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The Dark Knight Discussion (Spoilers)


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some empire feature on next batman villan had a guy called deadshot (or somthing) in. hes bassicly a man with guys. ok, so hes not exactly out their but the idea behind him is bassicly this: hes between good and bad. he wants to die but wont kill himself so he tries to go down in a blaze of glory.


imagine, if you will, that he, like batman, has a family killed by crime, and he, like batman, wants revenge, only he, unlike batman, decides killing is justified.


bassicly, he takes down the gangs as a vigilante, but is endangering lives and killing leads. batman recognises this is who he could have been, and that good and evil arnt black and white.


i put him forward as the riddler is good, but a little too similar to the joker.


Deadshot is dead. He was in Gotham Knight, the animated film that bridged Begins and TDK. Batman caught him and he was given the death penalty along with Ronald Marshal, the mobster that hired him.


That version of Deadshot sucked anyway, he didn't have a death wish and was just a hired gun. It's possible that he could be broken out of death row, but there's not much point really if they've removed the most interesting part of the character.


Yeah I get that, but the comics run through MANY stories, thats it, Joker finished, bye bye. For me there needed to be a conclusion to the story, and there wasn't. I love faithfulness to the comics, but you have to adapt to make a film, and for me, it was an unfullfilling ending for what was a really interesting character


You're missing something here; The Dark Knight isn't the conclusion to the story. Saying that they should have killed The Joker off in this film is like saying that Darth Vader should have died in both Episode's 3 and 4 (both times by Obi-Wan's hand). That would have made more sense for the individual story, but it would have screwed up the series completely.


The Joker being locked up in Arkham ISN'T the ending. It's a beginning ;)


This is a ridiulcous point, it doesn't matter what it's like in the comics, they have to be ADAPTED so they work in film - XMen for example didnt use the comics costues because they looked stupid when the designed them for real life. The eye and the mouth looked pure comedy for me (except the end), just didn't work and made him to be too comic book rather than the 'real' style to the film as a whole - it jars!


It was adapted to fit the film. In the comics Two-Face ended up with a half scarred face because Maroni threw acid over him. The resulting scars are rather different from the ones from TDK:




There's various different looks to Two Face, but the one in The Dark Knight is the most chilling and gruesome of the lot. They made it about as horrifying as they possibly could without breaching the 12a certificate (which imo they really pushed the boundaries of as it was).


Of-course they could always have dismissed the source material altogether, but then you'd just be left with another case of Resident Evil :(

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Eh? She seems nothing like Catwoman to me. That doesn't mean I wouldn't love to see her in tight leather.


Deadshot is dead. He was in Gotham Knight, the animated film that bridged Begins and TDK. Batman caught him and he was given the death penalty along with Ronald Marshal, the mobster that hired him.

Whilst Gotham Knight is based in the BB/TDK universe, I'm not sure if anything they do automatically becomes canon to Nolan's series. I mean... I don't think Bale's Batman in TDK is supposed to have fought Killer Croc. Which means Deadshot isn't necessarily dead.

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Nolan said:


“We’re not gonna tell you… other than to say that Batman has been published for 70 years. In the first movie we use Ra’s Al Ghul and The Scarecrow, who had not been in the movies before, and had not been in the sixties TV show before. And there are dozens if not hundreds of other characters that fit that bill. Everyone says its gotta be The Penguin or Catwoman… well I completely disagree.”




Which suggests no Catwoman.

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A) WTF did these rumours come from...is there even a source?




I have no idea, I got that link off a DC message board.


B) How is she so not Catwoman? Almost seems like a perfect choice to me.


Her features and poise are too agressive, if you get what I mean. She's not slight enough, and she's never shown vengeful or angry very well in the films I've seen her in. (Except A Mighty Heart, but that doesn't count) Though she does have perfect eyes for Catwoman.


But then people keep telling me she's the most attractive woman on earth and I don't see it at all. Occasionally there's a good looking picture of her, but apart from that, nope.


I can't really describe what I feel Catwoman needs. Michelle Pfieffer was perfect, but there's no one that really is stunning, like her at the moment.


I think someone with that kinda stunning face, without being amazonian (like Angelina, IMO). Winona Ryder, maybe? Dunno what she looks like nowadays.


(I suppose Angelina could do it if she wasn't stick-thin when she was in the suit. I think her lips are too big too.)

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I think someone with that kinda stunning face, without being amazonian (like Angelina, IMO). Winona Ryder, maybe? Dunno what she looks like nowadays.


I thing Summer Glau could pull off Catwoman. Great face and very flexible.


Note: I no absolutely nothing about Catwoman.

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Guest Maase

Third here, as i said before, i hated that stupid "car".


From this movie to the next, its destiny to go downwards, not upwards.


Also, Angelina Jolie being Catwoman is another one of those rumours from IMDB.


One of them wich i love, and is possibly true, its Coleman Reese = Mr Riddle.


He knows everything about Batman, he was almost killed a lot of times and he is simmilar to Riddle.


Also, Coleman Reese = Mr Reese = Misteryes (Got it?)


Maybe its true, it fits well, and i would love to see the Riddler, he looks awesome (in his dark verson, not the stupid comedy one Jim Carrey portrays)


And another reason why it would work, its exactly the oposite of Joker...


Joker hates schemers, Riddle is the ultimate schemer.

Joker wants caos and anarchy, Riddle wants everything organized and planned.

Joker its a more "improvise" character, Riddle is a man who has everything planned.



I think that it would be awesome having the third movie in wich we see Mr Riddle (Coleman Reese) giving hints on who is Batman for some reason (maybe he was fired? I don't know) and trying to get revenge, doing riddles and trying to expose Batman, something that would obviously arrest him, after the events of Dark Knight.



Its a great theory, make it happen, Nolan... (Nolan, right?)


Edit: Also, Batman Begins: Fear

The Dark Knight: Caos

???: Happiness (For the citizens, who don't know that Batman is saving their arses every night, and their trying to kill him, and worst of all, having Riddler as a main hero in their eyes, while being a villain in reality)


Now that i think about it, damnit, it would be really awesome.

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I really hope they don't use Catwoman, she just doesn't seem like a suitable character for this new take on Batman. If they insist on having Catwoman then i'm sure they'll take a long look at Scarlett Johnnason, she suits the darker take more than Jolie.


I hope they do bring The Joker back though, as I said previously Michael Pitt would be a much more suitable choice than somebody like Daniel Day-Lewis, he is too old, Pitt is basically Ledger's age and he does good psycho, Ledger's Joker in fact showed shades of Pitt's character in Funny Games U.S.. Or go all Spider-Man, have the Joker deformed and aged as punishment and cast Nicholson again, put the Joker in a love triangle with Batman and Catwoman and you've got yourself a film.


Oh and Rob Schneider who crafts the whole sequence of complex events between them all.


That should shake things up.

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I'll ask again: what would they possibly gain from a second Joker appearance? They just did it perfectly. They have nothing to gain from another.


To resolve the fact that he is alive still...and can still cause plenty of chaos...:heh:


Personally don't wanna see it. I think Ledger's performance should be left to stand as the Joker during the Nolan era of Batman films and not revisited by another actor. Also they did enough with the character to show he doesn't need to be done again.


Batman is the only superhero comic series/franchise I really care about and after the brilliance of the first 2 I don't wanna see it get derailed with the wrong villians as so far they have been pitched perfectly and fitted in with each of the films over riding themes.

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I've heard that they never want Robin in the films, which I find rather perplexing: the Dark Knight is littered with lines about knowing his limits, needing more heroes, what happens when it all finally catches up with him etc.. I was half expecting Robin to come bursting through the wall at any given moment.


Also, am I the only person who suspects that if Jack Nicolson had played, I dunno, Mr Freeze back in the ninties, Heath would be trouncing around on screen with scratched winter blue face paint today?

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I'll ask again: what would they possibly gain from a second Joker appearance? They just did it perfectly. They have nothing to gain from another.


Simple, he weighs on Batman's concience. Batman will drop everything if The Joker gets out of Arkham and he won't stop until he's caught again. He'd be a useful plot tool if they ever wanted to strain Bats to breaking point. He also gives birth to Harley Quinn, quite an important character in the Batman universe really.


I'd like to see him return, but not in the next film. Give it a one or 2 film gap and then try again. That's if Nolan does more than 3, he might not :nono:

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I've heard that they never want Robin in the films, which I find rather perplexing: the Dark Knight is littered with lines about knowing his limits, needing more heroes, what happens when it all finally catches up with him etc.. I was half expecting Robin to come bursting through the wall at any given moment.


Dear lord, no, Batman has got to be the worst character in the whole Batman Universe and bringing him in would just ruin everything, thank god Nolan has a brain...

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Dear lord, no, Batman has got to be the worst character in the whole Batman Universe and bringing him in would just ruin everything, thank god Nolan has a brain...


Well... if you insist. :heh:


Anyway, I honestly think an effective script with Robin is perfectly possible, all it needs is a bit of development between the characters, maybe give it a twist. Just look at The Dark Knight Returns. Maybe I wouldn't go that particular route, but still.

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Dear lord, no, Batman has got to be the worst character in the whole Batman Universe and bringing him in would just ruin everything, thank god Nolan has a brain...


A) Do you mean Robin?


B) If you do, thats one of the most ridiculous statements Ive heard in my entire life.

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Also, am I the only person who suspects that if Jack Nicolson had played, I dunno, Mr Freeze back in the ninties, Heath would be trouncing around on screen with scratched winter blue face paint today?

Using this switched logic, Arnie would've made a quality Joker.

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I didn't say he wouldn't.


(OXY said "Dear lord, no, Batman has got to be the worst character in the whole Batman Universe and bringing him in would just ruin everything, thank god Nolan has a brain..." Assuming he meant Robin and not Batman, I was just disagreeing with his ridiculous statement)


(However he wouldn't.....but its regardless anyway seeing as Nolans said no already)


More ridiculous comments this time from The Telegraph


Seriously, Nolan hasnt even said hes definitely doing a third yet! Its such bull shit.

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