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Cursed Mountain


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What I noticed most was that there is no music. What I noticed after that was it was hard to really notice anything cos the game seems to be so dark! Still, them being snowy themed videos pleased me because as you would guess, darksnowman likes the snow. The Twilight Realm look towards the end of the first video was pretty cool too.

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Gamers will have the opportunity to find out how powerful their Wii console actually is.


That's a bold statement.

There are some nice screens, though, which might back it up a little. This one is particularly impressive for the facial features:




That kind of face is very similar to what you see in Half Life 2, which has some amazing faces. However, the texturing of his clothes is very last gen. Those suspenders lack a sense of 3D, they just look drawn on the jacket. But I repeat, that face is spectacular!

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Haven't read any of them but I've seen snippets of reviews over at Gonintendo and reading them all, it would seem the game is pretty good. They all said it's nailed the atmosphere and looks great. It seems to be a bit slow in pace at the beginning though but does pick up a bit down the line. That's all I've heard so far.

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6 out of 10:



"The graphics really can't be held under too much scrutiny, since Wii owners sort of know what they're getting into. The problems that can't really be forgiven, however, come from the slow pacing. True, slow pacing on its own doesn't necessarily mean bad pacing, but Cursed Mountain's molasses speed doesn't work in the game's favor. In the end, it's worth checking out the game at some point, just not when so many other games are right around the corner. Anyone who owns multiple systems will likely be busy with games far better than Cursed Mountain very soon, enjoying the holiday season's releases. As for those who prefer the Wii exclusively, however, there isn't much like it on the system. There are those who will enjoy Cursed Mountain. The slow, monotonous gameplay might be a turn-on for gamers tired of the run-and-gun shooters that seem to own the year 2009. As for the masses, however, it's best to avoid this curse altogether."

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6 out of 10


Meristation gave the game 7.5 out of 10.


And a 7.5 from Matt on IGN.


Closing Comments

Despite the occasional issue, Cursed Mountain is a fun and sometimes frightening title -- I actually jumped once or twice as I played. The adventure's spooky atmosphere is something I haven't seen before, which is refreshing amidst a genre clogged with games all sporting the same themes. It's a smart tale. I felt compelled to discover what happened to Simmons' lost brother, and the make-up of the world, all logically sewn together, drew me in. But the dated controls and level designs, frequently filled with hidden keys leading to locked doors, are just a little too familiar, if not altogether archaic. For these reasons, the game is sure to appeal to survival horror fans who've never had issues with those aforementioned control or design shortcomings. If you fall into that category, grab your gear and hit the mountain. And if not, you might want to stay indoors this time around.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just got this through the door today for review, popped it in for a quick play-test and ended up spending most of the day on it, I'm enjoying... and have been on edge for the most part, start of the game is very tense walking round an empty down and even though it's daylight there is an uneasy feeling, especially when you start seeing a smokey shadow walking round corners and parts when the color fades to black & white you get ready expecting something... but oddly the first "jump" moment doesn't happen in these black & white moments leaving you unprepared and got my heart rate up a fair bit, haha.


Controls aren't bad, kinda reminds me of RE:4 Wii ed, minus the guns, and minus the 180 degree turn around which would have been handy, though I do wish the character moved just a little bit faster when "jogging". The gesture motion controls for fighting aren't bad, only problem I had with recognition was for getures where you motion the wiimote/nunchuck forwards, but once you figure out the right way to do it, it's fine. (hold wiimote/nunchuck verticle point to ceiling and punch forward) doing it this way i've no longer had a problem with gesture recognition.


Full review for N-E soon

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