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Two more fighters confirmed.


Game Informer got the goods on two more classics returning in Punch-Out!! Wii. The article also contains a few details about how the fighters are bringing the pain this time around.


Don Flamenco


- taunts you into fighting, then counters with a maraca uppercut

- Don will taunt with a Uno, Dos, Tres, and then unleash a three hooks followed by an uppercut

- knock off Don’s toupee to really get him riled up


Bear Hugger


- big into showing off his belly moves

- bear hug returns

- still makes his raspberry face



Source: GoNintendo

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Heres a few new details.


- exhibition mode: fight any boxer of your choosing, practice against holographic representations of the fighters you can’t seem to beat

- fights will come with a set of challenges (achievements), and if you accomplish these specific task, you’ll be able to unlock music, voice samples and more


I like the sound of the achievements :D

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That's... so awesome!! And unfortunately, so very expensive. But awesome nontheless!


Played the original Punch-Out yesyerday for ol' times sake. Still a fun game. gonna dust off my SNES tonight and have some Super Punch-Out. Never liked Little Mac's makeover in that game, though, or the box-art. No coach or pink jogging suit either. What's a boxer without a coach and a pink jogging suit, I tell you!


A brief history of Little Mac:


Punch-Out (Arcade) OK, not really Little Mac, but his forebear.



Punch-Out (NES)



Super Punch-Out



Fight Night Round 2



Super Smash Bros. Brawl



Captain Rainbow (Cameo)




Punch-Out (Wii)




And, because we can never have enough pink jogging suits:






I see no reason why all the fighters won't be playable in the multiplayer


Perhaps because their moveset wouldn't really translate well outside of CPU-control? Controls for Little Mac are simple: low/high left/right jab, uppercut, duck, evade. The other characters have different movesets (one generic punch, delayed uppercut, a fury of fists, etc.), which I think are hard to map. And it would be rather unfair because, unlike little Mac, they have atleast one obvious weakness. Still, maybe they find a way around it, but I'm not holding my breath.

Edited by Strange Cookie
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A few unlockables and challenges have been revealed.


- completing a circuit changes Little Mac’s outfit (green, to blue, to ect…)

- use all three stars at once for a triple star spinning uppercut

- ring size/venue changes from circuit to circuit

- Little Mac wears a helmet in the training session (details discussed earlier)

- as mentioned before, there will be specific challenges in Exhibition mode


Von Kaiser challenges:

- Win the fight and land EVERY punch thrown

- TKO Von Kaiser in under a minute

- KO Von Kaiser with only 5 punches


Glass Joe challenges:

- knock him down three times, but let him win by decision

- find the one-punch knockout

- win a fight without dodging/blocking/ducking


- camera zooms in as you beat up your opponent

- pressing the minus button between rounds will regain health. This is allowed once per fight, you’ll see a visual confirmation of the button press when Doc Louis eats a chocolate bar

- lose 100 times and earn the training helmet to make you invincible

- you can also tap 1 and 2 to regain health after being knocked down

- depleted heart meter means you can’t punch

- special mode unlocked after you beat the game (details are secret)




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The news we've been waiting for!!




Punch-Out!! Dated for EU


Nintendo's revival of the Punch-Out!! series for the Wii has been dated for Europe, with the game hitting shelves on May 22, four days after its release in the US.


One of the biggest games for the console this summer, Punch-Out!! marks a return for the boxing series after a fifteen year absence. Judging from the latest hands-on, it's set to be a triumphant comeback.

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New Info - One of the biggest names in boxing returns after a fifteen year hiatus. Grab your Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers and step back into the ring with Punch-Out!! for the Wii console. Little Mac is back! The ultimate underdog and the best of the Punch-Out!! cast come to life in a modern re-imagination of the series. Glass Joe, King Hippo, trainer Doc Louis and your favorite cast of boxing misfits return for another round of title bouts. See the these boxers come to life in glorious cell-shaded 3-D, complete with hilariously fighting animations and back stories that capture all the fun and flair of the original Punch-Out!! Games. Are you up to the challenge of their new attacks and strategies?


Power Little Mac through match after match of motion-controlled upper cuts, body blows and hooks. Throw your punches to help him throw his. The motion-sensing Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers turn your real-life swings into on-screen punches, making this Punch-Out!! game one anyone can play. Optional functionality with the Wii Balance Board accessory (sold with Wii Fit) adds in active play dodging and ducking.


The game can also be played with classic NES-style controls, offering both newcomers and purists multiple ways to play. All new modes, including first-ever Head-to-Head fighting in the Punch-Out!! series and a challenging new Title Defense mode.

An all new multiplayer mode lets you box head-to-head against a friend for the first time ever in the Punch-Out!! Series. And, once players guide Little Mac to the championship in the single player game, they must defend the title in challenge matches against Mac’s fallen foes, who return to the ring with all new tactics, having learned from their defeats.

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they must defend the title in challenge matches against Mac’s fallen foes, who return to the ring with all new tactics, having learned from their defeats.


Good stuff! I seem to recall the NES version having something similar after the credits roll so im glad they remembered to include this

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the full ONM review that will be in the next issue.


This could so easily have been a failure. When developer Next Level Games (responsible for Mario sports games like Mario Tennis and Mario Strikers Charged Football) were given the task of bringing back one of Nintendo's most beloved cult franchises, it could have been so easy to mess it up. Especially when the series in question is Punch Out!!.


Had it been too tricky, the vast majority of Wii owners would have been put off. Like it or not, the Wii's audience is very different from that back in the days of the SNES and NES. Had it been too easy, though, the game would have certainly upset the hardcore Nintendo gamers; long time fans who have been waiting upwards of 14 years for a new Punch Out!! to emerge. This is a tricky tightrope to cross, and yet Next Level Games have done it with ease. On a unicycle. While juggling fire.


On first glance, it seems that Punch Out!! doesn't have much in its locker. It's got an Exhibition mode, a Head-to-Head two player mode, and a Career mode where, like the previous games in the series, you fight your way through three circuits (Minor, Major and World) in order to become the champ in each one.


Punch Out!! is faithful to the original game, to the point that some opponents can be defeated using the same tactics as before. When we made King Hippo expose his weak stomach so we could punch away at it, or realised that with the right timing we could once again hit Bald Bull and knock him down as he charged towards us, we couldn't help but think that this was little more than a re-imagining of the original NES game, something that newer gamers would love but older ones (or those that took our advice and have already played through the original games on Virtual Console) would feel short changed by.


In fact, it seemed to us that anyone who'd played the SNES and NES games would have no problem breezing through the 13 opponents, all of whom (with the exception of Disco Kid) featured in previous instalments of the series. And as we got to the thirteenth and final opponent after only an hour and a half, we feared this would be the case.


We were worried. Sure, anyone who hasn't played Punch out!! on the NES or its SNES sequel would indeed take a lot longer than a couple of hours to play through the game, and they'd probably get a lot more enjoyment learning how to defeat each opponent. But nobody's been looking forward to this game more than Punch Out!!'s long time fans, and as we finally disposed of our 13th foe, we couldn't help but feel let down by how easy it all was. We had this review all planned out in our head: "great for newcomers, but far, far too easy for Punch Out!! fans. 70%" And that's when things got interesting.


You see, as with all great boxing champions, once Little Mac wins the belt, he has to defend it. In this case, by fighting again against everyone he's already fought. "Fair enough," we thought, "at least we already know how to beat them all". Ah, how foolish of us. This string of title defences comes under the heading of "World B", and every opponent is significantly harder than they were before.


Take Glass Joe, for example. He's long been the butt of many a Punch Out!! joke. Having never won a match, he's by far the easiest opponent in the game thanks to his glass jaw (hence the name). Before defending the belt against him though, a cut-scene shows him going to the doctor. The doctor show him an X-ray and explains that his jaw is weak, giving him a headguard to protect it. As a result, punches to the head no longer faze him. His fighting style is much trickier now too. When he leans back to punch, he'll sometimes fake it, making you dodge at the wrong time and leaving you open.


The result of this? We lost the fight. To Glass Joe. Glass Joe couldn't even fight sleep, and here we are on the receiving end of a walloping from the worst fighter in the game. With this one defeat, all our worries about the game's difficulty and our annoyance at Next Level Games completely disappeared. The extreme difficulty continues throughout World B, and turns the experience from a heart-crushingly easy game, to what is far and away the most difficult and punishing Punch Out!! yet. And we loved every minute of it.


Considering each fighter has a completely new set of moves the second time around, it's effectively 26 opponents instead of 13, making the game much longer and much, much more harder. Even so, with these extra opponents taken into consideration, we're still talking probably five or six hours before they're all beaten. So what then? Not to worry, there's still another little trick up Punch Out!!'s sleeve: the Exhibition Mode.


We know what you're thinking. In any other game, Exhibition mode is the bit where you just have a one-off game and there's no real point to it really. That's not the case here. Here you get to choose from the opponents that you've already beaten and fight them again, only this time you're given three challenges before you fight. Glass Joe (and we mean easy Glass Joe, not the tougher version) becomes much harder when you have to beat him without ducking, dodging or blocking a punch. Or how about beating Von Kaiser in only five punches? It's a great way to extend the games lifespan, and we defy anyone to say that it's anything other than insanely hard to complete every challenge for every fighter.


There's also a two-player mode, but if we're being honest, it's the weakest aspect of the game. It's fun when you rack up a combo and see your fighter transform into Giga Mac - a huge monstrous version of Mac with obscenely strong punches - but overall, it's nowhere near as entertaining as the single player modes.


Punch Out!! does a fantastic job of appealing to everyone. The first set of 13 fights is essentially an introduction to newcomers who have never played a Punch Out!! game before, while the World B mode and Exhibition fights provide the real hardcore challenge for dedicated gamers.


What's more, there are loads of cheeky winks that will appeal to fans of the series - the music, the fact you can use the 'extra energy' cheat between rounds as in the original game, and of course that pink jumpsuit - which make it clear that this is as much a love letter to long-time Nintendo fans as it is a great experience for newcomers, making it a must-have for everyone.


And the final surprise will please everyone, but we're sworn to secrecy on that....



+ Looks absolutely incredible

+ Boxers ooze character

+ Classic Punch Out!! gameplay

+ Easy for n00bs, hard for pros



- Multiplayer mode is weak



The best Punch Out!! game yet. Accessible for newcomers, but a real challenge for experts.


Total Score: 91% (Gold Award)

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So what was all the bullshit about not being able to fit all the content on one disk? Sounds like there isn't much extra in it to be honest. I mean, I'm still excited about it and can't wait, but I was expecting a few extra modes, loads of unlockables etc.


Also, how come they haven't mentioned balance board controls?

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A final suprise eh? Im guessing you get to fight either Doc or the referee, or Little Mac's dad (Mario)

Or maybe they snuck Tyson back into the game!


At any rate, ive never been so tempted to buy the Wii again as i am now

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That's a very promising feature on the game. I am a little bit perplexed as to why they didn't mention the balance board at all, as I was sure it would be something they would be focusing on. Hmm.


Besides that, it all seems rather swell. It seems very "complete", and polished, so I can't wait to pick this up. To be honest, I was sold on this a long time ago.

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I'm thinking that either the Balance Board controls are rubbish, ONM didn't play the final product, or they had a guided play session with Nintendo, and Nintendo didn't let them go anywhere near it.

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I'm thinking that either the Balance Board controls are rubbish, ONM didn't play the final product, or they had a guided play session with Nintendo, and Nintendo didn't let them go anywhere near it.


Yeah, I'd say it was probably the latter.

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I can't wait to pick this up. To be honest, I was sold on this a long time ago.


I wasn't hyped at all about thise one (which is surprising, as I loved both previous instalments with my heart and liver), but I am now!


Take Glass Joe, for example. He's long been the butt of many a Punch Out!! joke. Having never won a match, he's by far the easiest opponent in the game thanks to his glass jaw (hence the name). Before defending the belt against him though, a cut-scene shows him going to the doctor. The doctor show him an X-ray and explains that his jaw is weak, giving him a headguard to protect it. As a result, punches to the head no longer faze him. His fighting style is much trickier now too. When he leans back to punch, he'll sometimes fake it, making you dodge at the wrong time and leaving you open.


The result of this? We lost the fight. To Glass Joe.


Genuis!! Why does May 22nd seem so far away all of the sudden?

And I feel so stupid for not getting the Joe/Jaw-pun before...


There's also a two-player mode, but if we're being honest, it's the weakest aspect of the game. It's fun when you rack up a combo and see your fighter transform into Giga Mac - a huge monstrous version of Mac with obscenely strong punches - but overall, it's nowhere near as entertaining as the single player modes.


Hmmm, pretty much as expected. It's Mac vs. Mac only, I'm afraid.

Edited by Strange Cookie
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Nintendo Power review the game.


We’ve already told you that Nintendo Power game Punch-Out!! Wii an 8.5, but here are some details from that review.


+ A “by the books†Punch Out installment that any PO fan can immediately enjoy.

- A “by the books†Punch Out retread that serves more as a reboot than a true sequel or evolution of the franchise.


+ Not a “modern†fighting/boxing game by any measure. More of a reflex-based / memorization-heavy arcade puzzle game, just like the original PO.


+ Excellent graphics and overall presentation.

+ Nice variety of controls options that mostly work well, save…

- for the balance board dodging which is too slow and clunky to be viable.


+ Main arcade mode has a higher difficulty remix which is almost as good as having a whole new set of fighters to challenge, as far as new patterns go.

+ Additionally, an exhibition mode challenges you to finish opponents while meeting certain criteria (such as finishing Von Kaiser within 5 hits).

- Two player mode is a cheap, shallow novelty that doesn’t come close to approaching the fun and satisfaction of the single player modes.


+ All-in-all, it’s a very true-to-its-roots refresh with additions that, while not really contribute a whole lot to the overall package, are welcome nonetheless.


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Okay, so an update of the NES version with a dodgy two player and shit BB controls....? But with the added bonus of the title defense mode and the challenges....I know I'm sounding negative, I still think this will be one of my favourite games of the year on all systems. I started playing the NES version again, and decided to stop as I wanted the gameplay to feel fresh. That and I heard the first round with all the fighters used similar tactics to the NES version.


Can't wait for it, I love Punch Out.

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