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Wario Land: The Shake Dimension


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I've always been a fan of Wario and glad to see his return to land! :D


This has me interested. :grin: Though I would have liked a 3D game. Though the 2D looks awesome!


Am I the only one who had fun on Wario World? :heh:

Nope, I enjoyed Wario World too

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Nope, I enjoyed Wario World too


Oh good It's not just me! :D


I too liked Wario World. I never owned it but I got about halfway through from renting it. If I see it used at some point I'll be sure to buy it.


I rented it too and got really close to completing it but then had to give it back and never got it again. It was a really fun game!


I think I have the save file on my Memory card somewhere. :)

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Yeah, tis what I was thinking!

Seems a strange choice for Wii to me.


Yeah... Unless there's something about it that we're missing. I suppose it could be a massive 2D adventure like Super Paper Mario, but the fact that we haven't heard a thing about it until a month before its Japanese release concerns me. Still looking good though.

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I guess that's a fair size, I'm not really sure, baring in mind the Mario/Wario GameBoy games would have around 6+ worlds with 5 or so levels in each.


I think for a Wii game we should be looking at more like 40 levels, 8 worlds, 5 levels in each + boss battles.


Actually, 20 levels is hardly anything when you look back at Super Mario World!

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A) No one ever said it's WiiWare, it's a well known fact that it's a retail title. ;)

B) £40 seems a bit too much for a 2D platformer which, though it looks good, could have been released on WiiWare.

C) It's 2D you heathen.

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No, but you're saying it looks like it could be Wii Ware ("to be honest it looks like they could have put it on WiiWare..."), just because it's a 2D platformer and might be short. As much as I love you Nathan, that's just short sighted. First of all, making a 2D game is a risk, we all know it won't sell bajillions, second you have no idea the investment that goes into the game, 3rd Wii Ware imposes a lot of restrictions and doesn't have nearly as much market penetration not even by a long shot. Bottom line a 2D platformer is a game just like any other, it doesn't have to be "renegated" into digital distribution and classed even if unintentionally as a "smaller" game. Capiche?


C) Typo.

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