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Bloody hell. Just tried a speed run on chapter 1 - Flight and you have 6 minutes in which to complete it. I managed 7mins 42secs. How in the hell do you get under 6 mins? I mean there are a few sections where I could shave some time off (like in one bit in the offices I missed the jump and had to run the route again to get to it) but nothing that'd take my time much below 7 mins. I'll run it more after Uni but I honestly don't know how the hell I can do it.


Same for some of the other levels. The speed run on the boat level is 6 minutes. :shakehead . I'll try it but I doubt I'll get under that 6 min mark. Took me over an hour to do it non-speed run and that's because of the room with the vents and all the stupid hanging/jumping.

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Sometimes you can do some sections in ridiculous time. You'd be surprised.


one example, pretty late in the game is...


the decent in the stairwell/ foyer to get to your sister late in the game: the 'standard' route is to get past about eight cops by running laps and heading down the stairs. With a bit of thinking, I worked out you cna do the whole section in about 3 or 4 jumps going down the middle of the room on walkways. at least 1/4 of the time


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After a bit of practice, the combat becomes really easy... I completed the game on normal and struggled and got very frustrated at the combat sections, but then after that, and doing it again for the no-shooting-enemies achievement, I went through it a third time on hard, and it was a breeze, disabling enemies one at a time is no challenge at all. The combat is no longer a negative feature for me :) just something that took a lot of practice.


The speed runs are hard though v_v there's no room whatsoever for mistakes because the clock keeps ticking when you're sent back to a checkpoint. And you have to find the one and only perfect path.

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After a bit of practice, the combat becomes really easy... I completed the game on normal and struggled and got very frustrated at the combat sections, but then after that, and doing it again for the no-shooting-enemies achievement, I went through it a third time on hard, and it was a breeze, disabling enemies one at a time is no challenge at all. The combat is no longer a negative feature for me :) just something that took a lot of practice.



I found it cake on my first run. less than 5 seconds for any enemy. I guess people were expecting to stand still and just punch to work well. But thats pretty boring gameplay. All i did was flying kicks and slide kicks follawed by low or high punches or a disarm.

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sales poor?


ok, well heres a dutch site claiming poor sales of mirrors edge




poor transtlation asside, it makes slightly sad reading, whilst the game wasnt exactly the most appealing to me, i respected its different perspective.

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Man this game is now my most frustrating game of the year. Trying to beat 11 minutes on the Jacknife speed run, damn that's hard! At the end is a row of 3 pipes that seem totally bugged and don't work anything like the pipes on the rest of the game, you just jump right through them 95% of the time. That's even if I can get to that point without dying and screwing up my time completely.


The Speed Runs are not all that great, I really want to do it but its just a bad idea, they should've taken out the enemies or at least made them 'easy' difficulty. Last time I had a go, I got all the way out of the sewers in great time, well under 7 minutes, but died just after you come back out thanks to the dudes in white helmets with shotguns. Once you die, you're pretty much screwed since the timer carries on after the checkpoint loads.

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^ tried that one this morning. For the life of me I couldn't do the first bit where you go down into the sewers. I kept falling jumping for the swing bars. I know I could do it if I wallrunned but after dying several times I wasn't in the mood to try again. Still can't beat 6 mins on the Flight though. I'm 11.08 secs to slow. Don't quite know how to get better. Hell, I don't see how it's possible to get the 4:58 that the best player got.

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^ Chances are you're missing some shortcut. For example you can do a wall run rather than go up the stairs in the green office, and you dont have to jump to the building where the hidden bag is before jumping on the blue stairs on teh side of the building once you get outside, you can turn left and cut out the middle man. Just things like that save you a few seconds here and there.


Edit: shiiiit, finally did the Jacknife speed run, 11 minute aim and I did it in 10:58:73 O_O thank god I never have to do that again.

Annoying thing is, the best person has done it in 9:30, which means there must be some speedy route out there that makes it so much quicker, I just don't know what it is.

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The Mirror's Edge server is up and down like a yo-yo >.< I just want to play some Time Trial. I know! *unplugs xbox network cable* Ha, I win.


Btw I'm 9th in the world on The Boat speed run :D just before the scroll... probably not for long though :/

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The Mirror's Edge server is up and down like a yo-yo >.< I just want to play some Time Trial.

This is really undermining the game for me at the moment. I want to play it, but every time I put it in there's always some server related woes that make me take it out again; the time I got disconnected mid-Time Trial, thus being booted out of my best attempt yet, being a prime example.

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Been trying the Speed Run on the level that ends in that epic crane jump but I'm miiiiiiles off. Anyone know if I'm missing a particularly obvious alt route anywhere? There's one in the security firm level that cuts your time massively.
Did this one recently, at the very start run round the fence and under the sign, after the jump go around the fence in front of you to the right (using wall run and jump) and then you can run along a white walk way to skip out about 20-30 seconds at the beginning. When you get to the red and orange indoor section, you don't have to run up the stairs in the orange bit, you can go straight off the silver vents in front of you. After the vent cutscene, I like to grab the gun off the desk (with Y) and shoot the windows in front, turn left, climb the blocks, shoot the other windows out and then run through. After the 2nd zip line, turn 90 degrees right and run to the red pipes, to a wallclimb/turn/jump to the left of the first pipe to reach the second.


Err, then you get into a fight... disarm the guy on the left then shoot the other two... can't remember the rest of the level :/

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FINALLY completed the game on normal without shooting anyone. Totally the wrong way to play the game the first time through. Found a handily placed chair in the Shard server room which saved me a hell of a lot of hassle.


Started a new file to play through on Hard, and also to try and locate all the bags. I've only got two of the three on the first level and don't really know where to look, thus already I'm put off trying too hard to look for them. Really ought to try just play the game without any achievements in mind.

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