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Whats Your Town Famous For?


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Seeing as my village is so small and boring, I decided to use the nearest relatively know city of Denmark: Ribe


First Google image:


Entitled "Hyggeligt bymiljø i Ribe" = "Cosy city milieu in Ribe" (Ribe is the oldest city of Denmark - and it shows. It is a very cosy milieu. :))


Penultimate Google search result:


The official website of Ribe County.


First YouTube search result:

It seems to be from some Russian movie. I have no idea what the feck it's about.


First YouTube search suggestion:


Apparently some football (soccer) player.

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What is 'football' in Danish anyway? Hyakenflakenboll? I dunno, something like that. Probably not.



Guess what the first image is when you type Birmingham into Google...


Yep. A picture of Birmingham, Alabama.


Not the original Birmingham.

Not the Birmingham that spawned the other hundred Birminghams in the USA.

Not the greatest Birmingham.

Not the real Birmingham.

Not the Birmingham that is the birthplace of Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, ELO, The Football League and The Industrial Revolution.

But Birmingham, Aller-fucking-bammer!


That's fucking disgusting! It's wrong! At least on Wikipedia, when you type in just 'Birmingham', you're directed straight to the original Birmingham. :nono:

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Bournemouth Beach of course! Best beach in Brittain might i add :)



SO MANY LIES IN ONE POST! *head explodes*


... seriously. Boscombe down the road from you has way nicer beaches. Unless you're counting them! Then there's blackpool, brighton (sic) and cornwall.

Nami I live not too far from Chesterfield. How come you know Shorty?

BISH it up to find out MOAR!

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What is 'football' in Danish anyway? Hyakenflakenboll? I dunno, something like that. Probably not.


Close ... not really.


It´s fotball I think.

You can bet on the danish to write it like that.


Actually, that's more like Swedish. We call it "fodbold" with a lovely soft Danish D. I'd say it's like the English "th" sound, just without aspiration.

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City: Hasselt


First image:


Which I guess is an image of our city, though I find it hard to recognise anything on there.


Penultimate link:


Which leads to the site of our cultural centre place, where there's concerts and the like.


Youtube video:

Some DJ playing at a festival in our city.


First Youtube suggestion: "Hasselt skatepark"



And if I were to use the town I sort of live in instead of the city, I get this.


Town: Sint-Lambrechts Herk


First image:


Heh, picture taken at the annual fair, which is tiny.


Penultimate link:


House for sale on ebay.


Youtube video:

Some video from 1985 of the carnival (kids/people dressing up and going through the streets).


And no suggestion at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Harpenden, where me, DomJcg, and Dan-Likes-Trees come from:




Link: Harpenden Hotels. Joy.

Oddly, the last link was to Youth With A Mission's Harpenden branch. Ironic, eh?


The first Youtube link is of the Highland Gathering (largest in Europe outside of Scotland), but the second is getting posted as it was made by people who were in my year at school. I can name every actor in it.



The suggestions were non-existent.

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For Knebworth:




This is actually closer to Stevenage, but called Knebworth house.


Knebworth Park Cricket Club


Also Stevenage.



First suggestion: knebworth robbie williams


Yeah, there was a Robbie Williams thing...


For Cambridge:




Funny view... The backs, but I'm not sure which college. Maybe Kings.


Cambridge Journals Online



Lol at this, seen it before though. The college with the American guy who doesn't get the joke and the guy in front of the white house is mine.


Suggestion: cambridge university

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