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The University Thread 08/09


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Yeah but it takes something like 28 days to active a phoneline. Then once thats active (if you're going cable anyway) you have to wait two weeks or whatever for the internet line to be alive. We moved in mid September last year and it was late October before we got the net.


How long will it take to install a new line?

If a completely new line needs to be installed then it will usually take up to 15 working days, subject to an engineer's visit and availability. However, if we find you already have a working line in your property, this time will be reduced. We will agree a convenient appointment on a suitable date with you.


There's a line there already just not connected so hopefully it shouldn't be that long.... Can't avoid the 2 weeks broadband wait though, that's why we want to get it done early.

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I'm wondering if anybody knows about shefs uni internet? I have bad connection at home (nobody buy sky wireless, just no.) so I can put up with being disconnected every 5 minutes, hmmf.


I worked similar to 30hours when I first started my second year of college and it was ridiculous to do the two together, I did nothing but sleep.

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I'm wondering if anybody knows about shefs uni internet? I have bad connection at home (nobody buy sky wireless, just no.) so I can put up with being disconnected every 5 minutes, hmmf.


We moved to Sky the other day, loads better than orange, no problems at all and alot faster speeds.

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We moved to Sky the other day, loads better than orange, no problems at all and alot faster speeds.


See we did last year, I thought it was great, no more fuck ups from Orange, woo! :yay:


But then it got disconnected every day at 7pm without fail, then it was 10am and 7pm, it's settled at the moment has been for a week or so, but it just gets irratating sometimes, I mean why bother? It's ok for using if you don't use the internet nearly all day (I use it alooot), but for the most part wireless = nuhuh.


It likes randomly turning itself off to, like the other day I was sat on here writing something and poof internet goes down, I originally thought dad had turned it off, but it had actually done it itself, now it does it every so often...loverly. :heh:


Wires FTW!

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^ Well a nice tip: Virgin's online service is just as bad. My connection can go down between 3 and 6 times a day at random times and sometimes for ages. It just seems to be the norm with the internet at the moment (at least in this country). I will say though that the wireless with Virgin is good. Never had any problems using it for internet and playing online. So at least that's one thing.

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I'm wondering if anybody knows about shefs uni internet? I have bad connection at home (nobody buy sky wireless, just no.) so I can put up with being disconnected every 5 minutes, hmmf.


I worked similar to 30hours when I first started my second year of college and it was ridiculous to do the two together, I did nothing but sleep.


Shorty and Jay'll be best to ask seeing as they went there. Oh and Nami too actually. (although im not sure if Nami lived on campus).

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I thought Nightwolf was going to SHU? (yes she said "sheffield uni" but im sure in the past she said she's doing a games development related course at SHU because as far as im aware SHU is more creative whereas SU is more 'classic' subjects).

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ok well I don't keep up to date on these things :heh: in that case, Nightwolf, do you mean in the uni itself or in residence? Where are you staying? From my experience the internet in the uni itself is fine, never seen it go down. In the catered halls they didn't even have internet access when I was first looking for a place to live so I can't say much about that (I think they do now). We stayed in self catered off campus though, Nami too (she was at the same accomodation). The internet there worked, but it wasn't great. No good for downloading things or online gaming.

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I'm wondering if anybody knows about shefs uni internet? I have bad connection at home (nobody buy sky wireless, just no.) so I can put up with being disconnected every 5 minutes, hmmf.


I worked similar to 30hours when I first started my second year of college and it was ridiculous to do the two together, I did nothing but sleep.


isn't your building new? It'll probably be pretty sweet, connection wise.


the only problem might be the firewall blocking any cool stuff like online gaming and torrents, which is very likely.

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Yes I'm off to hallam, I always forget there's two and just call it shefs uni, it's so much easier. I'm at the exchange works Shorty and Dan I hope so! ^_^ I know abit cack about gaming considering both my course and my hobbies include gaming >_>. I can understand torrent but...meh!

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Ehh, nice the Exchange works is so close to the Uni :) I only just found out where that was the other week when I walked past it. According to this page http://www.shu.ac.uk/accommodation/costsandcont.html the internet costs per week there. Usually if the net isn't covered inclusively it's a fairly decent service, although I still wouldn't expect to be playing many online games or downloading anything big. You can always come to our flat to play online games :D we got 24meg adsl.

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Ehh, nice the Exchange works is so close to the Uni :) I only just found out where that was the other week when I walked past it. According to this page http://www.shu.ac.uk/accommodation/costsandcont.html the internet costs per week there. Usually if the net isn't covered inclusively it's a fairly decent service, although I still wouldn't expect to be playing many online games or downloading anything big.


I'm not much of a downloader even music wise so it's not much of a problem and torrents are something I never expect a uni to be ok with :heh:, the only issue will be if I want to use online gaming, I doubt I'll be able to connect an xbox360/wii to it, which is a shame.


I've not actually seen the exchange works in person, I should have really got dan to show me, but I don't think he understood where it was! Most things are pretty cheap except obviously the bulk of paying for the flat which is handy. I'm looking forward to moving! :)

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It's really easy to find. You just keep going past the union (from the station direction), turn right, then left. Ish.


Ah that is close! :) my knowledge of sheffield is limited, I only went when I went to see my ex and he used to live on norfolk park? Right dump, glad it's been done up!


Oh and that and medowhall :yay:

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Ehh, nice the Exchange works is so close to the Uni :) I only just found out where that was the other week when I walked past it. According to this page http://www.shu.ac.uk/accommodation/costsandcont.html the internet costs per week there. Usually if the net isn't covered inclusively it's a fairly decent service, although I still wouldn't expect to be playing many online games or downloading anything big. You can always come to our flat to play online games :D we got 24meg adsl.


24meg?! schweet.


yeah, sheff's not all that big. Did Dan show you anywhere central? Hallam's rockin' areas are the hubs, West Street (The whole Devonshire Quarter will be a place you'll go a lot, methinks) and Ecclesall road is where you're likely to live the following year.

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24meg?! schweet.


yeah, sheff's not all that big. Did Dan show you anywhere central? Hallam's rockin' areas are the hubs, West Street (The whole Devonshire Quarter will be a place you'll go a lot, methinks) and Ecclesall road is where you're likely to live the following year.


No, I know a few because of my ex, I know where leadmill is and such.

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Guest Stefkov

Jeez. That's a bit bad aint it. Wasn't the deadline for applying up in June aswell?


I just went through all the crap my mum has bought me for Uni. A load of towels and food. It's all great that I've got stuff to get me started but I think I'll look like a bick bringing this massive box with me. I also realise that I have way too much stuff in my room and I can't possible take as much as I probably want.

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Jeez. That's a bit bad aint it. Wasn't the deadline for applying up in June aswell?


I just went through all the crap my mum has bought me for Uni. A load of towels and food. It's all great that I've got stuff to get me started but I think I'll look like a bick bringing this massive box with me. I also realise that I have way too much stuff in my room and I can't possible take as much as I probably want.


I think there will be worse people, I'm lucky I think because my room at uni will more than likely be bigger than my room at home, so I will have more space than I think.

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