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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles : Echoes of Time


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Square Enix has announced a new Action-RPG called Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles : Echoes of Time for the Wii and Nintendo DS (with Wii / DS connection) in the latest Shonen Jump magazine. Players should be able to use their Mii (face only ?) in the game. To be released on January 29 2009 in Japan.




What has happened to Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles : The Crystal Bearers?

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From Neogaf.


Gamekyo has an outline of the article:


- Play at the same time on the Wii and DS, thanks to Pollux Engine created by Square Enix.

- Players on the Wii and players on the Nintendo DS will be able to play online together.

- Different gameplay for the 2 versions (stylus or Wiimote).

- Story revolves around Charlotta and a mysterious crystal.

- You can transfer Mii characters you made to the DS version.

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Guest Jordan

Oh Jeeze... Crystal Chronicles goes Mii... :-/


Heres hoping this isn't as bad as the last FF: CC DS game (admittedly, i didn't play it online, SP only and it was annoying and impossible on your own.)

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Oh Jeeze... Crystal Chronicles goes Mii... :-/


Heres hoping this isn't as bad as the last FF: CC DS game (admittedly, i didn't play it online, SP only and it was annoying and impossible on your own.)


I loved the DS version to bits, finished it twice and im halfway through my 3rd run.

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Oh Jeeze... Crystal Chronicles goes Mii... :-/


Heres hoping this isn't as bad as the last FF: CC DS game (admittedly, i didn't play it online, SP only and it was annoying and impossible on your own.)


Ack don't say that- I have the DS FF: CC sitting waiting to be tucked into some day...

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I'm definitely tired of S-E. Honestly, and I feel this since last generation, it looks like they lost their soul. Old IPs are growing older, with nothing new or simply with teen appeal, and the new ones are... well... boring.


I don't feel their lack of support. I couldn't care less...

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Guessing this means Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles : The Crystal Bearers is now out of the picture. I remember on 1up Yours once they said they had heard that all that existed of that game was the trailer and very little progress had actually been worked on...ah well looks like we will have to settle for this. I didn't really enjoy the DS crystal chronicles game to be honest, much preferred Revenant Wings and Crisis Core on PSP

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Some clarification, from IGN:


Here's the big catch though. Echoes of Time is coming out on simultaneously on both the Wii and DS, and the game will be cross-platform playable. DS players use the stylus for control, with Wii players using the Wiimote




This unexpected entry in the Crystal Chronicles franchise will hit the Wii and DS in Japan on January 29. Both versions will be priced at 4,800 yen, which is normal pricing for a DS title but about 1,000 yen less than most Wii games.

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Shitty crap this is. Shitty-Enix it is.

I don't get it. What's the problem? It's probably gonna be a good to great DS game with very original connectiviy, kind of of the inverse of what they did with the first on in fact, I honestly thing this is very very cool, not to mention, this is Wii and DS! Experiments are what we signed up for!

Now, the way they distribute the Wii "software" to connect, that's what might ruin the deal, otherwise I don't see any problem.

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I don't get it. What's the problem? It's probably gonna be a good to great DS game with very original connectiviy, kind of of the inverse of what they did with the first on in fact, I honestly thing this is very very cool, not to mention, this is Wii and DS! Experiments are what we signed up for!

Now, the way they distribute the Wii "software" to connect, that's what might ruin the deal, otherwise I don't see any problem.

did you SEE how good the crystal bearers trailer looked ?


I know it's too early to tell but you KNOW this won't look as good.

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did you SEE how good the crystal bearers trailer looked ?


I know it's too early to tell but you KNOW this won't look as good.

One thing doesn't invalidate the other, this isn't a Wii game, it's a DS game that you can play on the Wii at the same time allowing for wi fi ness, miis and to be able to play with friends and just one DS

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Now, the way they distribute the Wii "software" to connect, that's what might ruin the deal, otherwise I don't see any problem.
from the sounds of it... full game, so yeah, it ruins it.


it's a "omg, we have nothing on the platform that's leading, let's dump a DS game in them, and how do we appeal to the Wii userbase? well throw some mii's in"


for 4 person party's with online support... I'd rather go with MH3 or Valhalla Knights, so yeah, that's the problem, how lackluster of an attempt this is, for a company who has nothing else coming (other than a game we haven't seen for an year and a half when they're showing 20 high budget titles elsewhere on platforms that don't sell anywhere near as much). In short... it's the contrast, this is not what clients want on their Wii's, for DS I'll agree it's a good enough deal, but it just isn't, for the Wii, it's not good enough for s-e support, more like a poor excuse.

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One thing doesn't invalidate the other, this isn't a Wii game, it's a DS game that you can play on the Wii at the same time allowing for wi fi ness, miis and to be able to play with friends and just one DS


Look qwe all know the Wii ain't as powerful as the 360/PS3, but giving us a DS game on the Wii is a joke. Plus it makes me woryy for the state of Crystal Bearers which we haven't heard of for a while and I for one was looking forward too.

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Look qwe all know the Wii ain't as powerful as the 360/PS3, but giving us a DS game on the Wii is a joke. Plus it makes me woryy for the state of Crystal Bearers which we haven't heard of for a while and I for one was looking forward too.

Unless I have to pay 50, hell or even 30€ for the game I don't see the problem, more than 10/15 is pushing it. Most likely the Wii part will be a cheap Wii Ware downloadable. It doesn't invalidate anything else. Again, don't see any problem if it's a cheap "software", it's still a new DS game, so I'm not bothered.

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