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Dreams of Penguins. Oft Kinky.


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I can't remember ever having a wet dream, tbh i think i masturbate to much. Yaaay for w4nks!




Anyway the last dream i had involved me being on the garden and watching some massive planes fly over. I heard one of the planes engines cut out and the noise of someone trying to restart it (like a car for some reason). I watched the plane go down in the direction of a nearby village, however there was no sound of a crash (which at the time didn't seem unusual), just loads of black smoke. The first thing i did was check the internet for a webcam of the village, there was loads of people running around on fire, but the town looked like it was in a tudor style (Again this didn't seem unusal). Then i woke up.


I thought that was quite strange.

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I had a really fucked up dream last night. Basically me and my dad were overseeing this building being built on top of a huge hill. I remember the whole dream was basically me shitting my pants, and seeing google earth styled satelitte pics of how high up we were. I was too scared to stand up in case the wind blew me off the side of the edge. Bizarre dream.

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I've never had a wet dream tbh.


Last night, I had a weird dream. I started climbing tall buildings but in a cool prince-of-persia way and I was doing backflips and stuff. Then I turned around and found white wings on my back and started to fly, lmao. I hovered over and who should I find but Britney Spears asking me to find Amy. So, as my mate is called Amy, I flew to her house, grabbed her and brought her to meet Britney. Then I flew away to go to this posh hotel for a reason I can't remember, went up to my room and found Inferno from Gladiators and Sarah Michelle Gellar in my bed. They both giggled and so did I and as I jumped in the massive double-bed with them two in it, with the best timing ever, my alarm clock went off and woke me up...:(


I hope that dream continues tonight...

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I had a weird dream, as they all are. But I got another one of my premonition dejá vu dreams. I was upstairs and I hear something heavy come through the letterbox, the noise displeasing my parents. On inspection I see the latest Argos catalogue by the door.


This morning as I go downstairs to make my morning tea, I notice on the arm of the sofa... The latest Argos catalogue. OoooOOOOOoooh.

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Hmm I was in my flat and encountering this in real time, but with a news report voice over. Regardless, my housemate had gone somewhere and I heard some ruckus upstairs and got concerned. Then due to the news report voice over I found out that someone had been killed upstairs but it was a mistake, they were meant to kill the person on the third floor and I was like "oh god, thats us!" (we actually live on the 1st but ah well). So I was worried he was going to come back so I went into the hall and saw my housemate and insisted she press against the wall behind a conveniently placed pillar and the killer did go into our flat but seeing nobody in there left.


Thank god for incompetent killers eh?

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You must be some kinda sex maniac.


I've seriously had like...3 sexy dreams I remember in my life.


Haha! Sex maniac? I think that sounds more awesome than it actually is in reality. "Hi, I'm a sex maniac". It's a got a lovely ring to it.....*moving on*


I've just been having a fair few recently, normally I don't get them very often at all. It's just odd these ones seem to have a recurring theme.

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Haha! Sex maniac? I think that sounds more awesome than it actually is in reality. "Hi, I'm a sex maniac". It's a got a lovely ring to it.....*moving on*


I've just been having a fair few recently, normally I don't get them very often at all. It's just odd these ones seem to have a recurring theme.


I've had quite a few sexy dreams, lol. It just means you need to get some :heh:


Last night's dream was me contending in Gladiators which ended badly as I lost in the Eliminator but the bastard against me tripped me up and no-one saw it. Then Oblivion came up to me and started calling me a loser so I beat the shit out of him, lol (always hated that Wolf wannabe, lol). That's all I remember, lol.

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I don't know how lots of people are saying they don't have wet dreams.I thought it was a rite of passage. Or just random, I remember our sex ed teacher trying to not scare us by saying we may randomly experiences these dreams.


I've had them, they usually come from sex dreams. *feels weird admitting it now*

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Awesome dream I can barely remember the other night. Things I can;


- Set in a big suburban house, not high clas though.

- Sky was that grey-white.

- It was some sort of alternate version of the X-Men living in it, I remember Ultimate Rogue being there. And Iceman icing a wall (which was the awesome strange mathematical shape thing that removed chunks of the wall) to get through to kiss her.

- At some point Evangeline Lily was in it. I think.

- Cut to the top of a cathedral, way taller than anything else in the skyline. Sunset. Someone (can't remember, but they were a reverend or something) is trying to coax Sun from Lost from jumping to her death. She is contemplating suicide, and only clinging onto one of the spires, edging ever closer.

- Suddenly jump foward, and it's Sun as a reverend with blond curly hair coaxing someone else off the roof.


So yeah. Lost, X-men and Religion.

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Two odd dreams;


1) someone I've sexed up before was around mine but it got late and we were tired so I went to a nearby hotel. Because I was broke I went for a shared room and snuck in. Later found out my little brother was in the same room. The next morning I got up early to get back and have sex but all my family were at the hotel and heading home so my sex plan was foiled. (Ignoring the fact I would not go to a hotel, and I don't even live with my family...)


2) I was playing the 'Killer Johnny Depp' game. Whereby a psycho version of Johnny Depp runs at you with a knife and you have a gun and you have to shoot him enough times to stop him. Then you do the same on the next level. Over and over. Not the first time that that game has featured in my dream.

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Yesterday I was half awake, half asleep, like I was aware I was in my bed in my room and that it was time to get up for work. I got up got ready had some cereal was about to head out the door for work when I WOKE UP AGAIN? Damn it was all a dream and it was now around the time I should have left the house, damnit.

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Yesterday I was half awake, half asleep, like I was aware I was in my bed in my room and that it was time to get up for work. I got up got ready had some cereal was about to head out the door for work when I WOKE UP AGAIN? Damn it was all a dream and it was now around the time I should have left the house, damnit.


Thats creeeeeeeeeeepy :)


And yes Dom its more weird, I don't want to have anything in common with you :p

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