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i didn't first time round, but then i didnt realise 20 was the level cap, i actualy got one that got my lockpick up to 100.


second play, i got explorer, going for the trophy and it seemed wise.

Going for which trophy? Find 100 places? Cos that's pretty easy without explorer. The grim reaper perk is awesome in comparison to explorer. It makes you unstoppable....
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Going for which trophy? Find 100 places? Cos that's pretty easy without explorer. The grim reaper perk is awesome in comparison to explorer. It makes you unstoppable....


im already unstoppable without the perk, energy weapons at 98, a almost prefect condition plasma rifle, kills enclave soilders in a single shot.



plus, im done, nothing can pose a challenge, even a room full of death claws is relativly problem free at this point.


I got my big guns perk rediculously high, which surprisingly doesn't help all that much apart from using the BurnMaster, which is insanely powerful (although the amount of damage I've done with bigger guns has indefinetely got me out of tight situations). I want a bit more kick out of my missile launcher.


Energy weapons are also very high, and I still have a 100 shots with the alien blaster.

Rifles/Shotguns/Small guns are all high too (60-70) which is great with the terrible shotgun which can cream any opponent within 2 shots most of the time. Plasma Rifle is easy to kill people with but I don't like using it because it looks rubbish, Plasma Pistol is much more badass.


Did anyone bother trying to get that Experimental MIRV thing or whatever it was?

im already unstoppable without the perk, energy weapons at 98, a almost prefect condition plasma rifle, kills enclave soilders in a single shot.



plus, im done, nothing can pose a challenge, even a room full of death claws is relativly problem free at this point.

Switch up to very hard then, challenge yourself ;)

whens the next dlc coming then i want my fallout goodness


I've read that it could be released in March, with the final dlc coming in April. I think it's just speculation though.




Oh, and the Fallout 3 wiki is the best Fallout 3 guide EVER! :grin:


Unless something has changed, the official Bethesda statement back in November/December was release the SDK in Dec, DLC1 in Jan, DLC2 in Feb, and DLC3 in march. So far they've adhered to that plan.

Switch up to very hard then, challenge yourself ;)


i might do for my final play through, neutral (plan to leave a task ready for good karma so i can make a save and get he good karma trophies to, without having to do a good karma playthrough again)


Just blow up Megaton. :)


I found it easy to have negative karma - in fact I was only in positive karma for a short while in the game. I was massively evil by the end, haha. It's more fun. ^_^

Just blow up Megaton. :)


I found it easy to have negative karma - in fact I was only in positive karma for a short while in the game. I was massively evil by the end, haha. It's more fun. ^_^


i found being good more fun, but then i did love playing the hero, jumping in to save the people. me and a hunting rifle was like a death sentence to any one in our path. happy days.


I'm pretty sure it might be slightly more satisfying to play as a good person, but when I did the right thing I was always low on cash and whatnot. I loved paying some guy 1000 caps to refill my inventory, then blowing his head off and taking it all back straight away. :)

Unless something has changed, the official Bethesda statement back in November/December was release the SDK in Dec, DLC1 in Jan, DLC2 in Feb, and DLC3 in march. So far they've adhered to that plan.


I thought that too tbh. The Fallout 3 wiki caught me off gaurd, and made me think that Bethesda had pushed it back, or something. I hope it is all out by March though!


*sigh* Sometimes this game is a little tough. What am I supposed to do if I can't get past several super mutants? So off I go... Do some side quests. Get there, die. No save, back to Megaton. After about 20 minutes of walking and i didn't think to save once.




At the very start it is difficult on normal I thought, I wanted to get to the next objective by going through the underground and barely made it through. There's a fair few ghouls and not enough ammo really.


Still, certainly possible.

I'm pretty sure it might be slightly more satisfying to play as a good person, but when I did the right thing I was always low on cash and whatnot. I loved paying some guy 1000 caps to refill my inventory, then blowing his head off and taking it all back straight away. :)

I finished the game (on very easy, mind you) with over 9,000 caps (and 70 hours of play...) with a positive character! Riley paying for each location you find really helps, along with pre-war books and fingers.

*sigh* Sometimes this game is a little tough. What am I supposed to do if I can't get past several super mutants? So off I go... Do some side quests. Get there, die. No save, back to Megaton. After about 20 minutes of walking and i didn't think to save once.



I put 20 hours into the game on normal, and probably would've kept on sweating through the game if I hadn't saved the game in the middle of a robot-infested building and not loaded it up again for two months. It definitely gets easier as your weapon strength increases, along with certain places being rich in ammo and stimpaks. It's a lot more strategic the higher the difficulty, but, I would argue, still damn fun on a lower one. It's just gamer elitism that makes us think we have to torture ourselves while we play!


^ It's a good point actually! Why should I play on a higher difficulty? I do it for pride, which is stupid because no-one is going to judge you and nothing will change other than how easy or hard it is. Sounds obvious but sometimes I have played on medium/higher difficulties for the sake of it.


2 reasons to do it though:

a) trophies & achievements

b) Challenge can be fun and rewarding

(eg. shooting enemies that die with one bullet can be boring and look silly. If you pummel them it feels better when they go down)


Difficulty should be chosen so it doesn't sacrifice the fun-factor.

*sigh* Sometimes this game is a little tough. What am I supposed to do if I can't get past several super mutants? So off I go... Do some side quests. Get there, die. No save, back to Megaton. After about 20 minutes of walking and i didn't think to save once.



Don't listen to everyone telling you to lower it to little-girl difficulty. You need to level up your small guns, find a hunting rifle, crouch for improve accuracy and pop off some head shots :D lower the difficulty and you lower the XP and make the overall experience less challenging. Set your auto save to occur at every instance of travel, rest, sleep, use the back button to wait til daylight if it's dark. Look for mattresses to rest on between fights, just one hour will put you back to full health. Take a perk to boost your accuracy with two-handed weapons and the Sniper perk if you can. Repair your weapons by collecting several of the same, broken weapons do little damage. Combat Shotgun, Chinese Assault Rifle and Hunting Rifle are your friends early on. When you get to the Mall area of DC, go to the History Museum to find a much better hunting rifle :D Screw Big Guns, they suck all the way through except for flame throwers and top end laser miniguns.


The first time I stumbled into the Mall area on my first run through was the first time I'd really fought Super Mutants on my own and I found it insanely hard. But after you find a good gun that you like and level up with it in mind, it's not too tough. Oh and landmines are your friend! Lay a few at corners or doorways then run and hide and coax the enemy over them.


Don't screw big guns! On normal I levelled the mum out of them and it was worth it. I never bothered with sneak/speech skills and pretty much just went for weapons, repair and hacking/lockpicking stats.


It was a very fun run-through, although I don't know what it is like if you play differently.

Don't screw big guns! On normal I levelled the mum out of them and it was worth it.
I got my big guns perk rediculously high, which surprisingly doesn't help all that much .... I want a bit more kick out of my missile launcher.

Make your mind up!

Just left the vault as my new character - the badass Kristina who beat down everyone with her bare fists before leaving the vault. Still fuckin' neutral, though.
if you're trying to be bad and you blow up megaton it's worth like -1000 karma or something, which is pretty hard to even get back to neutral from.

i remeber the first few levels being tough as i adjusted to the game, but to be honest, i never enountered any real problems playing on normal. listen to shorty, he speaks the truth. have spair weapons to repair, sell the ones you dont need. have a melle weapons for animals early on, save ammo for things that shoot back. buy as many stimpaks as you can, as well as good armour.


having a base (house in megaton for example) is the most important thing, gives you a place to heal and store items, return often.


the game really isnt to hard if your plan it out and keep ontop of weapon maitenece.

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