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I've woken up at around 11 this morning and in the time I've woken up and posted this I have received 3 powercuts!!


I hate it when I'm tlaking to someone on msn and/or playing a game etc and the power just dies meaning you've lost your progress on a game or the person talking to you thinks you've just left without saying bye as three people have just accused me of >_>


The weird thing is I have only experienced 1 powercut in this house before and that was probably more than a year ago. Its not raining too bad and the wind isn't exceptionally strong so I'm wondering what the problem is really.


So do any of you receive many powercuts? Got any good stories because of one? Do you hate them as much as me? =]

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At my parents house (a bungalow in a hamlet in North Wales) we received quite a few. I haven't had one in Sheffield, though.


Edit: Oh, I remember something.


Two Christmas Eve's in a row I tried watching Raiders of the Lost Ark. Both times we had a power cut towards the end. It wasn't until a few years later when I finally saw the whole film.

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On Saturday I kept getting power cuts that would last about 3 seconds then cut out again almost as soon as the power came back, this lasted for about half an hour before the power stayed out for about 2 hours.

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I like night time power cuts. Well, obviously if I'm in the middle of something then they're annoying, but I like the sense of adventure that comes with wandering around in the dark finding matches and candles; it's nice to see how we cope (or don't) when stripped from technology.


Yes, my life is that mundane.

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Have had a few here, but they only last a few minutes, and tend to come back on once you've light some candles, so nothing exciting.


The other half of the village seems to suffer though, as during Christmas 98', the other half didn't have electricity for 3 days! Luckily we had, so I was able to have a great Christmas with Ocarina of Time and Banjo Kazooie, despite the flock of people calling round for hot water :shakehead

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I like night time power cuts. Well, obviously if I'm in the middle of something then they're annoying, but I like the sense of adventure that comes with wandering around in the dark finding matches and candles; it's nice to see how we cope (or don't) when stripped from technology.


Yes, my life is that mundane.


That's boss. Love it when there's fucka ll to do and have to survive by candlelight for a couple of hours. Much fun to be had. Luckily the gas cooker still works so meals are a-ok.


My life is mundane too!

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