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Do You Have A Price?


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My theory is that EVERYONE has a price, whether it be a small amount or billions.


Would you break your morals for large amounts of money, and if so.. How much?


would you kill someone for a couple thousand?

Would you have sex with someone you dont like for money?


What would you do for a million pound?


This was inspired by ReZs topic.

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To have sex with a women (With no diseases) i'd say the prices to cover some condoms. With a bloke though it would have to be in the 5 figures... although i suppose it depends if i was giving or recieving, if i was giving i could maybe pretend it was a women so maybe less for that.


(The "would you shag a man for £????" question has been asked alot at school)


would you kill someone for a couple thousand?


No. But depending on who it was and with what weapon and if i could get away with it, then i would consider it.


Ill give you £1000000 if you dont play video games for 1 year.


Easy. For that amount of cash i could find alot more things to keep me entertained thoughout the year.

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Guest bluey

mmkae! i thought about it, and no... for serious things, i dont have a price.


i just couldnt live with myself if i broke my personal morals (not that i have any of those written down anywhere *thinks*) or killed someone or slept with someone for money/expensive things/cupcakes (even REALLY nice cupcakes)


i know for certain that no matter how much i got for whatever i did ~ if it was something i knew was wrong ~ then i'd always guilt trip myself into a perpetual state of complete misery. *nods*

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Sex with someone I don't like? If it's for a good amount of money I don't see why not, it's not as if anyone's getting harmed in the process.


Killing someone? Hmm, I don't think anyone could even fathom that until they are in that situation. Yeah, now you say "yeah, sure I could" but get yourself in that situation and your opinion might change completely.


Ill give you £1,000,000 if you dont play video games for 1 year.


Who in their right might wouldn't take that offer? Seriously. You'd have to be pretty mental not too. I'd do it for a tiny portion of that amount.

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I believe at some basic levels, I couldn't sell my self. An example would be killing a children, or someone who is almost completely guilt free through out its life. As for sex, I doubt it will ever happen, much more likely being me paying someone else.

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Ill give you £1000000 if you dont play video games for 1 year.





Seriously, that's just a matter of getting in to movies and reading more. Possibly TV but that's making the bold assumption that anyone makes tv worth watching these days.

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