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In the midst of promoting returning favorite like Resident Evil, Bionic Commando and Street Fighter, Capcom also took a little time for some new properties during last week's Captivate 08 event in Las Vegas. Perhaps the biggest unveiled was Spyborgs, a Wii-exclusive title coming in 2009.


The action title is being created by Bionic Games, an offshoot of sorts of High Impact Games that's chock-full of former Insomniac staffers, and helmed by Mike Stout, Lead Multiplayer Designer for Resistance: Fall of Man. It's early yet, but what we've seen looks like a sci-fi brawler crossed with an episode of Ren and Stimpy.





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Ouch... like OUCH.


That's awful. I could easily make better stuff than that. I could put together better stuff than those level shots in less than a week probably. Jesus guys.... what the hell is going on?

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Herr... it will be released in 2009. The graphics have plenty fo time to be enhanced. Furthermore, Wii games screenshots are often quite crappy... And we know nothing about the game, the plot, the gameplay, the features,... it's way too early to bash it.


The game seems to have a good potential for me. Wait and see.

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Would spitting on this and some Mr Sheen really make it better? I certainly hope so :D


EDIT: Does seem quite 1980's and it really is too early to start slamming it I guess. It's just too easy to slag wii screenies these days.




The action title is being created by Bionic Games, an offshoot of sorts of High Impact Games that’s chock-full of former Insomniac staffers, and helmed by Mike Stout, Lead Multiplayer Designer for Resistance: Fall of Man.



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Why do devs release shots so early on? If it's THIS shit (which it is) then how does it do the game any good at all?


These textures don't need polish, they need a complete work-over. Some of them are 128x128 pixel tiles or less which is totally unacceptable! The modelling is worrryingly low poly (well, it shows that it's low poly which is more to the point) and the characters looks shockingly bad.


I wouldn't mind if the art style put more accent on resources in certain places but that is all just rubbish looking. Like, all over bad. Need I mention, no lighting effects at all or any rendering effects by the look of it.

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Ouch... like OUCH.


That's awful. I could easily make better stuff than that. I could put together better stuff than those level shots in less than a week probably. Jesus guys.... what the hell is going on?


Fuck me!!! How disappointing. So PS3 and 360 get Street Fighter, Bionic Commando and a new 1942, and we get this heap of fucking shit and a pet game!


This is beginning to get truly annoying and I don't understand, I though the situation with 3rd parties would improve due to the success of the Wii, it's worse than the Cube!!!


On a more postive note, people slated Zack and Wicki when it was first unveiled too!!


But this game looks shit, it sounds like a shit concept and well.....guess this is something we're going to have to get used to and quick!



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Fuck me, first screenshots of a new IP!!! and already people are already cracking the shit


I am sorry but a new IP for me is better then a sequel or spin-off and such, it means that a lot of what will be in the game will hoepfully feel original.

Rather a new IP then a fucking spin off *Yes I am looking at Ubi-soft and Namco* anyday.


This is Capcom, not Ubi-soft.

Be greatful they are not giving us 'Resdient evil remake of the remake of the remake of the remake'

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From Eurogamer


Capcom has officially unveiled Wii-exclusive action game Spyborgs, promising a Saturday morning cartoon-style experience designed primarily for two players.


Developed by Bionic Games, Spyborgs introduces a team of super-spies - Bouncer, a big robot, and Kinetic, an extreme sports nut, were shown off at Captivate 08 in Las Vegas last week, while others include Stinger, Voxel and Clandestine.


Gameplay is from a pulled-back third-person perspective, and involves smashing up enemies and solving puzzles co-operatively using a mixture of analogue stick and button attacks and Wiimote gestures. Environments in the sewer section we saw were basic but stylised, with comedy enemies like flying crocodiles with rocket launchers and poo-covered teddy bears.


To give the game a cartoon feel, the campaign will be split into "episodes" and each will actually have advertising breaks - playable joke mini-games with gesture controls, like a rhythm-action banjo session promoting a plumbing firm called 2FISTED, and a frenzied boxing game for Nukem Now Robots.


Although ostensibly for two players, with basic puzzle design derived from this, the game will also work as a single-player experience with the AI controlling the second character. Each level will use a combination of two characters, whose abilities range from powerful punch attacks (Wii Sports boxing-style motions) to things like acrobatics and skills with bladed weapons.


There will also be rail-shooting sections and showpiece boss fights, and some sections where the whole Spyborgs team assembles.


From what we saw, Spyborgs looks like it has a younger focus, although "all the leads on the team at ex-Insomniac" and they hope the humour from games like Ratchet & Clank will cross over to grown-ups like you and me. Well, you anyway.


Bionic was also adamant that Spyborgs is not a mini-game compilation or throwaway exercise for the team, which has been assembled specifically for its production. "We want to be on the Wii - we don't want to port over a game like everyone else," designer Mike Stout explained. "Most of the games on the Wii are ports or micro-games and we think gamers are getting sick of that," he explained.

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"AND A FISH!" lol!


Be good for the Wii to get it's own Rachet and Clank style game,


Though I think the visuals style should have taken more from the cartoon sections [introducing the characters] in that trailer which were really nice looking!

A more Jet Set Radio type look, as opposed to the current style which I really don't like, because it makes it look like any generic platformer from last gen.

This standard PS2 style look the game has takes away from the comedy aspect of the cartoon, and a far more seemless blend between the gameplay and animated cutscenes would have been far nicer!


Come on devs, think about art direction! Your creating a saturday morning cartoon style game... so make the game look like one! Not difficult is it!

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Ouch... like OUCH.


That's awful. I could easily make better stuff than that. I could put together better stuff than those level shots in less than a week probably. Jesus guys.... what the hell is going on?



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