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Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop (BEST NAME EVER?!)


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Loving the look of this, despite the awful graphics. I can see this entertaining me for a while.


Winter release for Europe aswell? Hope it'll be £20-£25 on release.



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Damn, after seeing the comparison between RE4 and this, it's hard to believe it's running on the same engine... in a bad way, that is.


Is someone here a member of the Capcom boards? We should vent our "lack of polish" anger towards Mr. Svensson, he seems to reply to a lot of remarks on those forums.


I am :smile: Heres a DR thread where people have been voicing their complaints. So far no response from Sven or any other mod.



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Yeah this does look rough around the edges.. I got Resident Evil 4 when it first came out and was surprised at how well the graphics still held up and thought if we hadn't hit HD yet I would still be pretty happy with this. But Dead Rising looks nowhere near as good and what excuses do they have?


There are rumblings of PS3 Dead Rising I may wait to see where those rumours go.

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Kotaku has some hands on impressions.


Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop for the Nintendo Wii is not a game for members of the press. It's nearly impossible for us to look at the game objectively after spending countless hours playing the highly superior Xbox 360 original. It's like reading War and Peace and then trying to fully appreciate the Cliff Notes version. It can't begin to approach the level of polish, complexity, and the overall experience of the original, plus your friends might laugh at you if they catch you buying it. As I sat in on a hands on session with the title, I could see by the expressions on my peers' faces that no one seemed to be all that impressed.


No, Dead Rising for the Wii is for those folks who haven't owned a 360, haven't been steeped in Dead Rising press releases, news stories, previews, and reviews over the past couple of years - basically folks that don't read our website all that much. With that in mind, let's look at what's changing in the hobbled version of Dead Rising.


Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop uses a modified version of the engine for Resident Evil 4, so it might do the title a little more justice to consider it a Resident Evil parody rather than associate it with the original game. The change of engines modifies the entire feel of the game, giving it a more slow and plodding feel that its predecessor. You aim with the Wii remote, shoot with the trigger, and can either hit a button to initiate melee attacks or charge up your melee weapon by shaking the remote in order to unleash powerful special for more powerful strikes. The gun because much more important in the Wii version, as special melee maneuvers require that you stun your opponent with gunshots first. Even the lovable servo heads require a gunshot first, ruining the fun of running about willy-nilly tossing plastic heads all over the place.


In order to free up more CPU, Capcom had to sacrifice weapons. Any weapon that had a similar function as another has been condensed into one. This helps performance of course, but in exchange you lose the feeling of immersion you used to receive from being able to pick up nearly anything and use it as a weapon.


Of course the number of zombies on screen have been reduced, with the small demo level we experienced never showing more than a dozen zombies at a time, though they have upped variety a bit with the inclusion of evil poodle enemies and rare enemies like the electric police woman from the original game making her debut as a standard enemy.


There are some positive changes though. Overtime mode is unlocked from the get, go, and you no longer have to juggle side missions with your main objectives now that all of the side missions are required, a fact that Capcom PR thought might even make the game something players of the original might want to play through. Pretty sure they're wrong there, but the thought was nice.


Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop might be one of the best zombie-shooting games the Wii has ever seen, but unless you've never been exposed to the original game you you might find some of the cuts a bit too deep.

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Kotaku has some hands on impressions.


No, Dead Rising for the Wii is for those folks who haven't owned a 360, haven't been steeped in Dead Rising press releases, news stories, previews, and reviews over the past couple of years - basically folks that don't read our website all that much. With that in mind, let's look at what's changing in the hobbled version of Dead Rising.


I gotta say, despite saying before that I'm not initially interested by Dead Rising on Wii (or otherwise), from reading that Kotaku hands on you've posted, they make it sound like its the game for me.

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Do you want to know why Dead Rising really looks worse than RE4? Because Dead Rising will have a lot more zombies on screen(aiming for 100) and much wider areas...How many enemies did RE4 have on screen? 10? Really, there is no comparison there...More enemies take up more horsepower, same case with wider areas


And on top of that, they are porting a 360 game to the Wii, and people had doubts about them even being able to port RE4 over to the PS2!

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Do you want to know why Dead Rising really looks worse than RE4? Because Dead Rising will have a lot more zombies on screen(aiming for 100) and much wider areas...How many enemies did RE4 have on screen? 10? Really, there is no comparison there...More enemies take up more horsepower, same case with wider areas


And on top of that, they are porting a 360 game to the Wii, and people had doubts about them even being able to port RE4 over to the PS2!


That's a load of bullcrap, you know full well that it's just a front to cover up for the real reason behind it: they don't want to invest too much into it (hence there are only ten people porting it).


RE4 was able to handle a lot more than ten, believe you me. If they were porting this to the GC with said consequences, I'd believe them if they said it was because they needed to free up memory and such. But the Wii is so much more powerful than the GC, and as such, should be able to handle RE4 style graphics with a hundred-or so enemies on screen.

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IGN Hands On




Do you want to know why Dead Rising really looks worse than RE4? Because Dead Rising will have a lot more zombies on screen(aiming for 100) and much wider areas...How many enemies did RE4 have on screen? 10?
Well no because that kotaku hands-on said they never really experienced any more than 12 enemies on screen at once! Try reading it!


and from IGN's hands on:




Unsurprisingly, Chop Till You Drop dramatically reduces the number of on-screen opponents you'll face -- partly as a concession to the Wii's limited horsepower and partly to accommodate this new play style. While Capcom promised the final version will feature more than the tiny handful of zombie marauders we saw during the demo, its development team is still experimenting in that area -- just don't expect hordes in their hundreds as was the case in the Xbox 360 game.

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Yeah, well, the Wii is really CPU-limited. This was the first game to utilise all three Xbox 360 cores, allowing for really efficient multitasking. The Wii only has a few percent of that power...


If the original used only one 360 core, it would've handled it.

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That's a load of bullcrap, you know full well that it's just a front to cover up for the real reason behind it: they don't want to invest too much into it (hence there are only ten people porting it).


RE4 was able to handle a lot more than ten, believe you me. If they were porting this to the GC with said consequences, I'd believe them if they said it was because they needed to free up memory and such. But the Wii is so much more powerful than the GC, and as such, should be able to handle RE4 style graphics with a hundred-or so enemies on screen.


Load of bullcrap? Actually not

Before you tell me how much RE4 was able to handle, can you tell me exactly how many we SAW it handling?

And the Wii is not "so much more powerful" than the gamecube...It is more powerful, but it is not THAT much more powerful

If we shall go by reality and take the games that have been praised for their graphics on the Wii(MP3 and SMG), were there really any big differences between MP3 and MP2? I take MP2 vs MP3 because it was towards the end of the GC's lifespan

Sure, MP3 looked better(still not THAT much better) and had bigger areas than MP2...

But if you claim that it can do RE4 quality 100 enemies on screen, feel free to sign up at Capcom and show them your expertise...If you are as good as you give the impression to be, you will surely be taken as a hero



IGN Hands On




Well no because that kotaku hands-on said they never really experienced any more than 12 enemies on screen at once! Try reading it!


and from IGN's hands on:


There WILL be more than 12 enemies on screen...We never know if it indeed makes it to 100 before it is released, but the game will have far more enemies than 12 on screen...Downgrades in graphics were made for more enemies and such

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Ow, whoops, you got me there, no expertise, just avid gaming experience.


: 2.50 minutes in, you'll get the picture. Now I'm even more pissed at Capcom, thanks Menkor :)


If the Gamecube can pull off 20 enemies on screen, at that visually astonishing level, someone explain to me how the Wii couldn't do five times that, be it through slightly less impressive graphics or not. Sure, the maths don't add up (Wii = 3 times GC power or such), but I'm sure that there could be workarounds here.


And this is even more appalling: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/257353.html

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Do you really want us to explain to you what is the difference between 20 and 100?


Yes. Please do. I'd think it would be 80, but I could be wrong :)


Look, maybe I'm just too optimistical, but there's no way Dead Rising Wii couldn't handle a hundred enemies on screen without taking the kind of visual punishing it's taking right now. (Wow, lots of negation in that sentence)


If they put the same effort into it as they did with RE4 GC, they could pull it off. If not, then Nibris are actually aliens from outer space wanting to overthrow world powers by means of game anticipation.

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You're right, but you're suggesting something that's impossible. You can't just add in as many enemies as the hardware can physically take. For one thing, the environment is way more interactive in Dead Rising.


It's a poor effort, maybe, but you can't expect a RE4 from every project. Although this is obviously just a quick cash in game, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun. Capcom will be watching horror game sales as well for Resident Evil.

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You're right, but you're suggesting something that's impossible. You can't just add in as many enemies as the hardware can physically take. For one thing, the environment is way more interactive in Dead Rising.


It's a poor effort, maybe, but you can't expect a RE4 from every project. Although this is obviously just a quick cash in game, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun. Capcom will be watching horror game sales as well for Resident Evil.


I know, which is why this is pissing me off so much. This is a win-win situation for them. They'll use a commercial failure of DRWii as a reason to shun the Wii more, and a commercial success as a sign that we will gladly eat crap and take it for oysters. Or something. Poor figure of speech to be honest. But you get the point.


You're right by the way, didn't factor in the whole environmental-interactivity-aspect. But still - and stop me if I'm reaching again, would it be too much to expect to have it at least look on par with PS2 RE4? I think not. It shouldn't be, anyway.

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This is obvious.


Resident Evil 4 made success, Capcom does a quick cash in with Dead Rising

FFS, even in the trailer they talk about Resident Evil 4, just to get more money.

It could be good tough, we'l see that later.

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This is obvious.


Resident Evil 4 made success, Capcom does a quick cash in with Dead Rising

FFS, even in the trailer they talk about Resident Evil 4, just to get more money.

It could be good tough, we'l see that later.


well they are idiots for not making resident evil 5 for the wii in the first place so meh they may as well try to make a quick buck..

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