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i love pudding. really love it.


i miss 'old school' puddings - spotted dick, chocolate sponge with chocolate custard, bread and butter. Did anyone else have raspberry shortbread with pink custard at school?


But there are heaps of other awesome puddings. A friend of mine makes an incredible Banoffee pie. it is simply amazing. Tiramasu, trifle and cheese cake are also some of my major faves.


Then the whole separate issue of ice cream. Genius inventon, but why is jelly and ice cream no longer socially acceptable once you leave primary school?

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Guest Captain Falcon

As much as I love apple pie with custard and chocolate cake, the winner has to be bog standard sponge pudding with custard.


It's so simple, but so good at the same time - and you don't have to worry about gagging on dried fruit, nuts or anything else that winds up in deserts these days.

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