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You have to think a lot more, guys....


Most of the new Wii fans never played Animal Crossing on DS and Gamecube, the game will sell like hot cakes


They made some minor changes for new users and showed the game to new guys in AC (like me) to try it for the first time


I would think most of the "expanded" audience would have a Wii and DS with AC fans already owning the DS version so sales would colide. But the expanded audience are idiots and won't realise it's the same to they'll pick it up regardless and some of the folk that know it anyway will pick it up for a few new features and VC.

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It does look very much like the Cube and DS games, hell even those who have played the Wii version are saying it.



What's our take? City Folk certainly looks like the Animal Crossing we all know and love, but perhaps a bit too much so. The game seems to carry over a lot of the DS version's great aspects, but also a few of its shortcomings. Moving around the world is as easy as using the stylus -- just point at the screen with the Wii Remote and press A to move, or hold both A and B to run. The D-pad makes for an easy way to toggle through your various tools on the fly. But sadly, City Folk's online components will rely on the exchange of numerical friend codes; it's a shame features like the auction house won't be open to a wider Nintendo Wi-Fi Connect pool than just the people on your friend codes list. The popup bar with all your options at the bottom of the screen can be a bit annoying, too, since it's easy to move the cursor too low on the TV screen due to relaxing your wrists, but it's admittedly nice to have most of the interface hidden until needed.


We're just nervous that despite the new locale, most of the game seemingly remains unchanged; this will be the third time we're playing essentially the same game, with no real leap forward in terms of connectivity options outside of adding online voice chat. But who are we kidding -- if it manages to be as addicting as Wild World, we'll gladly play City Folk. We're just holding out hope that additional subtle changes will surface after we get a more in-depth hands-on experience.



Given that very little has actually changed, in terms of core game content, from the N64 original to the DS hit, it's no shock to discover that the eagerly anticipated Wii edition is more of the same.


City Folk looks exactly like a sharper, smoother version of Wild World, which is the least we would have expected. The curvy horizon effect, which makes the playing area seem like it's wrapped around a cylinder, has been retained from the DS game, and looks rather nice in high-res widescreen-o-vision. Textures have been tidied up to remove the chunkiness that characterised the N64 and DS versions, and it runs at a noticeably higher resolution than the GameCube game.


Apart from that, the character models, the plain, bold art style, the buildings, trees and floors are all barely distinguishable from the original Japanese version that puzzled and intrigued us more than eight years ago.



The game's success seems assured - we'll be amazed if it doesn't shift a million or two in its first six months, then continue to rake in sales for a couple of years afterwards. In those terms, it's a job well done for Nintendo.


However, we can't help but feel disappointed for the countless Animal Crossing fans - us included - who've spent so long dreaming of a proper sequel with high production values and exciting new features on Wii. While we knew that a 'World of Animalcraft' massively multiplayer effort was about as likely as Mario woo-hooing his way into the E3 Sony conference, reusing the stilted Wild World online mode - complete with its irritating disconnection/reset quirk - smacks of lazy overconfidence.


We also knew that the free NES games included in the N64 and GameCube versions wouldn't be thrown into the Wii edition, because they're selling them separately on Virtual Console. That's completely undertandable, but why not have City Folk as some kind of cool hub for launching our VC collections?


There were plenty of opportunities to do something new with this game. Or if not something new, then just something to say thanks to everyone who has bought, played and adored multiple versions of Animal Crossing over the years.



E3 2008: Animal Crossing: City Folk Hands-on

We play the new GCN... er, DS... er, Wii game. Yeah, that's the one.

We had a pretty big feeling that we'd be seeing Animal Crossing on WIi at this E3, but what we didn't know was what exactly it'd end up being, and just how different the franchise would be on Nintendo's new console. Once Nintendo showed first footage during the conference earlier today, we knew we'd be seeing an experience that was pretty similar to the GCN product that has inspired both Wii and DS before it, but it wasn't until we went hands-on that we found out -- for good or for bad -- just how similar Animal Crossing: City Folk really is.


The real question now isn't "What's Animal Crossing: City Folk like?" but rather "Will Wii fans be happy with 'more of the same' for their third platform in a row?"


Yeah sure its easy to quote the negatives and there are quite a few positives in each of the previews but the fact remains that to those who HAVE played it the game still feels, looks and pretty much is the same game they have played twice before.


Im not saying this is a bad thing as I know many people will probably like to do it all again. As for me, I will sit back and wait to see if another other new features are announced before its release then see if its worth my time nad money again.

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Not that I'm saying that this will be massively different, but those impressions are avoiding the new things on purpose.

First of all, no one expected high production values on AC, unless they're out of touch. Why not talk about the city, the ability to use Mii as your face, bringing your town from DS to Wii and vice-versa, which a great innovation and will be very useful, specially for the ones with no online. What about visiting the HRA and visiting your friends' houses even when they're offline? What about the concert house and finally having updatable things and new items through online? Also, swapping items on the fly, didn't know that, finally.

There's no doubt this will be similar to the other versions, and it's a shame they didn't make some sort of VC hub (good they didn't make it MMO) and the online still seems sketchy, but it's still getting exagerated reactions and people are ignoring the new stuff that we know about way too much.


I'm very, very psyched, I played GC AC, played DS AC, still felt fresh, still play it today and I can't wait for more. The "I already have a huge house and millions of fossils won't do it again" think doesn't fly with me (even so, you can transfer them to Wii), because AC is the kind of "game" that's to be enjoyed by the experience itself, not because of any kind of rewards. Of course, that's me, but I totally understand why some people aren't looking forward to it. The biggest thing I wanted in retrospect is some sort of change in style, cel shading or something of the sort would be great. Oh well.

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Unless I'm missing something, the city just seems to be somewhere where you can do a selection of the things that you could do in your normal town in the older games (hair salon, visiting Redd, Gracie, etc) except now, it won't be as exciting to see Redd/Gracie etc as you can visit them whenever you want, and not just once a month or whatever it was in the old versions. The only really 'new' things in the city, as far as I can tell, are a change of backdrop and the auction house.

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That bottom right picture seems to indicate that the 1 button is used to take in-game screen grabs. Could be a good feature to send to people over the interwebz.


Other than that it's a case of this being the DS version but crispier than crispy crispin crippers the crisp cruncher from cornwall.

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That bottom right picture seems to indicate that the 1 button is used to take in-game screen grabs. Could be a good feature to send to people over the interwebz.
That scan also shows that the game will feature motion controls for fishing, which is a no-brainer really, but I'm sure I remember hearing there wouldn't be any motion control in City Folk. :hmm:

Anyway, glad to see that's no longer the case. :smile:


Loving the new personal accessories too, that duck beak is quality! :laughing:

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Epic fail regarding the last minute change of title :/ but epic win that we are getting it this year. ^^


It's a horrendous name, I'm guessing they're trying to open it up to the 'Training' market. Excellent news, though. I'll still hold my breath until they have a firm date though, I remember a few things slipped away into 2008 last Christmas...

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new scans









It's a horrendous name, I'm guessing they're trying to open it up to the 'Training' market. Excellent news, though. I'll still hold my breath until they have a firm date though, I remember a few things slipped away into 2008 last Christmas...


In USA and Japan it still called City Folk.

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Still waits for something different in the game.....nope.....not this time......



I love how in these scans they have to make a point of saying which parts are 'NEW' and not just taken from the old games like most of it is.


I know, it's fucking painful isn't it? 6 pages of scans and the only thing with NEW next to it, is some glasses, a couple of TShirts and a fucking duck beak mask (which admitedly cool)......This game infuriates me every time I see new pics and read about it..... I really, really hope I'm wrong and the game has new features; but it really looks EXACTLY the same. The Animal Crossing series is lazier than what Capcom did with the Street Fighter 2

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5th December release confirmed.


Nintendo has said the Wii Speak Channel will be available in Europe from 5th December - the same day Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City.


The service will be free, but you'll need an internet connection and the Wii Speak microphone, obviously. And for the moment, the only way to get said microphone is as part of a bundle with Animal Crossing.


The Wii Speak Channel lets four people chat or share pictures and text messages after Friends Codes have been swapped. Because this makes it safe. Is it safe?


Miis will also join in, and move their mouths to replicate words picked up by the microphone, which should be interesting.


Retailers are yet to set a price the Wii Speak Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City bundle. We'll let you know when they do.


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