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Sorry for missing the fun, gents, I was over at RedShells and the time flew past. I'm doing a few things in my village at the mo (planting peaches!) and then I'll have a look and see if anyones gates are open. : peace:

  darksnowman said:
Sorry for missing the fun, gents, I was over at RedShells and the time flew past. I'm doing a few things in my village at the mo (planting peaches!) and then I'll have a look and see if anyones gates are open. : peace:


I seen RedShell was on but I wandered over to Tales town instead. It was quite fun until we all got booted. Welshy had it the worst, I think he bagged a tuna and now its gone :shakehead

  dazzybee said:
Oh Tales, every game he gets disconnected, I almost feel sorry for him!


Welcome to my world. Crappy connection as well.


Regardless of this I'm opening my gates @10:05pm tonight. The aim is simple all Orange trees MUST go. Bring an Axe and plenty of space to collect all the Oranges ONLY.


Be careful of the flowers and if we suffer a disconnect then I'II reopen the gates.




1) Axe down all Tress that contain Oranges only

2) Gather the Oranges to sell in your own town

3) Get in and out the town fast incase I disconnect

4) Be very careful of my flowers.


I don't need mine anymore so If I don't see you online, can I mail it to you? What's your nick again?


Sorry about the online session earlier, at least we got to finish the contest.


Gate is open. Let the orange deforestation begin.




Lol, that was shortlived-shortly after Darksnowman arrived I ran out of battery power in my wiimote.


Still at least he got some Coconuts, and a few Oranges sold.


Urgh.... dunno what to do. I don't have the money to order it online with WiiSpeak, which is the bundle I want, but I have enough credit in store at Gamestation to get the game solus. Would you guys recommend getting it without the WiiSpeak? The main reason I want the WiiSpeak is for future titles such as The Conduit and it's not available yet separately. I'm trying to decide between this, Left 4 Dead, the Orange Box (for Team Fortress 2) or Battlefield: Bad Company/Burnout Paradise (can get the two together for £30)

  Gentleben said:
Gate is open. Let the orange deforestation begin.




Lol, that was shortlived-shortly after Darksnowman arrived I ran out of battery power in my wiimote.


Still at least he got some Coconuts, and a few Oranges sold.


Yeah thanks for having me over. Pity I couldn't have stayed longer, but it was fun while it lasted. I shall return sometime and not leave until all your trees are gone!


  Ganepark32 said:
Urgh.... dunno what to do. I don't have the money to order it online with WiiSpeak, which is the bundle I want, but I have enough credit in store at Gamestation to get the game solus. Would you guys recommend getting it without the WiiSpeak? The main reason I want the WiiSpeak is for future titles such as The Conduit and it's not available yet separately. I'm trying to decide between this, Left 4 Dead, the Orange Box (for Team Fortress 2) or Battlefield: Bad Company/Burnout Paradise (can get the two together for £30)


I'm sure I spotted Wii Speak on sale in Game when I was getting AC the other evening. I'm gonna go against H-o-T on this one and say that you should buy AC + Wii Speak if you can afford it!


I don't have Wii Speak, but I do wish I did. Especially when I'm online with someone who does have it as it takes a little while to reply to them and I find myself not talking as much as I would if I had the mic. It just seems like it would be a whole lot easier with Wii Speak. I'm definitely going to get it when I have some spare cash.


Tried to register my star code for this, it allowed me but I selected Animal Crossing + Wii Speak from the drop down box rather than the solus game, you know, since I actually bought the bundle. Now it won't let me redeem my stars bonus because the bundle apparently doesn't apply to it...


Could I borrow someone else's code for the single game? I say 'borrow' because I'm going to try to snag one off Nintendo customer service and claim that I didn't get one in the box. ;)


In the meantime I have a spare Endless Ocean code that I can exchange for it.

  Tellyn said:
Tried to register my star code for this, it allowed me but I selected Animal Crossing + Wii Speak from the drop down box rather than the solus game, you know, since I actually bought the bundle. Now it won't let me redeem my stars bonus because the bundle apparently doesn't apply to it...


Could I borrow someone else's code for the single game? I say 'borrow' because I'm going to try to snag one off Nintendo customer service and claim that I didn't get one in the box. ;)


In the meantime I have a spare Endless Ocean code that I can exchange for it.


Surely if you were just honest about it they would give you one, it's blatantly an error!!!

  dazzybee said:
Surely if you were just honest about it they would give you one, it's blatantly an error!!!


The stars bonus runs out in just over 24 hours, and I don't trust Nintendo with responding to me in that length of time. I didn't end up getting Cooking Guide despite registering my interest for a bonus, so if this runs out then they won't let me get any more bonuses in the future. :( (Or is it if you don't register 3? Either way, they're a bunch of humbugs.)

  Tellyn said:
The stars bonus runs out in just over 24 hours, and I don't trust Nintendo with responding to me in that length of time. I didn't end up getting Cooking Guide despite registering my interest for a bonus, so if this runs out then they won't let me get any more bonuses in the future. :( (Or is it if you don't register 3? Either way, they're a bunch of humbugs.)


E-mail them and explain you didn't get the bonus. I didn't get the bonus for Wario Land: The Shake Dimension, I e-mailed them and they added the 50 stars yesterday (I e-mailed them 2 weeks ago).

  Ike said:
E-mail them and explain you didn't get the bonus. I didn't get the bonus for Wario Land: The Shake Dimension, I e-mailed them and they added the 50 stars yesterday (I e-mailed them 2 weeks ago).


I'll get the stars, but they won't take the black mark off my account. :heh: (By the way, the Wii Message Board/Town link up thing at the post office is clearly faulty, it seems to assign towns you don't also have added on your Address Book to whoever the hell it likes.)

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