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I think next year we should ban anyone who doesn't talk like a pirate on pirate day.


I canna wait a whole voyage fer that! Lets do 't next high tide'.

Yahaar!! Ye sii i'd furgot about talkin' like a pirate t'day! I'd remembered by 3pm, although that was too late to spread the word.


Tha' makes two of us ya scurvy lan' lubber! I only knew about 1 minute ago. 'tis a shame as 'twould av bin fun to annoy me wench all day. But alas, she is now made port. I set anchor about 20 minutes ago and she left tha ship. And unfortunately tha' last sentence 'twasn't an innuendo!

Arrrr! EE cahn't beleev ee fergot 'bout thez momentous dey! Jist thrrree 'ours t' ennjoy th' dey!


Yarrrr, this be Talk Like A Pirate Day, nay Talk Like A Frenchman Day!

Et's harrrrrrrrrd to git th' way o' th' pirate acrooss in textual f'rm!

nɑrt ɪf jiː biː 'spiːkɪn ɪn аɪ piː eɪ


It's all about the arr-coloured vowels people... for this day only, I shall be rhotic!


god damn it, this happens every year, i never know it's "talk like a pirate day" till after it happens.... is it the same day every year? who decides the day?

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