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Harder, Better, Faster, Wider Stretchable Scheme


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We've had a new stretchable scheme sat in the proverbial stockroom for a while and as people have been moaning lately decided to bung it up. Will come back to it at some point and sort out the minor details (ie this 'post new thread' part is really gappy in the middle).


But yeah, new stretchable scheme in which the header will probably be changed less but the current one is funsies anywho.


Oh and for those wondering how to get it; very bottom left corner: 'Stretchable 2'. Original name, no?


By the way; 'WIP' means Work in Progress

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Make it like EuroFusion.


There lay out is spot on.


Kthx. I'll go check out their layout.


I quite like the white background, the black stuff makes my eyes funny XD


Its a winner!


Thanks :)


Anywho. I have figured out a way to make it not so white, instead making it with a light grey dot pattern thats used in the header, but the header itself needs tweaking first.


Oh waits!


Done it myself... Ish. Hmm. Less white? What do people think? I can get the graphic monkeys to neaten up things (eg the 'post reply' button and such) but for now...the light grey dots or the white?


And the fact at the top it doesn't quite 'join' right but again, graphic monkeys will know how to sort that out.

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Is the banner supposed to be stretchable?? If it is, its not working for me...


No. The scheme is stretchable. The banner has just been trimmed down to the bare bones so it can be centred. If you look at this you'll see why that doesn't work if it were centered.


You got a different banner than me. O_o


You're on the normal scheme. The stretchable one has its own scheme which you change at the drop down box on the bottom left of every page.

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I've thought about making a skin for the forums that is nice on the eyes, maybe 80-90% width on all screens, simpler design that doesn't necessarily reflect the main site. But I have no idea where to start with skinning Vb....

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