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Would you meet an online friend in person?

Llama Juice

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Guest bluey

i've only met coolness and haden *from* the forums...

coolness and i met at the anime expo and haden and i met up in london when i went for an interview ^^


but i've met others in person *before* the forums...

jinmu, jollyaardvark, smudge and advima ~ and obviously jamba. :smile:


i've met up with online friends/penpals before and it's been kinda weird at first... they're never quite the same as they are online/in letters so it takes a little time to adjust to being able to talk to each other without being able to delete things you've said before you send them ^__^!

the last online friend i met in person was a friend of a friend i invited to my birthday party.. the less said about that = the better u___u he was rather antisocial and kept making moves on me. awkward, awkward moves... :nono:

then he got all stalker-y and i dont speak to him anymore.

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I megaloathe you all.


For this reason, if I ever met up with you or Cox of Seagulls for example, it would just be awkwardness broken by the occasional Scrubs quote :heh:


I tapped Dyson on the shoulder at the Pure Pwnage UK premiere, but he didn't recognise me :p.


Apparently going to meet a bunch of people off here in the summer, which should result in a fun time. Never really done it before, but it's not like they're not normal people, so there shouldn't be anything to worry about.


I would probably not have gone to meet anyone I knew online 3 or more years ago, but I guess you just trust yourself more when you get older. Or something.

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Met J7 and Shorty like a month or so ago, seems like ageeeees ago actually :S and of course my stalker Tellyn :P Ive met other people too in the past, i never really thought much of it but i made sure i knew who i was meeting first as in saw them on cam or talked on the phone or something simialr :P

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the last online friend i met in person was a friend of a friend i invited to my birthday party.. the less said about that = the better u___u he was rather antisocial and kept making moves on me. awkward, awkward moves... :nono:

then he got all stalker-y and i dont speak to him anymore.


I've apologised like twenty times!




Umm off these boards in particular I have met the_mars_volta (who has like 12 posts but I knew him before he joint), jay, shorty, takeo and I think that's it. All I can remember anyway.


I've become friends with people online and turned into actual friendship. Not online friends as such, more than I happened to know them online first. Friends of a friends kinda things.


I've met online people who I'd rather forget but they won't leave me alone as well -_-

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I've met the person that introduced me to this site, soag, and darksnowman. Will probably meet buttons sooner than later as she lives only 10 minutes walk from me. ^__^


Thats when you told me I was the coolest person that ever lived :yay:



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I don't see how there's any problem with meeting people from the internet. I have met a few people from this site and lived to tell the tale.


I think adults get overly worried about it, but it seems a bit hypocritical to me. When I was at school we were all encouraged to get pen pals so we could unlitmately do foreign homestays. What is the difference between pen pals and internet friends?


Yep my rents stopped me seeing u ages ago as they thought n europe is some kinda sex offenders type place. Although some of the threads here...


i've only met coolness and haden *from* the forums...

coolness and i met at the anime expo and haden and i met up in london when i went for an interview ^^


but i've met others in person *before* the forums...

jinmu, jollyaardvark, smudge and advima ~ and obviously jamba. :smile:


i've met up with online friends/penpals before and it's been kinda weird at first... they're never quite the same as they are online/in letters so it takes a little time to adjust to being able to talk to each other without being able to delete things you've said before you send them ^__^!

the last online friend i met in person was a friend of a friend i invited to my birthday party.. the less said about that = the better u___u he was rather antisocial and kept making moves on me. awkward, awkward moves... :nono:

then he got all stalker-y and i dont speak to him anymore.


I did get to meet this legend though! Great times I loved that sushi stuff :D have to do that again after your home.


Omg at the internet friend... dam I could have come across as the nice non sicko internet friend in comparison! DId you chuck him out?

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