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'There's a Jewish family down my street, I'm think of setting alight to their house.'

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We all know how relaxed the rules are at Youtube. It is scarcely moderated, and even the video authors except spam and troll comments.


So, this thread is for all the amusing, stupid and downright disturbing comments you've seen on Youtube. The thread title is the most horrific one I've stumbled upon as of late. I must confess, though: seeing a patriotic Englishman and a patriotic Irishman battle it out from the safety of their own homes will never get old.



  chairdriver said:
... if you have the mentality of an 8 year old.


Depends on the comment surely? If you decide to pretty much say that all youtube comment jokes are only funny of those with the mentality of an 8 year old, your surely a retard.


Either way, what fucking video was that a comment on? :wtf:

  navarre said:
It is scarcely moderated, and even the video authors except spam and troll comments.


I always delete and block spammers on my videos.


I do tend to leave most of the hate mail, because i feel if i deleted it and some youngster sees one of my vids with me acting overly stupid/nerdy and nothing but nice comments and then goes to make vids of their own they may not be fully prepared for the possible trolling they could be setting themselves up for. Plus now and then i get bored and trolls can be easy targets to mess with.


If you see a video that is overly racist and such you could always use the flag button to help bring attention to it. or email an youtube editor, think its editor@youtube.com (found in their blog entries) they likely won't answer but they do read them. I've emailed them a few times about accounts which were dodgey (spammer/video stealer/pervert) and seen the accounts removed within 48hours of the email sent

  Foxfear said:
This one involving Brawl, you just must see, it's hysterical... I rofl'd, lmao'd and what not...






Just look under falcon punch and you'll get many many hilarious videos...

Just watched the 300 parody by the same people [?]


The end was painful to watch. As he said Melee it was like he was some 5 year old trying to do a Dragonball Z impression whilst having a shit.

  Blue_Ninja0 said:
Europe VS America comments. They never fail.


It always ends up in huge discussions about World War 2.


Oh yeah! "If it weren't for us you would all be speaking German!"


I'm glad I don't use youtube enough to warrant looking at comments. The only time I've used youtube on a large scale was to watch cardcaptors and all of those were nice comments about how kawaii the episode was.


Theres hundreds of versions of this video

on YT, and Ive tried before to have them removed, but frankly unless its breaking some licensing agreement, they just dont seem to care. :(
  Blue_Ninja0 said:
Europe VS America comments. They never fail.


It always ends up in huge discussions about World War 2.


My favourite analogy of it has to be this:


Fred and Sid are having a fight, with Larry watching in the background. Just as the fight is nearly over and Fred's nearly won, Larry comes in with a baseball bat and knocksout Sid.

'Gee, I really helped you out there' Larry says.


Fred= Britain, France, USSR

Sid= Germany


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