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Dreams of Penguins. Oft Kinky.


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I had a really weird dream last night.


I was visiting my friend Jenn in a ultra-modern block of student flats (which she doesn't live in in real life) and I couldn't find her flat, so I jumped through the window into a random flat, which two guys were having sex in, and I was like "Oh shit, sorry!" and ran out into the hallway. Jenn was there in the hallway, randomly dressed like a big plump black woman (like the one in Tom & Jerry) and ushered me into her house. I then helped her prepare a meal, but somehow I ended throwing the cut-up potatoes in the bin, and got really scared she'd notice, so I ran away to outside.


Then suddenly (for whatever reason), I was in a massive complex, with really long diagonal bleak corridors, and there were a group of people there, and we were told there was an alien on the loose.


Then somehow I was playing an N64 with a random 32 year old woman and a 7 year old boy, on a game which seemed to be the cross between Mario Galaxy and Pokemon and Grand Theft Auto, which revolved around collecting stars with random animals by commiting crimes. Then a rugby team knocked on the door, and I was annoyed that I had to stop the game and they asked if they could borrow the key to the changing rooms, and I told them I had no idea where the key was.


Then I don't remember anything else.


Next storyline in our X-Men comic?

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I don't dream very often but I probably spend mosy of my life daydreaming. It often tends to happen when I'm listening to music, what i'm daydreaming will depend on what I'm listening to most of the time.

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I always dream.

Awake or asleep. I write them all down and into stories and short scripts. It's the best creative kick up the backside about, certain substances excluded.


I dreamt last that my Director had bought a Hotel to film a tv show in. When I got there it was actually my old school. Then I relived my old school memories with a film crew in place of my schoolmates shooting them like a movie. Then we tricked an actor who was being a butmunch to dress like a Hasidic Jew in a wheelchair, under the promise that it was for the next scene then pushed him infront of a bus while a bunch of senoir citizens laughed. He got up and laughed too. :S


I lol'ed when I woke up.

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I had the greatest dream of my life last night! :D


I remember I was standing infront of a huuuuuuge castle, definitely the biggest castle I've ever seen. It was night time, and there were torches light on the outside of the walls...and when I turned around, I saw an army of Goombas and Koopa Troopa's behind me. They were all under my control, as I was their leader, haha.


For some reason, we were storming the castle, but we had to get in first. So, we had to "cut the ropes" to the drawbridge to allow it to fall and for us to gain access. The thing is, the ropes were...metal. So, I have no fucking idea how that worked. We must have knawed at it with our teeth. Infact, we didn't have any fucking weapons!


Somehow, we got in, and there was this huuuge corridor that was full of people defending the castle, actual people. Me and my millions of Goombas quickly took control of the corridor, without any weapons and stomped on them! Talk about getting revenge for years of persecution.


There was a staircase leading to the next level, with more castle-defenders who we took out, and then the castle seemed to look different. Suddenly, there was carpet, and proper doors and windows. We were in another corridor with lots of room, and the rooms were designed like the living rooms or guest rooms for seriously rich people. There was expensive furniture, ornaments, expensive cutlery, loads of other things. So, me and the Goombas stole the whole lot, and we were taking the stuff downstairs.


I disbanded from the rest of the group and went to the top level, where part of it was outside/roof-less, like a walkway. Through this walkway, you still had access to doors which would take you back inside, and I went to the room right at the end. Inside, there were people that I actually know, from Uni. One of the girls, Maeve, was getting married, and had a wedding dress on. She appeared distressed because she knew the castle was being attacked. So, I hid my friends, and by the time the Goombas came up to steal stuff from the room, I just told them to go back downstairs and wait outside.


Finally, to save my friends, I led them upstairs through a staircase on the walkway. I looked outside and there were thousands of goomas there, looting stuff from inside the castle, looking happy. Then, I took my friends to the top of the staircase, and low and behold, there was a helipad with a helicopter in tow which allowed them to escape.

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Can ropes be metal. But yeah, I've only had one videogame dream before, it's weird because it's seemingly believable at the time. Though I guess that's generally what a dream is.


What are those things called that connect the drawbridge to the castle? They were kinda like a cross between rope and chains.


It was just seriously strange, but at the same time it seemed familiar, maybe because I recognised the goombas. I didn't look at them and think "haha, goombas in real life", I just saw them as "my army of goombas", haha.

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I think they are just chains. But yeah, why would there be Goombas or any superficial (wrong word?) creatures following you? Crazy, aren't dreams like subconscious thought you have had during a day that appear in your sleep or something?

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I think they are just chains. But yeah, why would there be Goombas or any superficial (wrong word?) creatures following you? Crazy, aren't dreams like subconscious thought you have had during a day that appear in your sleep or something?


I have no idea about why I even dreamed that. It just seems completely unrelated to the rest of my day or week. But, fuck yeah, Leader of the Goombas. More of these dreams, please. :D


Chains... ::shrug:


You're following logic now, but these just didn't look like chains. It's really hard to describe how everything looked without inserting someone into my dream. It looked like a seriously thick piece of rope, but it was more metal than anything. Definitely not chain-linked.

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A little while ago I had a nasty fucking dream where a bunch of people turned up at my house and I had no idea who they were, and they just kind of stayed (hurr, sounds like some shit that used to happen anyway) and one specific image I'll take away from it was this skinny meth addict, she was trying to talk to me but all I can see is her mouth, oh god with most of the teeth missing and the ones that remained are pitted and black


I don't know why but i'm literaly crying of laughter from your little nightmare.


I had a nightmare once where I dreamt I had beaver teeth.

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I dreamt my own version of Harry Potter 7.



It turned out Voldemort needed to reach a book in the Hogwarts Library and enter into the dark portal within it to fulfill his prophecized return to power. Harry, Hermione and Dumbledore (alive somehow) had to protect it. (I was Hermione for some reason - or from her point of view)


And it was really a very scarey dream, because we all knew Voldemort can teleport really well. Someone came knocking on the door, and Dumbledore went out, and was arrested for subversion of power by the ministry, then it was just me and Harry in the room.


Then a begging woman with a dieing baby appeared, crawling along the floor. I warned Harry not to, but he reached out and gave her money, but it was actually Voldemort. He grabbed Harry's wrist and he shape-shifted back into his true form, and it was literally terrifying - Voldemort teleported Harry away. And I was just screaming. (Oh, and this Voldemort was way scarier than in the books/film - he was all swirling black cloaks with piercing yellow eyes)


I grabbed the book, and ran out the room, forgetting that Dumbledore had put up a magic shield around the room. Then it was like a scene from Alien - I could hear obvious Death Eaters teleporting everywhere - I ran into Professor McGonagal's office, and she was there and told me to throw the book into the fire quickly. I did, and then she sprinkled dust on the fire and it burst into green flame. I assumed that was the book destroyed and I had relief next to me, but suddenly the book disappeared and it turned out that that fireplace had been part of the floo network - literally distressing me.



Then I woke up. But I would have loved if that was the actual 7th book, because it actually felt scary.

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I dreamt my own version of Harry Potter 7.



It turned out Voldemort needed to reach a book in the Hogwarts Library and enter into the dark portal within it to fulfill his prophecized return to power. Harry, Hermione and Dumbledore (alive somehow) had to protect it. (I was Hermione for some reason - or from her point of view)


And it was really a very scarey dream, because we all knew Voldemort can teleport really well. Someone came knocking on the door, and Dumbledore went out, and was arrested for subversion of power by the ministry, then it was just me and Harry in the room.


Then a begging woman with a dieing baby appeared, crawling along the floor. I warned Harry not to, but he reached out and gave her money, but it was actually Voldemort. He grabbed Harry's wrist and he shape-shifted back into his true form, and it was literally terrifying - Voldemort teleported Harry away. And I was just screaming. (Oh, and this Voldemort was way scarier than in the books/film - he was all swirling black cloaks with piercing yellow eyes)


I grabbed the book, and ran out the room, forgetting that Dumbledore had put up a magic shield around the room. Then it was like a scene from Alien - I could hear obvious Death Eaters teleporting everywhere - I ran into Professor McGonagal's office, and she was there and told me to throw the book into the fire quickly. I did, and then she sprinkled dust on the fire and it burst into green flame. I assumed that was the book destroyed and I had relief next to me, but suddenly the book disappeared and it turned out that that fireplace had been part of the floo network - literally distressing me.



Then I woke up. But I would have loved if that was the actual 7th book, because it actually felt scary.


I love. A scene from Alien vs. Death Eater.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a strange dream last night.



I went on a trip to America. Me, my mum and my younger sister went on a tour of a school. We went into a really cliche class-room, and for some reason all the children were of oriental origin (Chinese and Malay), and the teacher was this really fat woman with flaming ginger hair.


She was teaching the kids about food, and she said "Europe is disgusting in the way it genetically modifies it's food. DISGUSTING. Just remember America makes the best food" And then I marched in and started screaming at her for being so self-absorbed and xenophobic.


Suddenly we were in this stunning country park, with a really modern woodenlog building, and there were loads of american families milling about with picnic baskets and hunting guns slung over their shoulders. It turned out it was the US Army training day, and all the new recruits had to run an endurance run, with all the families watching.


The race set off, and after a certain point it was declared the spectators were allowed to shoot the recruit who was coming last in the race. I was literally too distressed as they started light-heartedly shooting the recruits at the back.


Then I was in bed with this Chinese/American guy (really hard to explain, like boy next door meets a young Jackie Chan - extremely weird, considering I've never really been attracted to Chinese men), in my bedroom, but my bedroom was on the ground floor for some reason. We were in my single bed, and I kept trying to touch him and whatever, but he wasn't in the mood and kept turning over and ignoring me.


Suddenly there was a sound outside my window. We rushed to the window, ripping open the curtains (despite me not having curtains...) and across the road inside an open garage, a mafia gang were being arrested by police men, leaving behind a really cliche candle-lit table with poker cards and a bottle of whiskey.


Then one of the Policemen came over to my window, not necessarily seeing us, but just came and stood in front of the window. We went back to bed, not closing the curtains, and the guy started to try to take off my pants, but I felt in really mixed minds - really, really happy that I was getting sexy-ed, and almost disbelieving the fact, and scared that we'd be seen by the Policeman. In the end, I had spare curtains in my cupboard, so we started to put them up.



Then I woke up. The dream was REALLY REALLY vivid. Not really that arousing, it just felt really natural that I was in bed with this guy, and really natural that he was American/Chinese. And the shooting of the soldiers was really distressing.




Last night I dreamt that I was randomly going to my friends house. In the dream he lived in a really tall old house on the east side of town - it was really old, but had really modern fittings. I went, and realised loads of people I knew were also going, but they were all dressed in black tie. It was obvious he was hosting a party, and I wasn't invited.


I got the bus home, really angry at him, and one of my other friends was on it. He was wearing a top hat, and he'd been at the party, but left. I had a massive rant at him, but he seemed really disinterested. Then we chatted about nothing in particular, until I missed my bus stop and I had to go with him back to his house.


Then I was at a swimming pool, and I was wearing white speedo-esque shorts and I was really self-conscious because they were going see-through. The swimming pool was cut into lanes by big barriers - so the lanes were almost like canals, barely wide enough to swim comfortably along. I dived in, because the life-guard was shouting at me for standing around doing nothing. I swam - being able to do butterfly stroke really really well, but then swam head-first into a random girl with a lovely face.


We got out the pool, and I apologized profusely to her, then we went into the normal pool which was to the left of the canal one. My band-mate was there, skinny-dipping (for whatever reason) and then suddenly we were in a sauna-room (which had armchairs and someone reading from a chapter of Pride and Prejudice in the corner).


I started kissing the girl's neck and then it was decided it would be a brilliant idea to have a three-some. And then it basically went from there...


But yeah, it was weirdly heterosexual - the first dream that's ever featured me and a girl in a sexual situation.

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I dreamt Barack Obama came round my house last night. I don't really remember much else, bar the fact he told me there was a lot of secret service agents outside, and the police were in touch, in case someone tried to kill him. Weird, I never really wanted to meet Obama until that dream, as in it he seemed like a really nice man.

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Had a wierd dream with some friends, and Razz in. I was sat talking to Razz in this huge hall, and I think we were (and everyone else in there) waiting for some performance though I cannot remember what it was going to be. The middle of the hall was clear, and each of the sides were filled with people sitting down anticipating what was going to happen. Everyone then stood up, apart from Razz. Han and myself kept tapping him and reminding him he needed to stand up, but he just kept refusing too.


Then the dream changed completely and I desperately trying to find a seat on a train, as was Han. It looked absolutely packed, but then we somehow managed to find a basically empty carriage. We sat there, and I remember thinking "God, I want to be over there in the crowded train". We looked down the carriage and there was this old man sitting at the end talking to himself about how the train is doomed, and that this is all "meant to be".


Then I woke up. Odd.

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My dream last night was obviously influenced by the feelings of having left school. It was generally set in and around school, but it was some sort of end of school event, and some of my peers were in fluorescent yellow catsuits, doing yoga-esque positions for everyone to look on and admire. We were in an art gallery setting (still in school). Eventually the event ended, and I had obviously made plans to go do something with some people after. I chatted to one of the catsuited people (who in RL I don't really like, but he likes me I think, strange) as we walked along the emptying path towards to the exit of the school, when I saw the person (who I'm only mildly friends with in RL) I was going with waving from the gate. (I think it was this guy cause It was surreal having him in my house the other day, when usually only my besty friends end up round my house..ANYWAY)


He was..on top of the gate? I think. Waving. Like something from a victorian novel, the gate was all covered in ivy. Suddenly, Chairdriver appeared from behind a wall (in the school grounds), dressed in an original x-men outfit*, but with massive hands (his mutant power), and could fire maroon bolts of energy. He was shouting/generally in a rage, and blasting at gate-guy. I was mildly surprisede, but moreso that Chairdriver had been a member of the X-men all along.




I can't believe how many X-Men themed dreams I have, despite not actually reading the comics properly anymore.

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I had a dream.



I was at school, and they had this falcon/some sort of bird of prey on display in the biology department. There was a fire, and everyone ran out screaming and I was the only one to remember to pick up the falcon. I then decided I wanted to keep it, so I ran away out the back door. I went to my friend's house, and stole a birdcage out their front room, but his mum caught me, and I felt really really guilty, but in the end she gave it to me anyway. I then took the bird home on the bus and this pair of chavettes were looking at me and shouting stuff.


Then my dream jumped, and I was at home, and realised that I had lost the bird, and I started running through town screaming for my bird. Then, war started to break out, and it started to flood, so we had to employ guerilla-esque tactics, hiding inbetween ruined houses in boats. And then half-way through the war, the falcon flew back to me, and I was so happy.


Other stuff happened too, but I don't remember properly.

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Last night I had a dream that I was once again working with a girl who I used to work with and have had a crush on since I first met her (2003 I believe) and anyway there was some stuff but then we ended up stopping at the room above where we worked and she showered. After the shower she came out in a robe and then paused for a moment, unsure, and then showed me her breasts and asked if I felt she needed to have them lifted. Which she didn't.

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