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Mirror's Edge


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that said...I'm waiting. Sorry, DICE. You picked a godawful week to put this out.

I don't think EA are that bothered, they know the game will probably do well in the long run, just not immediately. Enough for Mirror's Edge 2 to be in development already.




90% by PCW

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the idea of it being a more open world would have been great though, multiple routs, just dickign aound iff you want, which would be fun in such a seting. that said, assassins creed did just that and it was a snore fest.


from what ive seen of the shooting criticism, its on the grounds of wanting more, rathewr its on the grounds that bits you have to do are unnecciarily difficult due to fiddly controles.


i suppose you could argue it was deliberate to show that your a runner not a fighter, but still, why have such an increadable looking freerunning experience tied to a poor shooting one?


i will reserve my actualy judgment till ive played, but as im having to look after the pennies, it might not be for a while.


dude. Demo is out. We've all played it :heh:

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argh........ stop casting doubt on this! You're making me think about leaving it till a later date and picking up GoW2 instead. But I shan't. Need to support new ideas. Gah.... but I want GoW2. What to do? :confused:


Just go for it. Its an innovative game. Some have the game and say its brilliant.

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IGN's review is up. 7.3. Not bad. Although they seem to miss the point at some points in the review. They go on about how they wish the game wasn't so linear and more a huge open city and again the whole guns thing comes up again, although they did put it in a positive light saying they shouldn't really be in there.

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IGN's review is up. 7.3. Not bad. Although they seem to miss the point at some points in the review. They go on about how they wish the game wasn't so linear and more a huge open city and again the whole guns thing comes up again, although they did put it in a positive light saying they shouldn't really be in there.


Reviews are pretty bad in general. Best not to be a zombie.


I thought the demo showed how the game could captivate me in many ways. Plus its really dazzling and replayable. No reason for me to change my mind. Plus i enjoyed the setting and idea of runner's. Its chessy sure. But its interesting compared to what normally is out there.


More games should strive to do what ME is doing.

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IGN's review is up. 7.3. Not bad. Although they seem to miss the point at some points in the review. They go on about how they wish the game wasn't so linear and more a huge open city and again the whole guns thing comes up again, although they did put it in a positive light saying they shouldn't really be in there.


It's not 'missing the point', it's noticing how much potential there actually was in the game. If it does some things badly and could have done others better then it's a reviewer's job to point that out.

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I agree. I wish there was a little more openness in the game, a way to choose your own paths to take as such. It just doesn't seem as free as I'd hoped.


Yeah but people enjoyed the demo for being linear.



It's not 'missing the point', it's noticing how much potential there actually was in the game. If it does some things badly and could have done others better then it's a reviewer's job to point that out.


If reviewers really did their job properly then we would'nt have games like GTA getting perfects everywhere.


I suppose EA DICE should learn that same old gameplay, bigger boobs, more grunts, huffs and enemies as insects would be best.

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gotta say, the review seemed pretty fair to me. reviews dont fit every ones tastes, some mags or sites i find hit it on the head most of the time, outher i think the exact opposite of.


the body of the review is what i tend to look in, in general. i take what they view as faults in mind, as well as what they say are good bits. i know, for instance that right now, short games arnt a valid option. i know linear isnt much of a problem to me, at least not if the games good in general. i know that story is important to me, and the taking gameing in a new direction is important.


im not following the crowd when i say the reviews have put me off the game, it could have scored 9-10 in most places but the 5-8 hour play times would still have prevented me spending £40 on a game id finnish in a weekend.



mirrors edge will have to wait, unless game still do there 10 day return polocy....



edit. just want to make it clear, i can see exactly why people would love this game. i love that its unconvetional, and that its trying somthing new. the art style (cut scenes asside) looks great. just not a good option right now.

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gotta say, the review seemed pretty fair to me. reviews dont fit every ones tastes, some mags or sites i find hit it on the head most of the time, outher i think the exact opposite of.


the body of the review is what i tend to look in, in general. i take what they view as faults in mind, as well as what they say are good bits. i know, for instance that right now, short games arnt a valid option. i know linear isnt much of a problem to me, at least not if the games good in general. i know that story is important to me, and the taking gameing in a new direction is important.


im not following the crowd when i say the reviews have put me off the game, it could have scored 9-10 in most places but the 5-8 hour play times would still have prevented me spending £40 on a game id finnish in a weekend.



mirrors edge will have to wait, unless game still do there 10 day return polocy....



edit. just want to make it clear, i can see exactly why people would love this game. i love that its unconvetional, and that its trying somthing new. the art style (cut scenes asside) looks great. just not a good option right now.


You havent even played the demo.

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ArsTechnica gives this a RENT verdict. I usually tend to agree with them.


The good


* Beautiful graphics, strong art style

* The sense of speed and momentum is breath-taking

* Complex, interesting characters

* It feels like something new


The bad


* It's over way too quickly

* The running is merely a repetition of the same few concepts and moves

* Graphics quickly begin to look the same

* Loading times kill your sense of momentum

* The elevators are intrusive and go against the entire feel of the game

* Story needed to go deeper into the world

* Some scenes seemed to force gun play on you


The Ugly


* Turn off the dot in the middle of the screen under options. This is what you focus on, and it helps to keep you from getting motion-sick. Without it I was green and spinny in about thirty seconds


Verdict: Rent



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You havent even played the demo.


so? dosent mean im not alowed to give an opinion. if i choose to make a decision based on reviews, all of whom seem to find the same faults, it's a fair bet i'd find the same faults. to me, the faults mentioned are critical given my situation financialy. the length is short, im not usualy won over by speed runs, so 40 quid for a weekend game is too much. the demo could be better then any game i've played, it won't change the fact that for a gamer on a budget, 40pounds is an unreasonadle price for 5-8 hours.

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ok played the demo and.... s'alrite. i mean, it was pretty fiddly, the controles felt kinda odd, but i didnt really have enough time with it for them to become intuative, so i won't get hung up on that. the dissarming WAS a frustrating and rather annoying aspect. i found the jumps were a bit too demanding, i mean, it was just the opening level and it had you jumping for a very small pipe, which was difficult to hit.


it was very good when you started getting shot at, but honestly, it felt kinda like a 1st person prince of persia, not a bad thing but not ground breaking.


was pretty linear, but i guess it would be difficult to give you a ton of routes to choose from. not the best game ive played in a while, but not the worst.

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Well I got my copy of ME on the 360 with my Fenchurch T-shirt from GAME in the post this morning and I can pretty much sum up the game so far in one word...




I have never got so flustered with one game in all the years I've had consoles. Maybe its just me but seriously, it is so annoying. I have been waiting for this game since I saw the first trailers back in May, loved the Demo and now the game is just so... AARGHHHHH!!!


You need absolute pinpoint accuracy and timing of your button presses or you just end up dead. The runner-vision hardly helps you at all - I've lost count the amount of times that I just don't have a clue where to go and Faith gets killed from about three gunshots. The biggest annoyance so far is what the 'B' button does. When you press and hold B, your pointer moves in the direction that your goal/destination is in. For the love of God DON'T press it while you're running. The camera spins to the direction of the goal and Splat! you're dead.


I'm slightly gutted and as you can probably tell really pissed. As I said it might be just me and that I'm shit at it but I'm fizzing right now. Achievements come thick and fast though and when its not being a bitch its still a great game. OK rant over.:(

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I received my copy of this today and... I just finished it. Bearing in mind I didn't get back from work until 5:30, you can probably imagine that it isn't the longest game in the world.


Now I'm going to be holding onto my copy as I'm interested in the Time Trials, completing the Speedruns and playing though again on Hard, but if you're on the fence about the game I'd definitely recommend either renting it or awaiting its inevitable drop in price to something nearer £20. There's just too much else already out or on the horizon for Mirror's Edge to be worth a day-one purchase for most people, and I can guarantee that there will be a lot of second-hand copies doing the rounds soon enough.


To be clear, I have enjoyed the game — and intend to keep on doing so — but it's something of an acquired taste, and in terms of value for money the likes of Fallout 3 are so far beyond it that I'm finding it hard to recommend buying Mirror's Edge right now. However, I'd urge everyone to give it a try and some point.

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