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Drinking to get Drunk


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There's drunk and there's tipsy. I have a nagging little voice in my head that always stops me from getting that extra drink which would send me over the edge, and i'm so thankful that i hear it. I have great times when i go out because i get tipsy but know i'll stop when i need to.


Being absolutely wasted sucks, i hate being sick, i hate spending so much money and i hate feeling like utter crap the next day. Drink a bit less andhave a way better time, that's my philosophy.

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Why should I be the only one to not set out to get wasted while every one else makes a complete tit of themselves and then it's THEY who feel like the more mature ones?


Because YOU'RE the mature one who doesn't let the other sheep decide for you.


Being absolutely wasted sucks, i hate being sick, i hate spending so much money and i hate feeling like utter crap the next day. Drink a bit less andhave a way better time, that's my philosophy.


I don't drink, but that's a great philosophy. :) It could save lives if more people had that mentality.

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Guest bluey

i dont drink to get drunk ~ any time i get really drunk i've done it by accident...


but i enjoy getting a little tipsy.. i like the feeling, but i dont think it makes my evening better in any way ~ i'd be really sad if i thought i needed to drink (even a small amount) to make my social skills better O__o


..then i'd get all depressed about it and have a drink to drown my sorrows...

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I drank more when i was a teenager actually. I guess its more exciting because you know you shouldnt be doing it.


I drink now more for recreation. A pint after work here and there, a bottle of wine with the gf in front of the tele, that sort of thing. And when i do go out out, as i said, my head stops me from going too far :)

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i'd be really sad if i thought i needed to drink (even a small amount) to make my social skills better O__o


..then i'd get all depressed about it and have a drink to drown my sorrows...


Well, fact is it does help some people get over their shyness. And that's fine, I guess. But idealistically, I agree that people should try to be more open and social without the need of alcohol.


Having the need to get drunk to have fun, though, THAT I find sad. Granted, alcohol amplifies feelings, be it happy or sad, but if you can't have fun without alcohol, you must have a miserable life.

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That's the thing. Everyone moaning here is just saying 'omg why do ppl get plastered till they fall over!?' because they're hanging around with 16 year olds. I'm 21 and I don't hang out with people who do that because it's fucking retarded and people grow out of it. By our age, we actually like drinking for the pleasure of a good drink, not to go on a self destructive binge.


so yeah. you're overreacting and preaching like morons without the maturity to understand what a responsible night on drink looks like. In short, arguments from that perspective lack substance and should be ignored.

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That's the thing. Everyone moaning here is just saying 'omg why do ppl get plastered till they fall over!?' because they're hanging around with 16 year olds. I'm 21 and I don't hang out with people who do that because it's fucking retarded and people grow out of it. By our age, we actually like drinking for the pleasure of a good drink, not to go on a self destructive binge.


so yeah. you're overreacting and preaching like morons without the maturity to understand what a responsible night on drink looks like. In short, arguments from that perspective lack substance and should be ignored.


Hey hey, who urinated in your coffee? :) We're not at all saying that drinking can't be a quiet, responsible thing in good company. We're merely commenting on the immature people you yourself mention. Who's overreacting? ;)

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Not true.


I have a glass of red wine with spaghetti bolognese. I know I'm not going to get drunk by it, nor have I any intention. Its just you can't have spaghetti bolognese without red wine.


(unless you're talking from the point of view "im going to drink this alcohol and be not drunk" which yes fair enough but thats silly anyway. Alcohol still makes you a percent less sober, but a small portion cna be drunk without intentions of getting drunk...damn semantics)

Ah! I did not think of this... yeah, this is pretty much the only excusable drinking - the wine appreciater, who selects very carefully what wine to sup with. To be honest I doubt anyone our age is pedantically as close to the image I have in my head about this, but it's a fair call.

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well you're not, no. When i started that post I expected it to follow Jay. makes more sense that way.


Well, I don't think anyone in here was actually moaning about it. Some possibly seemed more prejudiced about it, but they didn't really moan, did they? You may have read things differently than I, though. It seems like you've had to defend this viewpoint of yours (which I share) often before, so you're probably more in defense mode regarding this topic. Am I right? :)

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This isnt directly answering your questions, but all my friends only drink to get drunk. An example was today, Jordan was going to buy some vodka for them and their stupid party, but I was standing with him at the checkout, and they asked for my Id too, because they thought he was buying it for me. So they didn't sell us it, and one of my friends said to me, 'I hate you.'


Fucks sake, I hate what alcohol turns people into.



They're not friends Letty...

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Is obviously bad, immature and a sign of having a very small penis. Obviously. It also funds terrorism and all the resulting empty glass bottles have been used by Osama Bin Laden to refract light to make him invisible to radar, satellite, tracking device or anything other than 30 year old video recorders that produce Betamax output.


However, has anyone actually set out one night/day with the aim of drinking to get drunk and failed miserably? How did it happen? Did you get sidetracked by heinous responsibility? Did you run out of cash? Did you simply inexplicably get drunk despite tucking away far more than you expected to be able to cope with?

I once set out to get drunk (or tipsy) and realized that £20 note was a fiver =[

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I once set out to get drunk (or tipsy) and realized that £20 note was a fiver =[


£5 can mean 8 cans of beer/cider, or four litres of cider :D Plenty! But then, I'm a bigger fan of drinking at home with mates and tv/movies/games/cards. Far cheaper, and you control the atmosphere and don't get random drunkards. Ok, that's probably a down-side :(

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What Ashley said. Red meat and red wine ftw, incidentally. White meat and fish for white wine or Champagne.


That's because there's something in red meat which does away with the tannen which is left in your mouth (that weird feeling around your gums) after drinking red wine. :)


There are some occaisions where white wine is better with red meat but my wine book which I'm meant to know all of for work is downstairs.

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Guest bluey

oooooooooooh... useful/interesting information...

charlie, tell us mooooore! *sits comfortably* i love this kinda crap :grin:

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I'm the complete opposite, things young people like are certain to be shite, and old men pubs are the best with local ale that nobody's ever heard of, clubbing makes me want to kill everyone there with their stupid music so you can't even talk and wasted people on drugs fucking in the toilets


I feel the same way RoadKill.

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alot of the time, i find people who don't drink at all are boring to be around, always look down at people who do drink and arnt usualy up for more silly shenanigans.


i mean, i know some great people who don't drink, i have a mate whos one of the best mates ive got and he dosent drink, but the majority of none drinkers ive met are irritatingly self ritious.


that said, im probebly the same to them.

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