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Lost Series 5


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I don't think that ben faked jacob, nor does locke think that jacobs fake. Hurley saw him, claire did, locke did. But that ending would be awesome, if a tad unfinished explanation wise. I have no clue about locke anymore, he seems to be riding on the fact that the island is telling him what to do...i presume through his crazy dream, but hey the island clearly wants locke to do shizzle, otherwise it wouldn't have threatened to kill ben.


I rather excited because i really don't know whats gonna happen next you know...and jay, season 6 - end duh :P

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I never said that there is no Jacob, just that Ben's been faking it to his peeps - like that house? Moving chairs? Maybe all an illusion.


I know 6 = end, but the whole season won't just be 'end' :P They can't fill up 16 episodes like that, surely...

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What if the "incident" was actually the detonation of the hydrogen bomb? So by detonating it they think they are changing the future, but in actual fact are simply doing what was always supposed to have happened?

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That would make some sort of sense, i mean they poured concrete on the site after the 'incident', which is how they deal with nuclear meltdowns. I think you're right; they will detonate the bomb. I guess the new question is; who survives? Who detonates it?


Maybe the guys off the island try and ensure it all occurs as it's meant to out there (getting people on the plane, etc) while we have people left on the island, somehow trying to ensure that everything that happened after the crash still happens (like how lost told alpert to take the bullet out of his past-self's leg and tell him that stuff); so maybe someone pushes the plane so it lands on Boone, and... that's all I can think of right now.


Small question; the compass. Is there one or two now? When past-lock dissapeared after alpert took the bullet out of his leg, did he give the compass back to locke or did locke give it to him? Alpert had one when Present-Locke returned, and gave it to locke, so did Locke give it back to him to give past-locke? I honestly just wasn't paying enough attention at that point.

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What if the "incident" was actually the detonation of the hydrogen bomb? So by detonating it they think they are changing the future, but in actual fact are simply doing what was always supposed to have happened?


That seems very likely. Sayid mentions when they first find the hatch that he's only ever seen something like it at Chernobyl.


I think that Dan is right about the whole whatever happened, happened rule. But for every rule there is an exception and I think that exception is Desmond. There has already been one case of the past changing and affecting the future with Desmond. The event when Dan knocks on the hatch door and speaks to Desmond in the past never appears to have originally happened as Desmond wakes up in the future having only just remembered it. Plus there is no recognition of Dan by Desmond when they first meet prior to this event. Additionally the events which happen when Desmond is flashing backwards and forwards in time looking for Penny, his constant, appear to never have originally happened in the past. Therefore I think it's necessary for Desmond to return to the Island as he acts like a bridge between the past and the present.


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Desmond! Of course! What is he all about? Yet he surely exists within his own metaphysical time constraints too. Remember when he was trying to buy a different wedding ring and eloise stopped him? When he was re-living those 5 years? Those seemed to make it vital that he go (slash RETURN) to the island, so if there is some freedom in changing the 'future' then it seems to have to occur after both the incident and also the second one (where the sky turned purple and the island started moving).


On the same tangent; how was eloise in desmond's engagement-ring-shop? How did she know he would be there? She knew that guy was going to be killed by teh falling bricks but... how? In some matters we can presume that Dan's journal had helped, but surely it didn't contain, what, 5 years of desmond's life?


Desmond as a bridge can surely operate between a certain past and a certain present. There must be time periods that bookend each of those phases.


I still don't understand that pendulum in that church that eloise had to always locate the island. We've got some egyptian mythology in the island, of course, so is there meant to be some christain involvement to be read into, or was the church just symbolic of that particular moment rather than the series as a whole?

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I still don't understand that pendulum in that church that eloise had to always locate the island. We've got some egyptian mythology in the island, of course, so is there meant to be some christain involvement to be read into, or was the church just symbolic of that particular moment rather than the series as a whole?


The pendulum in the church was another Dharma station. Christian mythology has popped up at other points in the show and might have some bearing I think. Eko was particularly big on it and told Locke stories about King Solomon's Temple and how it was destroyed but then rebuilt. It seemed irrelevant at the time, but maybe those stories somehow link to the island temple.


Just thinking about that episode with Desmond, it is quite weird. I guess Desmond is again showng some sort of free will over events in time in that he would have happily gone off with the engagement ring had Eloise not stopped him. But as to what she was doing there I have no idea. Best guess is that maybe she's lived those events before, but who knows.

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I suppose we're not getting to the bottom of the whole Eloise/Widmore situation this season, but there has to be a story behind how they leave the island.


Can anyone remember what year young Ben effectively ended teh Dharma initiative? In correlation to the nuke/hatch and all. I mean, the nuke going off surely won't kill everyone because someone covers it in concrete, and because someone builds the hatch.


I'd genuinely forgotten about Eko. Now I'm remembering Charlie's dreams about Aaron with claire dressed as an angel, too. to some extent a lot of shows just lean on christian mythology to add a shallow version of 'depth' to the show.


Well... we have less than a week to see the final double episode. Gonna be awesome!

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Looking forward to this, I wonder what crazy twist at the end of this finale will be. I think it's a pretty sound theory that the detonation of the bomb was always going to happen. So Dharma are pretty much off the island right, so they'd survive the explosion. The others seem to be in past, present and future so I guess they survive. Underground possibly. Do the losties die though? Alpert seems to think so...Maybe he thinks they die in the explosion but hopefully don't? Gripping shit.

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OMG at the start! :o



A man is spindling cloth, in what looks to be like the caves underneath the island.


It cuts to this man catching a fish, as he sits on the island and looks on, we see a ship...it's probably the black rock.


A man walks up to him, and ask how the ship got there. The guy that we had been following tells him that they should just ask when the get there. The other guy says "I don't need to ask them, because you brought them here". The guy we had been following just smiles. The other guy then says something like "I wish I could kill you right now, some day, I'll find a loophole". They then argue over what appears to be bringing people to the island. The guy who we have been following is Jacob. He believes that people can come to the island. The other guy believes that people come to the island and just fight and kill. The camera pans up, and we see the statue.



Series 6 logo - white background and black words

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How could they be so cruel to leave us on a cliffhanger like that lol


But then again, we know its a predestination paradox so

We know the blast doesn't kill anyone. Just look at Dr. Chang's hand, we know he had a fake hand in some of the videos dated beyond 1977. Miles had it right, it was destined to happen


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Oh my god...


That was a pretty insane finale. Seemed to move a bit slower than previous ones. I guess Sayid, Juliet and Locke are all dead. I'm wondering if the explosion propels the losties back into the present day? As for the whole Jacob thing, was anyone else getting a kind of God and Satan vibe off of them? I don't really want that from the show but it's certainly looking that way. Locke's doppleganger (The Devil?) seems to be the smoke, appearances of dead people etc. Jacob is the good one after all and seems to have engineered the losties to come to the island to perhaps save it from the bad one? One thing that still has yet to be explained was the aftermath of the hatch explosion, Desmond, Locke and Eko all surviving it :/


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That ending was just pure evil/awesome!


Id also agree that the blast is gonna somehow throw the Losties back into the future. Jacob and whoever the other guy is (monster?) are starting to look like dark and light sides that we always hear so much about in Lost.


Oh and I love that statue, its one of my favourite things on Lost.


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