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Heroes Season 3 *Beware of Spoilers*


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He prolly makes time move so slowly that to him it appears to have stopped, but Daphne (that's her name isn't it) because of her power she is still moving super fast which in Hiro's super slowed down time allows her to still move "Normally"


And when in her apartment and she tried to grab the medal and he would suddenly be on the other side that would of been a teleport by Hiro rather than a "freeze time and walk to other side of room"


(did that make sense to anyone?)


Also I reckon Hiro could have gotta the formula from her but he obviously wanted her to get away so she could lead him to the 2nd half, though why Hiro wants the 2nd half is a big question? Maybe everyones favourite lovable nerd will become a "villain"? Maybe in the future he went to and Ando killed him maybe Ando was the good guy and Hiro was the bad guy?



Too many questions, argh, just a few more days till ep 3, come on

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I know! :( I wasn't thinking...

The speed girl actually said that Hiro wasn't stopping time completely or else she wouldn't be able to move around.


Ah I missed that thanks! : peace:


That makes a lot of sense Mokong! :D


I think maybe Hiro wants the other part of the formula so he can destroy it!


and I'm sure I figured something out the other day while watching it but it's completely gone which is annoying.


It was about Ando now either he has turned evil and works for someone (maye someone who gave him the powers?) and kills Hiro to get the formula and destroy the world. Or Future Hiro is evil and Ando takes the necesaary measures to get the formula back.


Or Hiro having travelled into the future is the one that drives Ando away to be evil as he will always be paranoid about him!


Well that made no sense if you read that I'm sorry for wasting your time!



Roll on Episode 3! :awesome:

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After the event, there might be nothingness left :heh:


Also Coolness I thought that Hiro's paranoia will be the reason there become friction. I sort of seen it in the episodes. Poor Ando.


That's what I was trying to say but didn't make it clear! (at all :heh:) but he is only paranoid because he went into the future. :) Yes you do when Hiro is trying to get the formula off Daphne and doesn't tell Ando the whole play!


I like seeing Ando get a bit more of a bigger role than just being that guy who waits for hiro to return from his time travelling adventures! :D

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Why doesn't Hiro get Peter. Get him to meet Daphne, take ability, 'freeze' time then use the speed. Sorted :heh:


Also I don't think Sylar can forget his abilities can he? Didn't he take that memory ability from Hiro's first love that worked in the diner place?


I think that would be too logical :heh: :heh: The show likes to take it the hard road and not even consider the easy way...


Why didn't the company kill sylar when they had the chance??

Why don't the heroes stick together so they can kick some serious villan arse??

Why doesn't peter use his powers more efficiently?? I mean he can teleport, stop time, control things with his mind, read peoples minds, heal ... must I go on??




And many more logical questions for a not-so-logical show, but it doesn't mean I don't absolutely love it ;)

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Haha. Thanks for the update. Well that sucks then, 2 weeks behind after all that. I thought it was gonna be a double episode and only a week odd behind.


Well that means downloading for me (was already gonna anyway)


Ah nevermind, as I suspected, BBC 3 airs the next episode just after the one on BBC 2 ends.

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Ah nevermind, as I suspected, BBC 3 airs the next episode just after the one on BBC 2 ends.


So really BBC3 then would be the place to watch (for those lazy not tech people)


Channel 6 is showing the "preview" thingy at the moment, and my god are they causing some spoilers, i thought it was just a catch up of season 1 and 2, but they are showing some clips of the start of season 3 and giving away some spoilers.


Plus they fracking showed a clip of what looked like it was from episode 3, damn them


Angela is taking with Sylar and calls a woman in. Tells Sylar the woman has the power to know the full history of an object by touching it, where it's been, who it came in contact with, etc.... then sets Sylar free.




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So really BBC3 then would be the place to watch (for those lazy not tech people)


Channel 6 is showing the "preview" thingy at the moment, and my god are they causing some spoilers, i thought it was just a catch up of season 1 and 2, but they are showing some clips of the start of season 3 and giving away some spoilers.


Plus they fracking showed a clip of what looked like it was from episode 3, damn them


Angela is taking with Sylar and calls a woman in. Tells Sylar the woman has the power to know the full history of an object by touching it, where it's been, who it came in contact with, etc.... then sets Sylar free.




That is a bit mental....


I'm going to be watching Both Episodes again on the TV downstairs so I can get my High Quality goodness. Though of course I'll be watching episode 3 tomorrow as well! :heh:

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OK Guys, I don't think 2 threads on Heroes are needed, as such can we please implement this one rule.


Sine this forum is European based, with the majority in the UK, those of us who are watching with the US broadcasts should be using Spoiler tags when discussing an episode until it has been broadcast in the UK on BBC.


The way the BBC is operating is it is showing ep 1 on BBC 2, and ep 2 on BBC 3 after that. (I assume the following week will be ep 2 on BBC2 and ep3 on BBC3)


So by following the BBC3 broadcast the UK will only be 1 episode behind.


So please you US viewers remember your spoiler tags.




Moving on just seen episode 3, awesome once again


I read before watching that HRG was gonna get a new partner, but never thought of the possibility it could be Sylar. Madness. Was weird seeing him act "normal" and out in the daylight not looking like an evil bastard.


Still unsure if Angela really is his mother, I reckon she could be using it as a method of controlling Sylar. After all why would she put one son up for adoption and keep the other two? If she can dream the future she would have known not to give up Sylar... unless she did dream this and actually wanted him to turn out this way for some sick twisted plan of hers.


And I can't believe Hiro is being so bloody stupid this season, now he's lost both parts of the formula. And the fracturing of his friendship with Ando seems to be coming along nicely. The way things are moving Ando won't hesitate to gain powers if given the chance.


Speaking of which, what the hell happened to Mohinder? He wasn't in the ep at all, I want to see if he is really turning into "The Fly" :heh:


Matt storyline is getting interesting, the guy with him (does he have a name yet?) is cool, but it's weird that he has the same power as Isaac Mendez but he only paints Matt's future?


Imagine growing up and all you could imagine was the future of just one person and it not being you, i'd go insane, haha.

Also teh bit at the end, what happened? Did Matt somehow gain the power to paint the future now also? Big massive WTF on that one?



Haha, I was half right about Tracey, I was right that she was not another personality of Nikki's, but I was wrong that she might be Nikki's "dead" sister Jessica who her "Jessica Persona" was named after.


What is messed up though is it seems from the short scene with Dr. Zimmerman (woot Star Trek Voyager reference) that she is a clone and there are more of them?


That just came out of nowhere.... would have been fine if there were indications in the previous seasons but there weren't. Guess they did intend to kill of Nikki totally but maybe Ali had a strong fanbase that they came up with this conviluted way to bring her back. Guess there's gonna be a few "Nikki's" each with different powers. Though I guess it could also explain Nikki's multiple personas, some error in her cloning process?


Seriously my idea that she would be Nikki's twin sister Jessica, believed to be dead but not, was better and more sound.


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*written as I watch*


Clare says "I can't die, i can't get hurt, I can't feel pain.." ... even though she said that she could feel pain in the previous episode(s), non?


Sylar being a goodie? Pfffffffffffffffffft. Being 'adopted? Pfffffffffffft. I look forward to watching season 1 again after this is all over and laughing at all the WRONGNESS... I mean, why is he so nice?! ... But if I suspend my disbelief, I think the partnership is quite lolsome with him and noah.


Nathan's family... where are they? Tsh!


Zomg micah! lol! Looks like nikki and Tracey are twins, then? So wtf who is jessica? imaginary then, I guess. But why is micah alone at the funeral? Where's his cousins? Aunt?


The nando/hiro thing... clearly some friction is being built up between them. Is it just my imagination to think ando and speedygirlwossername had some chemistry?


Why was clare struggling to breathe but her mum fireface was fine?


Stacey being called, what, baba?


Tortoise with a comic book!


... Ok, episode over. In general? well it's clear that they're overly willing to let a lot of logic slide in order to further the stories. The Parkman stuff is still hugely interesting; the music that does the Mendez stuff is intriguing, too. I just hope they don't keep him stranded for half the series like they did with Hiro last time.


Clearly a filler episode. Petrelli is back out of the body and missing again; sylar is back in level 5 with a new power. That guy Knox is still loose to keep the Villains thread going... Well to be honest I'm glad. I think this shows they have some form of restraint; not overly eager to shove too much into the episodes, yet there's enough to keep us occupied, despite the flaws.


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What are you doing?!?


Being awesome!



Pretty cool episodes. The Parkman stuff is cool, and the African guy is awesome.


What did Claire say when she was tortured? I couldn't understand her. Also, how come her Mum could breath fine?


Speedy girl is awesome. Cute, badass, and involved in the Hiro storyline - what more could you want?


The Tracey/Nikki thing is weird. Sounds like she is a clone of some sort, with them spread all across the country (like how the guy knew were Tracey was from). Remember the Nikki / DL relationship was deliberately set up by Linderman.


Overall, other than the traditional Heroes lack of logic, a good episode.


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Not everyone wants to watch the BBC3 show though, because then you have to sit through an episode you've seen each week to watch the new ep at 10.00pm.


I don't see anything wrong with 2 threads and it means people can just freely discuss everything and not have use annoying spoiler tags for EVERYTHING you write!!


Anyways, how come the U.S. got a double bill opening and some catch up episode...right?

And we just get one episode!

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Why not thought If you don't want to watch the BBC 3 show then you don't want to watch the BBC 2 show then?


And you don't need to watch the same episode each week, just watch it on BCC 3 instead of BBC 2. There's still a 2 episode premiere, it's just on 2 different channels.

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Not everyone wants to watch the BBC3 show though, because then you have to sit through an episode you've seen each week to watch the new ep at 10.00pm.


I don't see anything wrong with 2 threads and it means people can just freely discuss everything and not have use annoying spoiler tags for EVERYTHING you write!!


Anyways, how come the U.S. got a double bill opening and some catch up episode...right?

And we just get one episode!


Sit through the episode you've seen in the way you're required to watch The Restaurant the hour before the BBC2 episode?


Also, the Americans don't have a digital channel airing the "next weeks" episode straight after, so simply had a 2 hour first night. In Britain we like to milk the shit out of it so we show the same episode twice on different channels.

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... There's one thread because there's one thread! You don't have to spoilertag everything... Like, just use ONE tag. Most people have BBC3, and it's not like you never get to see it ever again - it's just a chance to be 'a week ahead'.


I really think that you're whining about nothing.

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