 615, or whatever) to occur as it did. While we had Jacob sort of almost doing similar things with the losties, half the time he wasn't intervening, instead almost just making sure they saw his face.


Black Rock must've been the boat at the start, so who knows what that means yet :) The actor playing the black-shirt at the start is excellent, and nearly always plays overly loyal, bastard types. He'll be back no doubt.


So what of Locke calling the 'ghost' of Jack's dad Jacob earlier in the season? Can Jacob/Black Shirt Guy 'possess' the spirits of people who are dead when they arrive on the island?


At what point did Ben even decide that he had to bring the losties all back to the island? I think that's what gets me the most; Ben's character is suddenly ignorant and confused, when he should always seem to have a plan. But anyway, small matter! Juliette surviving a ma-hoosive fall should be more tsk-worthy, as well as alpert saying to jack and sayid "we'll go the way we came" -- so he's going to take an unconscious woman through 90 seconds of underwater? Pfttle!


Er... yeah! Felt more like an extended single episode rather than two episodes, content-wise. Perfectly happy with them introducing the few new characters for next season, and ever-eager to see how it unfolds :)

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Who called it?


I called it.


Also, when did Med School teach high precision firing at long distance with an old fashioned pistol? Cause Jack aced that class.


about the same time Dharma security started recruiting Red Shirts :bouncy:

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I think that so long as it's not the last ever episode, I almost prefer it when they just give us more and more questions.


My earlier prediction for s06 was for our losties to be trying to arrange the oceanic flight (215, 615, or whatever) to occur as it did. While we had Jacob sort of almost doing similar things with the losties, half the time he wasn't intervening, instead almost just making sure they saw his face.


Jacob was making sure that he touch them.


Black Rock must've been the boat at the start, so who knows what that means yet :) The actor playing the black-shirt at the start is excellent, and nearly always plays overly loyal, bastard types. He'll be back no doubt.


The black-shirt guy is Esau.


Esau was trapped inside the cabin until the ash ring was broken.

Edited by Dante
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So next season is the last?


Yeah! New logo for it as well.


What happened?


Read the Lostipedia page on the eps if you want to know what happened.




Richard Alpert responded to the question of "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" with "Ille qui nos omnes servabit" - “He who will protect/save us all.”



Edited by Dante
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Just finished watching - what an awesome episode! A Jacob-centric is the last thing I was expecting. It was great to see all those key moments from the Losties' pasts, like Sawyer writing his letter, Jack's first operation, and Locke falling out of the building (from a different angle). It makes me wonder if we'll ever get to see how Jacob touched the lives of Charlie, Michael, Boone, Mr Eko, Libby et al before they came to the island. It'd be brilliant if we did.


I never wanted them to end up changing the past/future, and even though it seems like Juliet detonated the bomb at the end, I'm still pretty confident that it never changed anything. There's no way that it'll work out the way Faraday wanted it to, with 815 never crashing, because it'll mean that the storyline with Ben, Sun and the others in 2007 will just blip out of existance. Unless they set up some kind of 'parallel dimension' thing, and I think that's too complicated even for Lost. I do wonder if the incident somehow (don't ask me how) flashes the Losties away from the 70s and back into 2007. I kind of hope they don't stay in the 70s much longer, but before they go, I really want to get some kind of explanation about the broadcast of the Numbers. And if they do all get flashed back to 2007, will Rose, Bernard and Vincent go with them? I was really happy to see them again (gotta love Robinson Crusoe Bernard!), and I'm pleased they're living happily on the island. I think it's looking more and more likely that they're the Adam and Eve skeletons. Perhaps they don't get flashed with the others because they're too far away from the Swan? Who knows.


As for the Jacob storyline, I'm kind of assuming that his enemy, the one who's impersonating Locke, is the smoke monster in human form. We've already seen Smokey take on the form of dead islanders (Yemi, for example) so the link between it and Jacob's enemy is pretty clear. The big question though, is has Christian been Smokey all along? It seems that way to me. If that's true, though, my only question is why would he appear in the form of Christian to anyone other than Jack and Claire? Why appear as Christian to Locke and Michael?


So many questions.. :D

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So many questions.. :D


Read the bible. :p


In the Bible, Jacob's brother, with whom he has a tenuous and sometimes antagonistic relationship, is named Esau.


The person “Jacob” appears in Hebrew(Torah), Christian(Bible), and Muslim(Qur'an) historical texts. In all three historical texts, Jacob is considered a “holy man.”


During Biblical times, many gods were worshiped and to differentiate the Jewish god from these various other gods, he was referred to as the "God of Jacob".


Jacob was the patriarch of what became the 12 Tribes of Israel, people chosen by God to be "set apart" and special.

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Dante; those answers weren't ever explicit in the show, so I'd consider them spoilers :P


Mike; Rose and Bernard! What an odd thing to fling at an audience.It seemed to serve no point but raise a cheer from lostians who're always keen to see an old face. I think the smokey dude takes teh form of bodies that arrive to the island already dead (Eko's brother, christian, and Locke). If smokey has been these guys all along, then I think we are only correct in assuming that it was all part of his loophole in getting Jacob killed.


After I finished the episodes I wondered whether we could be completely certain that the new 'baddie' wants jacob dead.


This stems from an idea I had about Alpert a few episodes ago, although I don't think it works at all.


Basically I figured that if you died in, say, the year 2421, and your body was taken to the island, then if the island was existing in any time period before 2421 then the spirit would be 'reincarnated', and unkillable until the island, too, reaches this year.


So I figured that Alpert was maybe killed waaay into the future, and thus does not age, let alone die, until close to his time. Similarly, Jacob and smokey/blackey also actually 'died' a lot later, so they cannot be killed.


Of course, this theory has less coherance now that we know a bit more about locke actually being dead and such. Makes us surely question Ben's role in the matter; maybe he always knew of the 'dark side'..?


Well, either/any way; this show rocks simply because you can apply the word theory to it.


I still have high hopes, and I honestly think it'll be quite tricky for them to fuck up the last season :)

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Who called it?


I called it.


Also, when did Med School teach high precision firing at long distance with an old fashioned pistol? Cause Jack aced that class.


But that didn't actually happen? The bomb didn't go off until Juliet hit it with the rock right at the end meaning the bomb didn't cause the incident?


And yeah, I noticed that about the pistol firing too, they were all great at it.



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But that didn't actually happen? The bomb didn't go off until Juliet hit it with the rock right at the end meaning the bomb didn't cause the incident?


And yeah, I noticed that about the pistol firing too, they were all great at it.




Well, I don't think some metal scaffolding collapsing really justifies the stature they treated it with in the videos. A hydrogen bomb explosion 30 seconds later, on the other hand.

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Dante; those answers weren't ever explicit in the show, so I'd consider them spoilers :p


As would i, Dante start thinking before you post please. You have already spoilt Lost for some people on here a few times before.

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what makes you say that it didn't cause the incident? There was no plane crashing before the bomb went off, was there?


It's still up in the air



the swan hatch was built to control the electromagnetism


the swan hatch was built to contain the electromagnetism because it was damaged by the bomb.


personally, I'd love it if they used the whole linear memories theory to reset time all the way back to series 1 on the oceanic flight, only the characters retain all their memories. Woahz.


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They were building the hatch to control the electromagnetism anyway -- and we know that they will be pouring concrete on the anomoly because of a nuclear leak, which leads me to conclude that it was indeed the nuke that set it off in the first place.


What bothers me is exactly what is the Swan for, anyway? If they were building it to test this electromagnetic field then where are the experimental elements in the Hatch? All we know the hatch to be is a button to release the energy that flares up. If they didn't drill into the energy pocket while building the swan that releases flares tehn they wouldn't have needed to build the swan, nor make a button, if you follow me.


Or maybe i just missed something real simple :P

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That was Excellent!! :bouncy: and well worth the 3 times I had to try before acquiring it... but yeh, loved so much of it. Cracking first few minutes, and the Jacob character looks to be brilliant. (Coincidentally has the actor been in anything else? I recognise him)


I can't see any way that Juliet can be alive, which sucks... yet I suspect Jack Kate Sawyer Miles and his Dad all survive (what with us knowing that Miles' dad survives)


Seeing Rose and Bernard was pointless yet made me smile... 'Don't you want some tea before you go?' & lol at Bernard's beard.


Also I thought it was interesting seeing the relationship between Jacob and that other dude... reminded me of similar ones with Ben and Widmore, who in comparison are hardly important at all. And an Jacob really be dead? Weird how little effort he made to kill Ben...

Oh but Sun is irritating me rather alot.


As for the Jacob storyline, I'm kind of assuming that his enemy, the one who's impersonating Locke, is the smoke monster in human form. We've already seen Smokey take on the form of dead islanders (Yemi, for example) so the link between it and Jacob's enemy is pretty clear. The big question though, is has Christian been Smokey all along? It seems that way to me. If that's true, though, my only question is why would he appear in the form of Christian to anyone other than Jack and Claire? Why appear as Christian to Locke and Michael?


So many questions.. :D


Makes sense... and if fake Locke is smokey, then it explains the smoke monster telling Ben to help Locke or be destoryed or whatever


Well, I don't think some metal scaffolding collapsing really justifies the stature they treated it with in the videos. A hydrogen bomb explosion 30 seconds later, on the other hand.


Yeh but had the bomb not gone off then potentially a lot more could have been sucked into that hole than just the scaffolding... I mean with not button to be pressed to stop it, everything metal on the island could have been sucked in. However, saying that I actually agree with you (And thought Miles' line way brilliant, love him)


Also, when did Med School teach high precision firing at long distance with an old fashioned pistol? Cause Jack aced that class.


Lol, I was thinking that when I watching. Bit of a good shot.

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That was Excellent!! :bouncy: and well worth the 3 times I had to try before acquiring it... but yeh, loved so much of it. Cracking first few minutes, and the Jacob character looks to be brilliant. (Coincidentally has the actor been in anything else? I recognise him)


He was bad-guy ex-husband in Dexter, which is what I know him from. Dunno what else he's been in.

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Haha thanks guys, damn that was nagging me all the way through! I thought maybe he was Number Two from Battlestar but nope.


Oh yeah, other thing that annoyed me about the finale: the pettiness of the characters. Juliet willing to detonate a nuke because Sawyer looked at Kate a bit too fondly? Jack detonating the nuke because he thought he had no chance with Kate? Urgh...

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I love the way they have a sort of love-square with them. You'd expect it to turn it the two criminals and the two doctors, but the island-leaving left them with one of each. Also, a shame for Juliet how they both ended up wanting Kate more.

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