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PES 2009 Pro Evolution Soccer


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Conventional play will be a nice addition. It'll be a welcome option on those occasions when you just fancy kicking back and playing the game without having to be pointing and gesturing. Plus the more they pack into it, the more worthwhile it will be for us waiting for our Springtime update of Pro Evo!

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I can't see me going back to a regular pad now for PES. I love the Wii setup, and I'm still discovering stuff about the game even now after months of regular play. But I applaud the decision to pack more into the game, and I'll be holding out for this instead of "making do" with FIFA. I still play PES2008 every day anyway, and I'm yet to tire of it, so waiting for the next one will be easy for me.


My hat's off to Konami for really delivering the promise of Wii control with PES. I still think it's one of the Wii's greatest successes, and it deserves to do well.

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Hmmm, I guess it's good for new people as you can't simply go ito a game with new people, takes 10 mins just to explain etc. But at the same time, people are pretty lazy and they may not want to learn a new control system if they don't have to....


Anyays, either way I can't for this. Pro Evo Wii is an incredible game, some really annoying bits but if they can iron those out and finetune the controls to perfection and add the new modes, sounds perfect for me. Gutted we have to wait til Spring though!

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From CVG:


Konami has been showing off the brand new version of Pro Evolution Soccer Wii 2009 at its European Championship event in Rome and we've got new screens and impressions from the first hands-on with the latest code.


The second version of the classic footy title to make it onto Wii, PES 2009 is set to launch in spring next year and like its PS3 and 360 counterparts will feature the newly acquired Champions League license, featuring all the teams and stars from the world's biggest club tournament.


However it's in the area of game control that some intriguing new options are most readily apparent. The Wii controller proved to be an excellent new way of playing football on a console earlier this year, but Konami has added support for the Classic Controller across the board as well as allowing you to tilt the Wii mote sideways to play in this new version.


It works extremely well on initial plays, allowing long-standing PES stalwarts to play alongside Wii players for the very first time and results in some really good quality co-operative gameplay.


Elsewhere there's new defence options controlled via the Nunchuck, improved player AI and an enhanced shooting system which seems more intuitive and a lot of fun, allowing you to bag a whole hat-full of goals.


Our initial impressions of the Wii version are very promising indeed: combining a big name license with a raft of inclusive new control options seems a very smart move indeed and PES 2009 looks like its set to hit the back of the net, when it straps on its boots and makes it debut early next year.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not really into serious sport games, but PES Wii did interest me, with the special controls and all. As occasionally I do get the urge for a normal football game (one without hammer throwing turtles), I've though of getting it, but as I'm not in a hurry, and they seem to have refined the controls, I think I'll wait for this one.

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“I do acknowledge that last year we placed such emphasis on the controls that the online side was sacrificed. For instance if you didn’t have a very good connection, that could really seriously affect your gameplay and it could turn out to be very horrible indeed. This year we looked at online as a top priority and we tested half way around the world, so that even for people who don’t have good connections we wanted to pursue how we can make the game still playable. We found a solution as well as taking on more players, four this time, for multiplayer online. We’re not going to stop, until we’re fully satisfied with this online version of PES 2009, we want to go even further. So I promise you it will still continue to change and improve further as we go along.”


- series’ creator Shingo Takatsuka


Promising news indeed. The / nando / and I have played a lot of Pro Evo online, and there is almost always some calamitous action due to lag. Especially when its a snowy match!

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Is he actually talking about the Wii version there darksnowman? I only ask because I see it's a quote from Shingo himself, and I didn't think he had anything to do with the Wii version.


I thought he had more to do with the Wi version then he does the next gen ones.....hmm!!! Who knows!

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I took it for granted that he was talking about the Wii version. The way that he says, "We’re not going to stop, until we’re fully satisfied with this online version of PES 2009, we want to go even further. So I promise you it will still continue to change and improve further as we go along." makes it sound as though the development and testing of it is still ongoing, whereas surely it would be done and dusted for the other versions of Pro Evo 09?


Take that info with a pinch of salt, just in case.

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Oh sorry! It's not that, it's just that I'm sure I read somewhere that Seabass has very little involvement in the Wii version. Of course that could be wrong. I can't find a source for that. Also, I know a lot of 360 and PS3 Pro Evo fans have been very vocal about the naff online modes in their versions, which is why the quote sounded like it wasn't necessarily about the Wii game.


Still, this is about the only game I can see me paying full whack for in the next six months. It's going to be fantastic, I've no doubt. Still playing PES2008 every day, and it still amazes me how well they've done it. It's really better than I could have hoped, so a new PES is a shoe-in for me.

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"I do acknowledge that last year we placed such emphasis on the controls that the online side was sacrificed"


It was that first line that suggests, to me, that it is the Wii version that he is talking about as the other versions weren't exactly all that amazingly different from the previous games (and, if anything, was maybe worse :heh:)


The Wii version is definitely dodgy online on occasions.. particularly when the snow is involved. As soon as I see it I'm thinking "Oh No..".


As for PES 2009, I suspect it will be like the game we expected this year. Although I love PES 2008 and , for the most part, the controls are fantastic, there were a few areas that a lot of people wouldn't have been totally satisfied with, both on and off the pitch.


PES 2009, by the sounds of things at this stage, is going to address these problems and I expect an even greater experience this time :smile: ..as long as they make it easier to pick up a loose ball! There's nothing more infuriating than the ball sitting a couple of inches from your defender yet it has a different player in your team from miles away coming to collect the ball when, of course, by that time, the attacker has already been to get the ball and is preparing the Nunchuk for a good waggle at goal..

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Yes nando, this is what infuriates me. Or just because you are manmarking a player, the ball can be right next to you and he still won't get it!!! Argh!!! Improvement of the AI is the number one priority for me. Then we can talk about the shooting and defending :)

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  • 3 months later...

Looks fantastic. I cannot wait. Still playing the last one pretty much every day. This is going to be even better. Pre-order for me for sure.


I see there's a classic controller option. Will it be GC pad compatible too? I'll be using the Wii remote setup personally (it's better imho), but it'll be handy if a mate comes over who would rather use my GC pad. Thanks.

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