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The University Thread 08/09


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I'm thinking of the anime club, as long as the majority aren't the total inbreds people associate with anime nerds >_<


Other then that thinking of picking up a sport, possibly Kendo. Oh, and gonna see if I can find a juggling one. :P


See, i would say yes, but it would actually go like this.


"Anyone here like deathnote?"

"What's deasthnote? i like one piece"





I think i might join the fencing club, and the chess club =]

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haha, yes I have witnessed the laziness that is Dan Dare. :P


OO tomorrow I'll be shittting it arghhhhhhhhhhhhh, hopefully mum remember to bring boxes home so I can start packing ^_^


Guys I have no idea about enrolling and whatnot, I don't even know what day or where etc. Any idea where I can find this out xD?

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Enrolling for the lols. I remember going with shorty to enrol, getting to the front of the queue and realising I'd left the forms back at the halls! They were only enrolling 'til 4pm, and it was 3:10... so I ran home grabbed it, got back to the uni at like 3:40 and found that they had CLOSED the freakin' enrollment early. Motherbastards. So yeah, I just went to my coursedesk and told them, and they sorted it. Only they didn't sort it as they forgot to SIGN the form, and thus I didn't get my loan for about a month-or-so after all that. Sigh.


... But yeah enrolling is ridiculously easy. So's the first week of uni as they just tell you what they'll be doing the rest of the weeks.


As for freshers? My first week I didn't do much of the BIG stuff - went to the union, went out with my hallmates... I'd say that many of the 'friends' you make in the first week won't last.


I'm in a juggling society - we're supposed to be putting on a show during fresher's week, but we'll see :P Last year as far as I knew there was no chess society, so I might just have to try and start one up.


Good luck everyone! It's been a hard two years for me so far for so many reasons, but ultimately they've provided much new experience and enjoyment. My only advice is don't spend too much money! It's all that I regret...

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I won't be joining any society things at this moment in time. I was going to join the Basketball but with travelling expenses and such, it'd just leave me even more out of pocket than I will be going in five days a week to the Uni. And plus there is a Basketball team that plays near where I live so it's probably better just to do that. I was told though that I should sign up for Volleyball and Ultimate Frizbee as they are, to quote my two buddy group leaders, awesome.


Been sorting out my first week timetable. It's all over the place. Loads of induction lectures that we are supposed to try and attend and IT inductions. My first proper lecture I think is on wednesday. The worst thing so far is seeing that I have a 5 hour gap between lectures on Thursday. Seems I'll be going back and forth twice on that day. :(

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See, i would say yes, but it would actually go like this.


"Anyone here like deathnote?"

"What's deasthnote? i like one piece"





I think i might join the fencing club, and the chess club =]


That's pretty much what I'm afraid of. That and the obsessive people who watch /everything/ and look down on you because you have seen some random 2 dvd OVA that was only released in one shop in some rural village some in some Japanese mountains.

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Been sorting out my first week timetable. It's all over the place. Loads of induction lectures that we are supposed to try and attend and IT inductions. My first proper lecture I think is on wednesday. The worst thing so far is seeing that I have a 5 hour gap between lectures on Thursday. Seems I'll be going back and forth twice on that day. :(


Can you not get a day rider? I know it's abit of a pain when it can take ages travelling, but it's gotta be a damn sight cheaper!


That reminds me: railcard...wheres that little bugger gotten too. :blank:


Clubs? I'm not really a fan, there's nothing besides gaming I really do that could join with anybody else these days.

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The Rock Society (if it still runs...) is usually a sound investment if you're unsure of what to join but want to try making new friends. I'd recommend going at least once, and that way everyone'll be new there so no cliques will have formed, and if you don't like it you can just never go again. You'll probably never see them again either.

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@ Nightwolf - I have my young person's railcard but that can only be used off peak (i.e. after 9am) which is useless for me most days as I'm going on the train before 9. I'll probably just start getting weekly tickets. Think it'll be aout £30 or there about's for the week and I can use it as many times as I want. So it'll be cheaper for sure. Just a pain about the railcard. It's really stupid actually. The bus companies have a travel card you can use and that can be used before 9am for cheap fares so why can't the rail companies do it? Because they are corporate fat heads only looking to gather as much money as possible so they can keep the managers and CEOs in their million pound salaries. :angry:


Sorry for the little rant but it really is annoying. Finally sorted out my banking forms. Was still confuesd witht he R85 form but I just filled what I could in and stuck it in the envelop with the rest of the stuff. If it's wrong, they'll send it back. If they don't then HM Revenue and Customs will be on the phone asking for money.


The more I think about it, I do wish I was staying in the halls for Uni. It's just a shame that I changed course so late on cause it meant I couldn't get anywhere to stay. Sucks cause it'd be so much easier and I'd be able to go out and meet more people. Last train home is at 22:30. No one leaves a club/pub/bar/whatever at half ten so it's kinda pointless.

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I'm thinking of the anime club, as long as the majority aren't the total inbreds people associate with anime nerds >_<


Other then that thinking of picking up a sport, possibly Kendo. Oh, and gonna see if I can find a juggling one. :P

I hope there's one here. I need more stuff to do if living in accomodation is this laid back. I hope there is one, funny if it was called Genshiken...

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^ That's a good idea.... a couple of weeks into the course. Tnhe firts week where I'll have to put up with it (ie next week) I'll have nothing to do so the only thing for me to do would be to go home. There's no way I can spend 5 hours in Dundee just messing about. Once you've gone through the shopping centre and down the high street, there's nothing to do. And the nearest cinema is bloody miles away. It's with things like this that I wish I was living in halls. Next year perhaps...

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^ That's a good idea.... a couple of weeks into the course. Tnhe firts week where I'll have to put up with it (ie next week) I'll have nothing to do so the only thing for me to do would be to go home. There's no way I can spend 5 hours in Dundee just messing about. Once you've gone through the shopping centre and down the high street, there's nothing to do. And the nearest cinema is bloody miles away. It's with things like this that I wish I was living in halls. Next year perhaps...


Keep going to the accommodation office and asking if there's a place. I wouldn't be surprised if a few people drop out a few weeks into term because they're not enjoying it etc.

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^ That's a good idea.... a couple of weeks into the course. Tnhe firts week where I'll have to put up with it (ie next week) I'll have nothing to do so the only thing for me to do would be to go home. There's no way I can spend 5 hours in Dundee just messing about. Once you've gone through the shopping centre and down the high street, there's nothing to do. And the nearest cinema is bloody miles away. It's with things like this that I wish I was living in halls. Next year perhaps...

Five hours? I had that a few times, and I only lived 20 mins away. I'd read a book, sit around watching people walking past.


Remember though; you're likely to have some coursemates who also have a mahoosive gap - so befriend them and find a pub :P


Keep going to the accommodation office and asking if there's a place. I wouldn't be surprised if a few people drop out a few weeks into term because they're not enjoying it etc.

Very true! There are always people looking for an extra room-mate thanks to someone dropping out or whatever. Seriously check it out!

So, err...



I'm hope I'm not alone in those that are leaving tomorrow and only just packing today?


lol! Well I was mostly the same, except my mum had a friend of hers drive (the hundreds of miles!) to my halls about a week before I moved in, truck-loaded with boxes of books, dvds, kitchen equiptment, etc. On the day I just had a single suitcase, and me mam and I got the train up.


It's weird during fresher's week. You walk around town and all you can see is a bunch of 20-ish year olds looking slightly sheepish as they are led around by their parent(s).

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