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Penguin Break Season 4


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I think they've set it up for Michael to die actually. Whilst the original focus was on Michael and Linc's relationship, they've shifted that onto the safety of the country and finishing off their father's work. So now if Michael does die at the end, assuming that they do take the Company down, it doesn't make the whole story redundant like it would've done prior to the shift in focus.


I'm not too keen on Wyatt compared to Kellerman, Kim, Quinn, Blonde Agent (who Mahone dispatched when he ran over his son) and even Gretchen. He's simply not as terrifying as he doesn't have the steely glare or the psychopathic smile. He's smart...but lacks a certain something the others had.

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Just finished watching episode 3...


Really enjoyed this episode, probably more than the opening two.

Really enjoyed the twist it took in the middle, where one minute everything was fine and cozy for them working for the government, then the next... RUN!! Didn't expect that, classic Prison Break!


Also nice seeing the relationship change between Linc and Mahone.


Not sure I fully understood the companies plans, in the meeting between Pad-Man and that other guy. There are too many new names [or atleast names I don't regonise] flying about at the moment.

Were they talking about those 'truth' drugs that we saw being used, or something different.


If anyone can summarise what the company are up too I'd appreciate it!


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Defintely a return to form, kinda funny to see them all working together. I'm sure i recognize the guy in charge of Mike and the crew, was he in Friends maybe?


Without watching the show and without you providing a character I'd take a stab at Michael Rappaport who I believe is in this season and played Phoebe's cop boyfriend for a few eps.

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Without watching the show and without you providing a character I'd take a stab at Michael Rappaport who I believe is in this season and played Phoebe's cop boyfriend for a few eps.


Thats right, kept taking Joey and Chandler out in his patrol car.

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I havn't learnt their names very well, but i think the guy who told the Friends cop to shut down the operation was actually at the meeting. He saw him on the photo Scoffield took if i remember correctly, so he has one of the six cards, and that helped change Friends cops mind to continue with the plan.


I've no idea what the company are up to. I just figured they were trying to prevent their cards being found because they expose all of their agents and such around the world.

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I havn't learnt their names very well, but i think the guy who told the Friends cop to shut down the operation was actually at the meeting. He saw him on the photo Scoffield took if i remember correctly, so he has one of the six cards, and that helped change Friends cops mind to continue with the plan.
Yeah I immediately thought maybe that guy was at the meeting judging by Agent Selfs reaction when Michael showed him the video footage.

But then when it went to Agent Self meeting that 'possibly company guy' back at the office, and he said nothing, I thought maybe not. But maybe he's just biding his time.


By the way, is Agent Self meant to be at the same sort of department that Mahone would have worked at, and then was outsourced to track Michael after Fox River. I ask because they're both 'Agents' and both deal/dealt with taking down crimal organisations.

I've no idea what the company are up to. I just figured they were trying to prevent their cards being found because they expose all of their agents and such around the world.
What was that 10,000 number handed to Pad-man at the start of Eps.2?
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I don't really think that Gizmo's theory makes much sense...


Because why would he let Agent Self find out so much about The Company let alone acquire one of the cards, The Company are seen to be absolutely ruthless and leave no evidence behind so it just dosn't make much sense for a member of the company to allow for that to happen.


Of course it isn't much of a plot point if he genuinely did think it was pointless how ever it does mean that Agent Self is working without permission and that could lead somewhere.


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I was hoping that the chase was going to last a bit longer to be honest. I liked them being on the run again and split up. But no we're back to happy families again. I guess it's good to see Bellick rocking the boat trying to get out and I hope he just takes his chances and leaves. He was a badass in Season 1 and 2 now look at him.


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Oh and one more thing...


Damn was I ever pleased to see the Prison Break intro turn up in Episode 3!

I love the theme [really gets me in the mood for the show every time I here it] and how the backgrounds change with each series.


After only getting the simple prison break "dong" and name, in episodes 1 & 2, I thought maybe they'd followed the increasing american trend for really short intros [Lost, Ugly Betty, Heroes...].

But I guess they didn't want to give away Season 4 character info, such as Sara's return [for those who didn't know] no Whistler and Gretchen still being around etc...

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