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Drinking to get Drunk


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I drink to get drunk if I'm at an otherwise boring party, or if I'm lacking in the confidence department on the night, otherwise it's on the Yazoo for me. I don't know when I'm drunk though so I just keep drinking, but I'm probably the most level-headed drunk I know.


Worst I've done so far is piss myself in my sleep, and no one noticed because I was in piss coloured jeans anyway.

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There have been times I have tried to drink to get drunk but it seldom happens. Only really happens if im doing so alone or staying in. Otherwise I end up having to look after others or running out of money or remembering I hate most alcohol.


Last time I can remember drinking to get drunk must have been...October becasue I had epic fail of a day at work at came home and started drinking G&T and me and my housemate made invites for our bonfire night party. Then I proceeded to make a huge G&T and put it in a water bottle (cunning eh?) and drink as we delivered. But then that wasn't fall-all-over-the-place-and-wake-up-two-days-later drunk, it was just loosen up good.


Oh and we played a game; what happens if you microwave this?

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i drink to get drunk fairly often. i dont think it makes me cool, like some people seem to say, it does help my confidence a bit, but to be honest, i dont go out to pull, i go out to have a laugh with mates.


if any one thinks that makes me a cunt they have to seriosuly re-evaluate what makes some one a cunt. im having fun my way, do i chastise you watching anime, or playing video games with mates? ok, maybe i do act stupid, maybe i am embarasing, but its my life. its not like im alcohal dependant, i only drink with friends, which i can't see a problem with.


take a couple of weeks ago, i got mortal, failed misserably to chat up girls but i had a laugh. when trying to find the harm, i stumbled across and interesting fact. there is none. yes i looked a prick, but only to people i knew, and they all been there.


ok, times ive been sick in public, they arnt good. its happend maybe three time in all the time ive drank, i admit they are awful, and i am ashamed. thats never nice but thats a tiny preportion of the time, maybe a single % of the times ive been drunk.


most of the time, when im drunk, im silly, i laugh alot and im probebly slightly to loud, if that offends you, fuck you. if your so arrogant you thing your not percived as a prick at points in your life then your deluded.

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*waves arm in the air* ...I don't understand the question. There are only ever two reasons to drink - one is to refresh oneself, the other is to get pissed. I see no other reason to drink :|


I mean, am I not getting this? Alcohol is consumed in order to lose sobriety, right? Of course I drink to get drunk! It's a waste of alcohol otherwise.

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I drink to get drunk if I'm at an otherwise boring party, or if I'm lacking in the confidence department on the night, otherwise it's on the Yazoo for me. I don't know when I'm drunk though so I just keep drinking, but I'm probably the most level-headed drunk I know.


Worst I've done so far is piss myself in my sleep, and no one noticed because I was in piss coloured jeans anyway.


soory, but lol.

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*waves arm in the air* ...I don't understand the question. There are only ever two reasons to drink - one is to refresh oneself, the other is to get pissed. I see no other reason to drink :|


I mean, am I not getting this? Alcohol is consumed in order to lose sobriety, right? Of course I drink to get drunk! It's a waste of alcohol otherwise.


I presume he means drinking to get drunk. You know, so drunk you're italicised?


Or rather than drinking socially (like a "hey, we're on a night out lets buy a few beers") you're drinking to get wasted, lose some of your memory, stumble around, throw up (generally everything in those don't drink adverts) for whatever reason.

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And for those of you who enjoy the social lubrication that a bevee can bring, maybe you should just learn to use your real social skills and then you wouldn't need the drink in the first place.


This quote here really grinds me the wrong way. Sometimes when meeting people for the first time everything can be tense, you don't know each other, you don't know if you'll get along with them. Having a drink generally allows you to relax, it loosens the mood. For some people it can be the thing that helps them to overcome the barrier of starting to speak to people.


For example, I'm usually just a quiet shy boy. I'll just sit there if ther'es a lot of people I don't really know. But with a drink in me, it allows me to open up a bit and start getting into the conversation.


I also think the whole 'you can have fun without getting drunk' is silly. Yes I can have fun without getting drunk, but I can alos have a few drinks and have an even better night, meet more people, and generally feel better about myself that I made an effort to socialise. (I'm a nerd, I hardly ever leave my room, let alone go outside :/)

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Guest bluey
This quote here really grinds me the wrong way. Sometimes when meeting people for the first time everything can be tense, you don't know each other, you don't know if you'll get along with them. Having a drink generally allows you to relax, it loosens the mood. For some people it can be the thing that helps them to overcome the barrier of starting to speak to people.


For example, I'm usually just a quiet shy boy. I'll just sit there if ther'es a lot of people I don't really know. But with a drink in me, it allows me to open up a bit and start getting into the conversation.


I also think the whole 'you can have fun without getting drunk' is silly. Yes I can have fun without getting drunk, but I can alos have a few drinks and have an even better night, meet more people, and generally feel better about myself that I made an effort to socialise. (I'm a nerd, I hardly ever leave my room, let alone go outside :/)

i think what he's trying to say is that it's kinda sad when people feel like they have to have a couple of drinks before they have enough confidence to mingle and make friends... you'd probably do just fine without any drink!! thats not to say DO NOT DO DRINKIES 'CAUSE IF YOU DO I WILL SCHMACK YA! .. it just means you should have more confidence in yourself and dont feel like you MUST have a drink before you'll be able to talk to that girl over there *points*


...made yu look!!

i agree with skunky O_O!! if some kind of drug HAD to be consumed then i'd MUCH rather have a relaxed night in smoking and chatting and dancing and singing and having a wonderful time. that being said i can do all of that without the smoking bit too :smile:

and as for drinks? PAH. gimme cherry soda and i'm a happy girl. i have a lot more fun on a sugar high than i've EVER had when i've been off my face... u___u

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I'm a bar man myself. preferably somewhere that'll get me a good mixer or an interesting pint.

Me too, I enjoy the sitting and socialising aspect, with a few goes on the ItBox. Clubs I can't really do, mainly because they charge a tenner a pint, the music's shit and I can't dance for shit. So I'm normally stuck against a wall bobbing up and down.

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Yeah pretty much. Expecially in a pub. I just dont like the fac that there's no where to hang out in this country as a group of people which isn't really a pub.


In lots of other countries in the world, people socialise over dinner at restaurant and go over to each other's houses. In this country, pub is default and no celebration can occur without alcohol.


Also I very VERY rarely find that drinking can actually make a good night better than it was ever going to be.


Well during June I went out to dinner twice, went over to different friends houses and went to the pub twice. I think that comment is totally untrue, maybe it's just you who dosn't do that sort of things? Maybe you're hanging around with the wrong people if those are the things you are wanting to be doing. It's true that some people never want to do those sort of things, but there are loads of people who do.



Although your first comment is pretty much true, there is nowhere to go other than a pub just to meet up for a chat, but, where else is there to go in other countries?

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This isnt directly answering your questions, but all my friends only drink to get drunk. An example was today, Jordan was going to buy some vodka for them and their stupid party, but I was standing with him at the checkout, and they asked for my Id too, because they thought he was buying it for me. So they didn't sell us it, and one of my friends said to me, 'I hate you.'


Fucks sake, I hate what alcohol turns people into.


To counter such a comment, I think you're awesome and your friends don't sound like friends at all, they sound like retards who deserved to be tossed aside into the lake of fire

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Guest bluey

....... waaaaaaaitasecond!


jamba... dont you work at threshers??!

*hands out torches and pitchforks*



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Yeh its complete shite, i dont know how people can do it, its normally full of old men who think theyre the best at everything, and talk down to you. Then thers the stupid gambling machines, which are SHITE, and the beer normally tastes like watered down ass. Its disgusting, i dont get the pub scene 1 bit.


clubbing/bars however.. thats quite fun


I'm the complete opposite, things young people like are certain to be shite, and old men pubs are the best with local ale that nobody's ever heard of, clubbing makes me want to kill everyone there with their stupid music so you can't even talk and wasted people on drugs fucking in the toilets

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I'm the complete opposite, things young people like are certain to be shite, and old men pubs are the best with local ale that nobody's ever heard of, clubbing makes me want to kill everyone there with their stupid music so you can't even talk and wasted people on drugs fucking in the toilets


On your way to becoming everyone's beloved grumpy-old-man stereotype. :p

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....... waaaaaaaitasecond!


jamba... dont you work at threshers??!

*hands out torches and pitchforks*




Um yes... yes I do. Thats probably why I drink because I like the drink itself and get quite :shakehead when my mate gets me a round in and it turns out to be wifebeater.


On your way to becoming everyone's beloved grumpy-old-man stereotype. :p


I thought that was my job :p

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Me too, I enjoy the sitting and socialising aspect, with a few goes on the ItBox. Clubs I can't really do, mainly because they charge a tenner a pint, the music's shit and I can't dance for shit. So I'm normally stuck against a wall bobbing up and down.


I can't go without busting some moves. Skilled or nay, it's hella fun.

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Nobody drinks not to get drunk


Not true.


I have a glass of red wine with spaghetti bolognese. I know I'm not going to get drunk by it, nor have I any intention. Its just you can't have spaghetti bolognese without red wine.


(unless you're talking from the point of view "im going to drink this alcohol and be not drunk" which yes fair enough but thats silly anyway. Alcohol still makes you a percent less sober, but a small portion cna be drunk without intentions of getting drunk...damn semantics)

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Nobody drinks not to get drunk, whether they're using it as a social lubricant or getting totally pie eyed, they're just levels of drunkenness.


very true.



as for those drink aware adverts, i think they kinda exadurate a bit. yes, i get drunk but i dont get covered in my own sick every single time.


as for clubs, yeah, they over charge (get runk before you go)( the music may be poor at best and the dancing may be awful, but god its a good place to meet people, and have a laugh. hell, you dont go to appreciate the music.

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I feel ... sorry for those who can only enjoy themselves while drunk. It's even worse for those people who seem to say (literally and figuratively) "I'm going to have so much fun when I get drunk tonight!"


I think you must be a pretty-strongly inhibited person if you can only have fun while drunk.

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I feel ... sorry for those who can only enjoy themselves while drunk. It's even worse for those people who seem to say (literally and figuratively) "I'm going to have so much fun when I get drunk tonight!"


I think you must be a pretty-strongly inhibited person if you can only have fun while drunk.


This is exactly why I feel quite left out at parties. My 16 year old friends think this way, and it's actually pitiful watching their behaviour (and because they're total lightweights, it gets all very embarressing very quickly). Why should I be the only one to not set out to get wasted while every one else makes a complete tit of themselves and then it's THEY who feel like the more mature ones?

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