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Obama -VS- McCain Choose your Poison!


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So the CIA is basically doing it self?


"You have to years to live Mr. President, and there's NOTHING we can do".


It's true though, isn't it. I mean, if enough people want the guy dead, and it's planned well enough there is basically NOTHING they can do to stop it. I mean, they can try, but America is full of imcompetent douchebags, so it's highly likely the assination would work.

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Haha this is too funny,


Is this guy real or is he having a laugh?



"Barack Osama Homo Bin-Laden". That's both one of the funniest/most offensive things I've ever heard. If that guy's serious, sweet jesus I pray someone assinates him first.


He's still a Christian


...And? Not all Christians are crazy creationist psychopaths.

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It's true though, isn't it. I mean, if enough people want the guy dead, and it's planned well enough there is basically NOTHING they can do to stop it. I mean, they can try, but America is full of imcompetent douchebags, so it's highly likely the assination would work.


If enough people want to protect him and if they are organised well enough then basically NOTHING could harm him.


And if they were incompetent I doubt they would succeed.

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If enough people want to protect him and if they are organised well enough then basically NOTHING could harm him.


And if they were incompetent I doubt they would succeed.


I just don't see that happening. I mean, even though a black man was elected into on the most important Jobs on earth which is utterly fantastic for black people everywhere and shows how America is changing, there is still inherent racism present in America and some of those will be present in the CIA. I just see him dead in the next few years, which is a terrible thought.


Plus the fact, it could be the CIA that actually do it, if conspiracys are to be believed. :heh:


Anyway, I'm digressing so I'll shutup.

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Plus the fact, it could be the CIA that actually do it, if conspiracys are to be believed. :heh:


Anyway, I'm digressing so I'll shutup.


Good, it's the number one way to get fired, and people would know about it, the secrecy is one thing, but people do have to know, it's not like the top brass know all and the rest of the worlds like 'what?' this isn't the cold war we're living in :P

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There's one thing I don't fully understand. How can his "full" name be Barack Barack Hussein Obama", and be Christian? Not that there's anything wrong with that, its just that in my corner of the Earth there are absolutely no Christians with traditional Arabic/Islamic names. Hussein Obama is a Muslim name, and seeing as he descended from Kenya (in which Islam is one of the major religions in the country), Barack's grandfather may very well be a Muslim. How his grandson later became a Christian is beyond me.




I just read the Wikipedia article on Barack Obama Sr., and it says here that he was born into a Muslim family and raised as a Muslim until he took up atheism.


Obama Sr. was raised as a Muslim, but later became an atheist.[6]


Obama Sr. had already turned away from Islam and become an atheist by the time he moved to the United States.[6] Barack Obama Sr.'s daughter Auma has commented that her father "was never a Muslim although he was born into a Muslim family with a Muslim name."[8]

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There's one thing I don't fully understand. How can his "full" name be Barack Barack Hussein Obama", and be Christian? Not that there's anything wrong with that, its just that in my corner of the Earth there are absolutely no Christians with traditional Arabic/Islamic names. Hussein Obama is a Muslim name, and seeing as he descended from Kenya (in which Islam is one of the major religions in the country), Barack's grandfather may very well be a Muslim. How his grandson later became a Christian is beyond me.


Many Black people converted to christian religions once in the states. One of his parents was also white by the way.

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Many Black people converted to christian religions once in the states. One of his parents was also white by the way.


The conversion from Muslim to Christian also took place in the time of slave trade, by the way. I've heard of Christian African Americans who descended from Muslim slaves.


Think of what it would've been like if Barack Obama Sr. DIDN'T turn to atheism, and was around to raise his son as a Muslim. That would've made a pretty big impact on his campaign, wouldn't it?

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Ooh, I just noticed that the AP has called North Carolina for Obama. Looks like Pit-Jr was right - his vote wasn't needed!


Oh, and it's now officially a landslide. Hell yes.


The conversion from Muslim to Christian also took place in the time of slave trade, by the way. I've heard of Christian African Americans who descended from Muslim slaves.


Think of what it would've been like if Barack Obama Sr. DIDN'T turn to atheism, and was around to raise his son as a Muslim. That would've made a pretty big impact on his campaign, wouldn't it?


Actually, Obama was raised being fairly secular and irreligious. He converted to Christianity recently (late 80's) after doing lots of work with churches whilst working on community projects in Chicago's South Side.

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to be honest, his religion should be the last thing on anyones mind. being an aithiest dosent affect my ability to do anything (except be a member of the clergy :P) as long as your religions ideals dont compromise the good of the common people, or enfrienge their rights, i say do what you want. would i vote for a muslim PM? yeah. if they were right for the job, id do it.

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to be honest, his religion should be the last thing on anyones mind. being an aithiest dosent affect my ability to do anything (except be a member of the clergy :P) as long as your religions ideals dont compromise the good of the common people, or enfrienge their rights, i say do what you want. would i vote for a muslim PM? yeah. if they were right for the job, id do it.


I'm surprised he's gotten this far just being African American. America still has racist parties, you know.

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to be honest, his religion should be the last thing on anyones mind. being an aithiest dosent affect my ability to do anything (except be a member of the clergy :P) as long as your religions ideals dont compromise the good of the common people, or enfrienge their rights, i say do what you want. would i vote for a muslim PM? yeah. if they were right for the job, id do it.


I have to agree with you. Some of the videos of people in southern states saying "He can't be president, he's one of those muslims". It seems as though people think the word "Muslim" now means "Terroist" - and that's just not the case in the slightest. The media is to blame for this, because they've been fueling the fire for years.


I'm surprised he's gotten this far just being African American. America still has racist parties, you know.


So does the UK. The BNP ring any bells? Twats.

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That video above reminds me of this one



(about the 17 second mark)


And as far as muslim = terrorist. I think it was a joint development between genuine people picking that up and muddy newspaper reporting helping to develop it. Trying to remember those t-shirts I heard a while ago...think they were:


"Don't Panic, I'm Just Islamic"


Blanking on the other. But yes, unfortunatly nast connotations seem to have arrisen.


What are you talking about Haggis. The BNP are racists, they just hate non-caucasian people because they stole our homes and jobs. Its a perfectly resonable view. (and just to point out the patently obvious, that was sarcasm)

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to be honest, his religion should be the last thing on anyones mind. being an aithiest dosent affect my ability to do anything (except be a member of the clergy :P) as long as your religions ideals dont compromise the good of the common people, or enfrienge their rights, i say do what you want. would i vote for a muslim PM? yeah. if they were right for the job, id do it.


When we think how many references to God, the Bible and general Christianity the American constitution and Presidents make, he HAD to be Christian. It makes me sick actually that a country as the US still isn't secular.

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The "A More Perfect Union" speech Obama gave after the Rev. Wright scandal I sincerely believe is one of the best speeches I have ever heard - not loud loud or sweeping, but immensely powerful and provocative. Steady, intelligent, composed, worldly and educated, this is the speech that really made sit up and take notice of him for the first time.


That's incredible. Thanks for posting.


I think everybody should watch this. I feel too many have voiced out for Obama for anti-Republican reasons, while he's really such a great candidate by himself.

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stop the press!!!!

there's a town in japan called obama ~ naturally everyone's rather excited over there...



everybody now!!


O-BA-MA! :yay:

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